The Daily Broadside


Posted on 02/09/2022 5.00 AM

JCM 2/5/2022 12:46:27 PM

Posted by: JCM

Occasional Reader 2/9/2022 6:40:47 AM

Good morning. Looks like the Chinese communists are really putting their best foot forward:

Kosh's Shadow 2/9/2022 6:53:12 AM

In #1 Occasional Reader said:

What wrong with flied lice?

Kosh's Shadow 2/9/2022 6:54:27 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 1:

PJM article on that; includes picture

Occasional Reader 2/9/2022 7:36:54 AM

In #3 Kosh's Shadow said: PJM article on that; includes picture

Yes, I saw that.  Yum!  Makes an MRE look positively 3-star Michelin.

buzzsawmonkey 2/9/2022 7:51:33 AM
Who won the gold at the Olympic turnstile-jumping event?  A New Yorker, I bet.
Occasional Reader 2/9/2022 7:58:01 AM

In #5 buzzsawmonkey said: Who won the gold at the Olympic turnstile-jumping event?  A New Yorker, I bet.

Yes, and it was a NYC team that also took the gold in the Squeegee Relay. 

Kosh's Shadow 2/9/2022 8:03:44 AM
How about an article on more appetizing food?
JCM 2/9/2022 8:12:18 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 7:

A whole racist article justifying cultural appropriation!


Now I'm hungry... thanks!

Occasional Reader 2/9/2022 8:17:41 AM

In #7 Kosh's Shadow said: How about an article on more appetizing food?

End the Zionist occupation of Pizza!




Occasional Reader 2/9/2022 8:20:18 AM
As it happens, I'm meeting friends tonight for pizza n' beer.  This being National Pizza Day (supposedly) was just a coincidence.
lucius septimius 2/9/2022 9:45:52 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 10:

For lunch I'm having the leftovers of the pizza I made this weekend.  I'm making pita bread tonight for dinner -- I guess that sort of counts as "pizza" doesn't it?

vxbush 2/9/2022 9:52:16 AM

In #11 lucius septimius said: For lunch I'm having the leftovers of the pizza I made this weekend.  I'm making pita bread tonight for dinner -- I guess that sort of counts as "pizza" doesn't it?

Sure. Any bread-like base with any items on one side of it qualifies as pizza. 

Occasional Reader 2/9/2022 9:56:34 AM

In #11 lucius septimius said: I'm making pita bread tonight for dinner

I hope it turns out to be easy-to-make bread, instead of PITA bread.. 

Kosh's Shadow 2/9/2022 10:41:23 AM

In #11 lucius septimius said: I'm making pita bread tonight for dinner

CULTURAL APPROPRIATION! Stolen from the Palestinians who invented it 6000 years ago!!!!!!//////////

lucius septimius 2/9/2022 10:51:53 AM

In #14 Kosh's Shadow said: CULTURAL APPROPRIATION! Stolen from the Palestinians who invented it 6000 years ago!!!!!!//////////

Yep.  I fully embrace and celebrate my neoimperialist colonizing culinary ventures.

JCM 2/9/2022 11:42:56 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 15:

Colonize the tasty foods!

Occasional Reader 2/9/2022 11:46:40 AM

In #15 lucius septimius said: Yep.  I fully embrace and celebrate my neoimperialist colonizing culinary ventures.

There's nothing tastier than fresh Naqba Buns, hot out of the oven. 

Occasional Reader 2/9/2022 12:40:57 PM

Hey, it occurs to me, if someone hasn't already done a Steely Dan hommage song titled "Glock 19", it's long overdue.

Glock 19
Yes, we can shoot together...

vxbush 2/9/2022 12:58:53 PM

In #18 Occasional Reader said: Hey, it occurs to me, if someone hasn't already done a Steely Dan hommage song titled "Glock 19", it's long overdue.

I would rather be checking into that, but I'm stuck working on automating a difficult printer installation. The manufacturer didn't follow the standard protocol for setting these up, and now I'm seriously annoyed trying to program around it. 

doppelganglander 2/9/2022 1:10:19 PM
So I failed to mention I was in a car accident last week. It was my own dumb fault - my foot slipped off the brake onto the gas and hit the wall of the parking garage. I'm fine except for some bruises. Today the insurance company decides to total the car, mainly because the airbags went off. I have coverage to pay the difference between the car's value and the loan balance, up to a certain limit. But it's the aggravation of finding a car that I can afford, because used car prices are ridiculous. I swear, every time I turn around I'm getting royally fucked one way or another because I'm an idiot. 
Occasional Reader 2/9/2022 1:18:14 PM

Reply to doppelganglander in 20:

Wow.  To state the trite but true; the important thing is, you're okay.

Kosh's Shadow 2/9/2022 1:19:37 PM

Reply to vxbush in 19:

What printer brand? We generally use Canon, and that generally works, even on Linux, although it did need a couple of updates for Win11, but that was for the scanner function.

Kosh's Shadow 2/9/2022 1:20:24 PM

Reply to doppelganglander in 20:

Glad you are OK. 

Kosh's Shadow 2/9/2022 1:21:18 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 18:

I had thought of a song from an old movie, "How Are Things in Glock Amore?"

vxbush 2/9/2022 1:36:42 PM

In #20 doppelganglander said: I swear, every time I turn around I'm getting royally fucked one way or another because I'm an idiot. 

Well, I think we have ample evidence showing that you are NOT an idiot. What you are is human, and unfortunately that rears its head from time to time. Glad to hear you are okay. 

vxbush 2/9/2022 1:40:10 PM

In #22 Kosh's Shadow said: What printer brand? We generally use Canon, and that generally works, even on Linux, although it did need a couple of updates for Win11, but that was for the scanner function.

