The Daily Broadside


Posted on 05/13/2021 5.00 AM

JCM 5/9/2021 8:15:46 PM
Chocolate Quinoa

Posted by: JCM

lucius septimius 5/13/2021 6:22:11 AM
So when does disco come back?  
Kosh's Shadow 5/13/2021 6:49:59 AM

In #1 lucius septimius said: So when does disco come back?  

Shortly after they legalize cocaine

Occasional Reader 5/13/2021 7:50:53 AM

In #1 lucius septimius said: So when does disco come back?  

Donald Trump gives a very pithy explanation as to why Biden is worse than (even) Carter. 

Kosh's Shadow 5/13/2021 8:13:05 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 3:

Occasional Reader 5/13/2021 8:29:28 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 4:

And I'd like to suggest to Sleepy Joe what he can do with that award... 

lucius septimius 5/13/2021 8:54:54 AM

In #5 Occasional Reader said: And I'd like to suggest to Sleepy Joe what he can do with that award... 

You mean Drooly McShortbus?

Kosh's Shadow 5/13/2021 8:56:07 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 6:

Remember, he's the figurehead. Empty figurehead.

buzzsawmonkey 5/13/2021 10:07:14 AM

I just saw the New Wokie Flag, when I was driving the car back from the mechanic (new starter, parts + labor, $500; ugh).  

For the New Wokies, the "rainbow flag" with its false rainbow (one color of the true rainbow missing) is not enough; even the addition of two new stripes, black and brown for POCs (apparently, the faux-"rainbow," a supposed symbol of "inclusion," is not inclusive enough).  The New, Improved Woke Flag has a triangle field---like the one in the "Palestinian" flag---which contains the pink-white-blue of the "transgender" flag, flanked by the black and brown stripes, on the staff side of the now-familiar faux-"rainbow" flag.

JCM 5/13/2021 10:13:45 AM

JCM 5/13/2021 10:33:15 AM

Dangerous street races, takeovers a growing headache for police amid pandemic

In Seattle, hundreds of people took over the intersection just outside the Space Needle and KOMO Plaza last September where drivers took turn spinning donuts for nearly two hours.

Two hours?

More than enough to to block the entire area off, stop every car taking part and two them.

Tells me the cops are being told to stand down.

Kosh's Shadow 5/13/2021 11:17:58 AM

In #8 buzzsawmonkey said: The New, Improved Woke Flag has a triangle field---like the one in the "Palestinian" flag---which contains the pink-white-blue of the "transgender" flag, flanked by the black and brown stripes, on the staff side of the now-familiar faux-"rainbow" flag.

So when does the "Palestinian" part kill the LGBTQWERTY and transgender parts?

Occasional Reader 5/13/2021 11:19:20 AM

In #10 JCM said: Tells me the cops are being told to stand down.

The cops are too busy chasing down all those white supremacists. 

JCM 5/13/2021 11:38:21 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 8:

This thing?

Looks like a color pallet got hit by a train....

lucius septimius 5/13/2021 11:39:44 AM

Reply to JCM in 13:

So BLM and tranofascists taking over the LGBT movement?  Fitting, really.

JCM 5/13/2021 11:45:09 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 14:

What I find damn funny is how minorities and LBGT were treated in EVERY communist regime.

Yet that's what they are advocating for.....

Occasional Reader 5/13/2021 11:47:38 AM

Reply to JCM in 13:

These people are clowns.

The problem is, they're scary, dangerous clowns. 

buzzsawmonkey 5/13/2021 11:49:19 AM

Reply to JCM in 13:

That's the one!

Occasional Reader 5/13/2021 11:56:29 AM
Hooray, CDC may allow us to live like normal human beings again.  
lucius septimius 5/13/2021 11:56:57 AM

In #15 JCM said: Yet that's what they are advocating for.....

Not much you can do to fix stupid.

JCM 5/13/2021 12:03:04 PM

If anyone is interest what that confused mess means....

A PRIDE Flag Reboot
buzzsawmonkey 5/13/2021 12:05:57 PM

In #20 JCM said: If anyone is interest what that confused mess means....

It means that froggies proggies in the swamp keep saying "ribbit, ribbit re-boot, re-boot..."

Occasional Reader 5/13/2021 12:27:10 PM
I have been inundated with spam calls lately.  Y'all having the same experience? 
Kosh's Shadow 5/13/2021 12:37:36 PM

In #22 Occasional Reader said: have been inundated with spam calls lately.  Y'all having the same experience? 

Had them a few days ago (every 20 minutes for two hours), then I had the multifunction printer that is connected to the phone line for occasional fax use pick up one of them.  Mostly stopped. They must be coming from the same robocaller outfit, and once the system detects a fax tone, it decided it isn't a voice line and stops calling. Now I'll never know how to fix my compromised iPod account that I was supposed to have them fix before using any Apple device.

buzzsawmonkey 5/13/2021 12:48:48 PM

In #22 Occasional Reader said: I have been inundated with spam calls lately.

We'd like to talk to you about your car's extended warranty...

Kosh's Shadow 5/13/2021 1:01:12 PM

In #24 buzzsawmonkey said: We'd like to talk to you about your car's extended warranty...

Tell them you have a 1957 Edsel and see what they do. (Columnist tried this, and 1925 Model T, etc, and got hung up on)

JCM 5/13/2021 1:09:42 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 24:

One of the boys keeps getting them.

I give him a bad time about buying a Ford Taurus without permission or a drivers license.

Kosh's Shadow 5/13/2021 1:30:34 PM

Reply to JCM in 26:

I wonder what they'd do if someone said they had a Yugo or Lada?

Kosh's Shadow 5/13/2021 1:33:00 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 27:

Or a Trabant

Kosh's Shadow 5/13/2021 1:38:46 PM
Then there is this guy who hacked into some tech support scam centers and has even prevented people from losing their money
Kosh's Shadow 5/13/2021 1:40:26 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 29:

Reminds me of the time I was in line at the Post Office (before COVID) and someone was saying "I got a call that my computer was hacked. I don't even have a computer"

JCM 5/13/2021 2:27:30 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 29:

There are some good videos on YouTube of guys doing this. Also tracking down scammers and getting them busted.

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