The Daily Broadside


Posted on 07/24/2021 5.00 AM

JCM 7/17/2021 4:17:15 PM

Posted by: JCM

Alice in Dairyland 7/24/2021 8:37:32 AM

No comment necessary for this!  I believe this to be true.

Alice in Dairyland 7/24/2021 8:40:51 AM

I think someone copied Kosh or Buzz.  Sounds familiar.

JCM 7/24/2021 8:42:09 AM

Biden asked a question about defunding the police.

His answer:

“Are there people in the Republican party who think we are sucking the blood out of kids?!”
Alice in Dairyland 7/24/2021 8:42:32 AM

The Week in Pictures: Power Line

The rest of the Week in Pictures.

Kosh's Shadow 7/24/2021 8:57:55 AM

In #3 JCM said: Biden asked a question about defunding the police. His answer: “Are there people in the Republican party who think we are sucking the blood out of kids?!”

I had thought the dems were going to get rid of him because of his obvious dementia. But now I don't think they want Harris, either. Biden is a puppet, and they'll keep him around until he completely can't read teleprompter. Then they'll say he has to be isolated from COVID or something and use a deepfake on video. What will happen if he should meet another country's leader I don't know.

As for sucking the blood out of kids, it seems a lot of Democrats think that's exactly what Jews do. The old medieval blood libel.

Kosh's Shadow 7/24/2021 9:02:35 AM

Portable computer from 1981:

Osborne 1, 1981. 25 lbs, 65K RAM, 2 9.1KB floppy drives (link)

Needed to be plugged in to run

Kosh's Shadow 7/24/2021 9:30:47 AM

Reply to Alice in Dairyland in 4:

Occasional Reader 7/24/2021 11:26:09 AM

Reply to JCM in 3:

And even leaving inside his creepy answer, the Democrats’ attempt to gaslight us on this whole thing is absolutely shameless.

lucius septimius 7/24/2021 12:12:14 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 6:

Not all that different from my first "portable" computer.

Kosh's Shadow 7/24/2021 12:27:06 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 9:

But that one has a huge screen!

Kosh's Shadow 7/24/2021 12:45:57 PM

People complained Trump did not act like a President - but is this poor, demented figurehead acting Presidential?

Those propping him up are abusing the elderly and demented.

Kosh's Shadow 7/24/2021 2:02:45 PM

Started looking at software to develop some games  for fun (both in writing and playing).

Visual Studio integrates with the Unreal Engine - so I tried installing. The software Microsoft installed did nothing, but the one from the website is working.

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