The Daily Broadside

Boxing Day!

Posted on 12/26/2020 5.00 AM

JCM 12/25/2020 2:36:04 PM

Posted by: JCM

lucius septimius 12/26/2020 5:48:56 AM
The baked beans and fried tomato part of the English Breakfast always made me want to hurl.
PaladinPhil 12/26/2020 6:42:27 AM
Good morning one and all. Taking the Squire to visit with his mother today. Snow Squall advisories or warnings all the way down. At least I am not hung over.
Kosh's Shadow 12/26/2020 8:31:40 AM

So, was the ATT building the target of the Nashville explosion? What communications did they want to cut off? Did they know it would shut down 911 calls in several areas?


Occasional Reader 12/26/2020 9:15:18 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 3:

The whole thing is very weird. The AT&T building is the only obvious “significant“ target, but of course I could be somebody who had a beef with one of the local businesses, or just picked that area for personal reasons, etc.

And while I’ve heard of bombings before where a warning was called in (the IRA used to do that with some regularity), I’ve never heard of one in which the vehicle holding the bomb was literally broadcasting a warning via loudspeaker.

Kosh's Shadow 12/26/2020 12:34:28 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 4:

BTW, when the King David Hotel in Jerusalem was bombed by the Irgun in 1946, the British were warned - but they didn't believe it.

(Note the hotel, at least the part bombed, was the British military headquarters, making it a legitimate military target)

The nearby French embassy was also warned to open their windows to prevent damage from the blast, and they did so.

lucius septimius 12/26/2020 12:46:40 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 5:

As I recall, the French were hosting a diplomatic dinner when the blast occurred. 

Occasional Reader 12/26/2020 2:04:23 PM

In #6 lucius septimius said: As I recall, the French were hosting a diplomatic dinner when the blast occurred. 

“That dessert was the bomb!“

Alice in Dairyland 12/26/2020 2:38:17 PM
Everyone must be in a Christmas Cookie Coma today.
Kosh's Shadow 12/26/2020 3:52:45 PM

In #8 Alice in Dairyland said: Everyone must be in a Christmas Cookie Coma today.


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