The Daily Broadside


Posted on 08/02/2021 5.00 AM

JCM 7/31/2021 7:46:17 AM

Posted by: JCM

lucius septimius 8/2/2021 5:54:55 AM

Kids went back to school today -- first time "real" in person school since last April.  But they still have to wear face diapers.

I bet the teachers' unions' pension funds are heavily invested in face diaper stocks.

Kosh's Shadow 8/2/2021 6:25:41 AM
If they're teaching critical race theory, is it now Black to School?
Occasional Reader 8/2/2021 6:44:06 AM

In #1 lucius septimius said: Kids went back to school today

On August 2?!!

That is an hellaciously early (from a kid’s perspective) back-to-school date.

vxbush 8/2/2021 7:10:51 AM

In #3 Occasional Reader said: That is an hellaciously early (from a kid’s perspective) back-to-school date.

Morning, folks. 

Am I correct in thinking that the northeastern states generally don't start until after Labor Day? In the midwest, most folks are starting a week or two before Labor Day. 

JCM 8/2/2021 7:36:22 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 1:

Write on the face mask.... USELESS PLACEBO.

Occasional Reader 8/2/2021 7:44:18 AM

In #4 vxbush said: the northeastern states generally don't start until after Labor Day?

DC public schools, that's the case, they start the day after Labor Day.

My son's new school in Maryland, they start August 18.

But August 2?!  I've never even heard of such an early start date. 

buzzsawmonkey 8/2/2021 8:13:41 AM

Well, apparently there was a biggish anti-Israel rally in Bay Ridge, here in Brooklyn, this past Saturday---a neighborhood formerly mostly Jewish, Italian, and Greek, that has had a large influx of Arabs in recent years.  It is home to the charming Jew-hater and Islamist Linda Sarsour.  

And, both NPR and the BBC were in paroxysms today because the Israeli high court is apparently about to hand down an opinion regarding the housing dispute in Sheikh Jarrah in Jerusalem.  Both outlets referred to "occupied East Jerusalem," and talked about how the Arab families involved in the dispute "had lived there for decades," i.e., since the illegal Jordanian occupation that began after the 1948 war---but did not mention  that the Jordanians expropriated the land from the Jewish owners that they killed or expelled.  Plenty of condemnation of Israel for not "abiding by international law"---which, of course, the Jordanians never did.

JCM 8/2/2021 8:14:04 AM
Your Olympic Update.

So sad the disrespectful US soccer team loses... again.

Even more terrible the guy lifting weights as a woman loses... to a bunch of girls.

Occasional Reader 8/2/2021 8:19:48 AM

In #7 buzzsawmonkey said: and talked about how the Arab families involved in the dispute "had lived there for decades,"

So it's kind of like the "historically black neighborhood" concept. 

buzzsawmonkey 8/2/2021 8:26:45 AM

In #9 Occasional Reader said: So it's kind of like the "historically black neighborhood" concept. 

It is exactly like that.

Kosh's Shadow 8/2/2021 9:01:33 AM

In #10 buzzsawmonkey said: n #9 Occasional Reader said: So it's kind of like the "historically black neighborhood" concept. 

It is exactly like that.

Well, in the case of Israel, the former Jewish residents were displaced by force.

buzzsawmonkey 8/2/2021 9:32:19 AM

In #11 Kosh's Shadow said: Well, in the case of Israel, the former Jewish residents were displaced by force.

You should listen to my friend from law school, who grew up in South Shore in Chicago.  His parents, being good lefty-liberals, did NOT get the hell out when South Shore flipped from mostly-white to overwhelmingly-black in a single summer.  He, being blond, blue-eyed, and slight of build, got beaten up every day in high school by the new arrivals; it got so bad that he started calling up real estate agents, impersonating his parents, to try and list their house as being for sale.  His folks finally woke up to the point where they were willing to sell the house and move up to Evanston, just north of the city. 

There's an example of former Jewish residents having been displaced by violence, in what is now being called a "historically black neighborhood."

vxbush 8/2/2021 10:06:38 AM

In #12 buzzsawmonkey said: His parents, being good lefty-liberals, did NOT get the hell out when South Shore flipped from mostly-white to overwhelmingly-black in a single summer.  

About what year was this?

buzzsawmonkey 8/2/2021 10:13:02 AM

In #13 vxbush said: About what year was this?

Mid-Sixties.  I can't remember now which year, but I remember reading at the time about how the gangs took over the entire Southmoor Hotel, formerly the fanciest banquet/celebration venue on the South Side, and turned it into a drug-and prostitution sinkhole.

Little Michelle Robinson, later Obama, lived there; she was in elementary school at the time.

buzzsawmonkey 8/2/2021 1:01:51 PM
I'm thinking it's time to co-opt some of the commie lyrics from the Civil Rights movement and re-purposing them.  Properly done, it would both be useful as rallying points, and would also cause Leftist heads to explode---both good things.  Working on it; coming soon.
vxbush 8/2/2021 1:08:28 PM

In #15 buzzsawmonkey said: I'm thinking it's time to co-opt some of the commie lyrics from the Civil Rights movement and re-purposing them.  Properly done, it would both be useful as rallying points, and would also cause Leftist heads to explode---both good things.  Working on it; coming soon.

That is a *really* good idea. 

Kosh's Shadow 8/2/2021 2:22:20 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 15:

Here's one for protests for blackouts:

Power to the People!

buzzsawmonkey 8/2/2021 2:24:09 PM

In #17 Kosh's Shadow said: Power to the People!

I've been astounded for years that some electric utility has not adopted that as a slogan.

Kosh's Shadow 8/2/2021 3:13:54 PM

So, as I play around writing games, I'm thinking of a first-person shooter where you have to get the Hamassholes without hitting their baby armor or any civilians. Think that would go over or I'd be banned?

Kosh's Shadow 8/2/2021 3:24:59 PM

In #19 Kosh's Shadow said: So, as I play around writing games, I'm thinking of a first-person shooter where you have to get the Hamassholes without hitting their baby armor or any civilians.

And then force "Human Rights Watch" and other Jew haters to pass it before they criticize Israel again. I'm sure the Israelis could put malware on their computers that requires them to pass without injuring or killing a single civilian before any documents criticizing Israel can be sent.

Occasional Reader 8/2/2021 3:49:08 PM

In #19 Kosh's Shadow said: Think that would go over or I'd be banned?


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