lucius septimius
2/20/2021 5:16:49 AM
Good Morning from sunny (albeit cold) Chambodia. I can tell spring is coming because I woke up at 5:45.
lucius septimius
2/20/2021 5:45:49 AM
No more farsi-cal breakies I see.
Occasional Reader
2/20/2021 7:37:08 AM
In #1 lucius septimius said: albeit cold) Well, whatever you do, just don’t go to Cancun. Because doing that is literally the equivalent of carrying out the holocaust and slavery and lynching, or something.
2/20/2021 9:09:58 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 3: I could only watch that the last few days and shake my head.
2/20/2021 9:27:38 AM
Kosh's Shadow
2/20/2021 1:16:00 PM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 6: Sometimes I wonder if the Democrats are using COVID as their Social Security "reform" package to have more money to spend on their favorite programs. (And I also wonder if part of the reason the Chinese developed it was the same thing, but they didn't have a cure ready for their top leaders when it got out)
Kosh's Shadow
2/20/2021 1:25:15 PM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 7: Remember, Democrats often accuse Republicans of doing something they want to do themselves. Years ago, they ran an ad that showed Republicans throwing granny off a cliff in her wheelchair.
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