The Daily Broadside


Posted on 03/29/2022 5.00 AM

JCM 3/26/2022 3:37:37 PM

Posted by: JCM

JCM 3/28/2022 3:52:37 PM
Kosh's Shadow 3/29/2022 5:19:30 AM

Reply to JCM in 1:

From behind the PJM paywall (that lets me through without paying)

The latest effort at gaming the system is a circumvention filing by Auxin Solar to the Department of Commerce. Their filing claims that certain solar panel parts originate from countries that should be subject to antidumping and countervailing duties on their importation. A very similar claim was made and rejected last year, but as long as the system entertains these claims, they will keep coming.

The country in question is Communist China, so there’s likely a very good case to be made that there’s dumping going on.

Regardless, the authors warn that “if the complainant is successful, solar energy will become as much as two to three times more expensive than it was just one year ago.”

And it isn’t like solar was exactly cheap last year.

Kosh's Shadow 3/29/2022 5:32:38 AM

Looks like the Russians are going to reduce their objectives in Ukraine and claim victory

"The main tasks of the first stage of the operation have been completed," Russia's Sergei Shoigu said, according to TASS. The degraded conditions of Ukraine's military would "allow us to focus our main attention and efforts on achieving the main goal — the liberation of Donbas."

The Russian military seems quite degraded, too.

vxbush 3/29/2022 5:55:15 AM

In #3 Kosh's Shadow said: The degraded conditions of Ukraine's military would "allow us to focus our main attention and efforts on achieving the main goal — the liberation of Donbas."

Will anyone call them on it, though? 

Morning, campers. JCM, I still can't see your #1 image. 

Occasional Reader 3/29/2022 5:55:18 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 3:

now is the time for Ukraine to launch a counteroffensive, and conquer Russia…

Kosh's Shadow 3/29/2022 5:56:31 AM

In #4 vxbush said: JCM, I still can't see your #1 image. 

It is an embedded youtube video. Not sure why that doesn't work for you.

vxbush 3/29/2022 6:31:40 AM

In #6 Kosh's Shadow said: It is an embedded youtube video. Not sure why that doesn't work for you.

I'm on a Mac, and lately YouTube doesn't want to play nicely with embeds. 

JCM 3/29/2022 7:25:22 AM

Reply to vxbush in 4:

Direct link...

JCM 3/29/2022 7:26:34 AM

Reply to vxbush in 7:

Safari or Chrome? I'm on a Mac too.

Occasional Reader 3/29/2022 7:51:14 AM

Pet peeve: Overuse/abuse of the phrase "in real time".   

I just had a voicemail from a colleague, in which she asks that we speak "in real time".  Well... sure.  All my in-person telephone conversations happen "in real time".  

JCM 3/29/2022 8:49:09 AM
Biden's $5.8 Trillion budget only enforces my opinion that the economic destruction by the Biden puppeteers is intentional.
Kosh's Shadow 3/29/2022 8:58:16 AM

In #11 JCM said: Biden's $5.8 Trillion budget only enforces my opinion that the economic destruction by the Biden puppeteers is intentional.

It was obvious by the two blathering idiot candidates that the goal was destruction of the US. 

buzzsawmonkey 3/29/2022 9:07:58 AM

Reply to JCM in 1:

Only facile fools fight fossil fuels.

vxbush 3/29/2022 9:35:53 AM

In #9 JCM said: Safari or Chrome? I'm on a Mac too.


Occasional Reader 3/29/2022 9:55:30 AM

In #14 vxbush said: Safari

"One morning I downloaded an elephant in my pajamas..."

Kosh's Shadow 3/29/2022 10:15:14 AM

The studies that were used to justify the California Ethnic Studies courses were poorly designed, carried out, and selectively interpreted to support the desired results.

to two studies commonly cited by advocates to justify the measure, claiming the research shows that ethnic studies courses “boost student achievement over the long run—especially among students of color.” The studies—one from 2017 by Thomas Dee of Stanford University and Emily Penner of University of California, Irvine, the other a follow-up from 2021 by Dee, Penner, and Sade Bonilla of the University of Massachusetts, Amherst—purport to show that ninth-grade students who took an ethnic studies course in San Francisco public schools experienced dramatic short-term and long-term academic benefits. The studies also make the stunning claim that the ethnic studies course causes an average increase of 1.4 GPA points, miraculously turning C students into B+ students.

But the experiment on which these conclusions are based is so muddled, and the data reported is so ambiguous, that in fact they support no conclusion, either positive or negative, about the effects of this particular ethnic studies course in these particular schools and times. Indeed, not even the lead author claims that the studies provide a basis for establishing ethnic studies mandates for all students. 

Second, the articles are shrouded in a great deal of highly technical jargon. The methods employed appear to be highly sophisticated, but the results are cherry-picked, model checks aren’t made, and the fundamental absurdity of reporting such large effect size is ignored. One needs to read closely, and to be familiar with how regression discontinuity analysis is properly done, to readily see the authors’ sudden jumps in logic, and their errors of methodology and analysis. 