Not Canon, not HP. A different brand rarely used in enterprise work, for this reason. 

Kosh's Shadow 2/9/2022 1:55:52 PM

In #26 vxbush said: A different brand rarely used in enterprise work, for this reason

Oh, Brother! (maybe the brand)

buzzsawmonkey 2/9/2022 2:32:28 PM

In #27 Kosh's Shadow said: Oh, Brother! (maybe the brand)

...Where Art Thou?

Kosh's Shadow 2/9/2022 2:36:18 PM

Strangest printer I ever used was a Versatec electrostatic printer/plotter, circa 1975

Wrote software to plot star maps. The first paying software job I had (summer job in college).

It had a row of electrodes that charged coated paper that then went through toner. Very expensive paper and toner.

doppelganglander 2/9/2022 2:57:12 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 21:

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 23:

Thank you. 

doppelganglander 2/9/2022 3:02:26 PM

Reply to vxbush in 25:

Thanks. I am not a good driver, and I'm particularly bad at parking. I felt rattled by this in part because I saw a neurologist two weeks ago to evaluate a tremor that I've had for years that seems to be getting worse. She thinks it's simply essential tremor, and while it may get worse as I age, it's not an indication of anything more serious. It's just nerve-wracking because it affects my fine motor coordination, especially in the morning, and I still wonder if it's not something worse. At this point, I'm just likely to end up resembling Martin Short's impression of Katharine Hepburn, which is annoying and a little embarrassing. 

Alice in Dairyland 2/9/2022 4:28:46 PM

Reply to doppelganglander in 20:

Glad to hear you weren't hurt.  I hear you about the price of used vehicles now.  We've been looking to replace our truck for over a year.  Prices are up between 30%-40% from two years ago.  One guy said he bought a new car 3-4 years ago and sold it for more than he originally paid for it!  Prices aren't supposed to start coming down for another year at least.  Hope our truck doesn't die before then.

Oh yeah, another thing - never, ever, ever admit it was your own dumb fault!

buzzsawmonkey 2/9/2022 4:54:04 PM

Does Anthony Fauci get to throw out the first pitch of the baseball season? After all, he's a veritable Disease Dean.

buzzsawmonkey 2/9/2022 4:55:58 PM
"Ivor McTin" would be a fun posting nic...
Kosh's Shadow 2/9/2022 4:58:59 PM

In #32 Alice in Dairyland said: never, ever, ever admit it was your own dumb fault!

Tell that to Jimmy Buffett - jukebox 

doppelganglander 2/9/2022 5:06:00 PM

Reply to Alice in Dairyland in 32:

It was my fault - there was no other vehicle involved.

My boyfriend started searching for possible replacements. He found a couple of Corollas that were more expensive than the Camry that I bought a year ago. I just want a similar car at a similar price, but it's not looking good.

Kosh's Shadow 2/9/2022 5:06:38 PM

Having network problems. One Netgear DSL mode/router/access point had poor internet performance; Verizon gave me one for free. Better internet connection, but crappy ability to pass data internally; backups went from 30 min to 2 or more hours, so I set up the old router as just a router/access point.

It crapped out three times today. Ordered a new one. Use the Verizon as a DSL modem as it is but I'll have a better internal connection.

Really need professional gear here at home, but don't have the $.

Kosh's Shadow 2/9/2022 5:10:47 PM

Reply to doppelganglander in 36:

Gave up on used cars years ago. We have 2 Honda Fits. One is now 10 years old but can't afford to replace it. Still running well, though.

Newer car is 5 years old in April. Replaced a Civic with a Fit so we could see what was around us; the older Civic was so bad my wife wouldn't drive it and the then new model was worse.

The Fit deserves its name. Wife's colleague had a motor scooter break down and we got it in the back seat (Seats folded up and the door was ajar but could get it to his home)

Another trip to a wholesale club had TWO shopping carts full that fit in the car.

Saw a review that called the Fit a "Cardis" after Dr. Who's Tardis, which is bigger inside than outside.

doppelganglander 2/9/2022 5:53:34 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 38:

I'm a Toyota girl. This was my fourth Toyota and second Camry. This one only had 28K miles on it, and the ones I'm seeing are 50-60K for about the same price. Fuck Joe Biden and every person who voted for him.

Kosh's Shadow 2/9/2022 6:11:02 PM

In #39 doppelganglander said: Fuck Joe Biden and every person who voted for him.

Let's Go Brandon!

Had Toyotas in the past. Will only buy Honda and Toyota, because they keep the dealers in line. Dealers with bad reviews lose their discounts. Those are the only companies I know of who do that.

An older Honda was bought at a dealer that also sold Volkswagens. Same service department. I saw the difference between the way they treated Honda and VW customers. VW could have been spelled FU. Very nice to Honda customers. FU to VW customers.

Kosh's Shadow 2/9/2022 6:12:58 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 40:

Years ago there was a Ford dealer that would take your keys to park your car while you looked, and NOT give them back until you bought a new car. Ford did nothing. I would have called the police and said they stole my car.

Occasional Reader 2/9/2022 6:13:22 PM
An interesting evening. I had dinner with four friends. One of them used to be fairly dogmatically leftist.  Now he says he’s listening to Jordan Peterson and is thoroughly sick of the dogma of the left.
Kosh's Shadow 2/9/2022 6:14:09 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 42:

He has not lost ability to think! Great!

Occasional Reader 2/9/2022 6:29:18 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 43:

Nice to see there is some hope out there.

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