JCM 3/29/2022 10:35:45 AM

Reply to vxbush in 14:

In the Safari -> Perferences -> Advanced tab check Show Developer Menu.

In the Developer Menu -> User Agent -> Select Google Chrome Mac.

Restart Safari.

See if that works for ya.

buzzsawmonkey 3/29/2022 10:53:05 AM

Joe Biden endorses electrickle-down theory.

Kosh's Shadow 3/29/2022 10:55:41 AM

In #11 JCM said: Biden's $5.8 Trillion budget only enforces my opinion that the economic destruction by the Biden puppeteers is intentional.

And his recent statements about Russia make me wonder if he is being directed to start WWIII. I don't know who would want that. Maybe the Mad Mullahs for the Mahdi, and there are certainly people in the administration who suck up to them.

Kosh's Shadow 3/29/2022 11:07:09 AM

Psaki Reminds Reporters That Biden Doesn't Speak For The President Of The United States

"But Jen!" said a feisty Peter Doocy, "Don't you think these inconsistent statements could cause World War III and unleash CRT on our kids all at once? Why did Biden have to walk back his statements?"

"We would like to walk back the statement that we have ever walked back any statements," said a frustrated Psaki. "But if you find any statements that we have walked back let me know and we'll circle back later to walk back our walk-back." 

JCM 3/29/2022 11:11:17 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 20:

So Babyon Bee is no reporting news?!

I'm mean it's great satire, but it so close to what is actually happening, it scary at the same time.

Kosh's Shadow 3/29/2022 12:03:43 PM

In #21 JCM said: I'm mean it's great satire, but it so close to what is actually happening, it scary at the same time.

Like this one

Teachers Who Insist They're Not Teaching Your Kid About Sex Also Weirdly Outraged By Ban On Teaching Your Kid About Sex

ORLANDO, FL—On July 1st, teachers throughout Florida will no longer be permitted to encourage discussions about sex with children in grades kindergarten through grade 3. Florida teachers have been adamant that they've never encouraged such discussions in their classrooms but they are weirdly outraged that they will no longer be able to.

vxbush 3/29/2022 12:17:42 PM

Reply to JCM in 17:

Developer menu is already enabled, and I'm sure Google would vastly play nicer if I pretend to be using Chrome. 

Grrrr. It rankles me, though. 

buzzsawmonkey 3/29/2022 12:24:30 PM
Jukebox, just to be contempo:  Bald-Headed Mama
vxbush 3/29/2022 12:58:35 PM
Lots of information regarding the Russia-Ukraine situation here with citations to articles in some places. 
vxbush 3/29/2022 1:01:37 PM

Reply to vxbush in 25:

Be warned--the author takes an anti-Israel stance: 

Not to mention that in the last ten years Israel has repeatedly hit military targets in Syria, Iran and Lebanon to prevent the creation of a hostile armed front on its northern border, and yet no nation has proposed imposing sanctions on Tel Aviv.

A lot of this letter has information I've not seen elsewhere, but this statement seriously annoys me. The tendency for the countries around Israel to try and get rid of it doesn't seem to rise to the level of ethnic cleansing for this guy. 

Kosh's Shadow 3/29/2022 1:32:31 PM

Reply to vxbush in 26:

Blinded by the hate

Kosh's Shadow 3/29/2022 2:03:24 PM

This Florida neighborhood is being taken over by bunnies

I think my suggestion for a community Hassenpfeffer supper would not go over well.

Occasional Reader 3/29/2022 2:06:27 PM

Photo shows Biden's  "Tough Putin Questions" cheat sheet for presser.

buzzsawmonkey 3/29/2022 2:11:02 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 29:

The article misspells "bullshit points" as "bullet points."

Occasional Reader 3/29/2022 2:35:31 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 28:

Lots of rabbits come out at night in my NW DC neighborhood.

Also, in my nighttime strolls, I'm seeing more and more coyotes. 

I'm thinking the latter phenomenon might eventually reduce the former. 

Occasional Reader 3/29/2022 2:51:07 PM
I've decided that next time I'm asked on some random form to list my "Occupation", I'm going to write "Oligarch". 
buzzsawmonkey 3/29/2022 2:53:46 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 31:

Long-eared bunnies come out every night

Trying to find some green stuff to bite

The coyotes enjoy them to eat

For the rabbit-flesh to them tastes sweet

They will eat, every night

All the rabbits who aren't swift of flight

Coyotes, in DC,

They will eat every night, by and by...
---apologies to Joe Hill's version of "In the Sweet Bye and Bye"

buzzsawmonkey 3/29/2022 2:54:44 PM

In #32 Occasional Reader said: I'm going to write "Oligarch"

Oligarch and Stanligarch were a great comedy team...

Kosh's Shadow 3/29/2022 3:45:52 PM

In #34 buzzsawmonkey said: Oligarch and Stanligarch were a great comedy team...

They were always getting in fine mess-skys

buzzsawmonkey 3/29/2022 4:21:42 PM

In #35 Kosh's Shadow said: They were always getting in fine mess-skys

Laurel & Hardy in "Their First Mistake"---an eerie precursor to same-sex marriage.

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