The Daily Broadside


Posted on 09/26/2022 5.00 AM

JCM 9/24/2022 11:26:40 AM

Posted by: JCM

vxbush 9/26/2022 8:02:36 AM

Where are you slackers? I sleep in and eat a lazy breakfast and no one else has dropped in. Get to work! 

Kosh's Shadow 9/26/2022 2:06:27 PM

Reply to vxbush in 1:

Maybe everyone went to Rosh Hashanah services/

vxbush 9/26/2022 2:21:04 PM

In #2 Kosh's Shadow said: Maybe everyone went to Rosh Hashanah services/

Including OR? Huh. 

Kosh's Shadow 9/26/2022 2:23:44 PM

Reply to vxbush in 3:

Thus the / tag.

I read the services at home and found a Shofar service online. Not the same, but it works.

Occasional Reader 9/26/2022 2:30:48 PM
I did, too go to Russia Haagen-Daz services, or whatever!
Kosh's Shadow 9/26/2022 2:54:25 PM

In #5 Occasional Reader said: I did, too go to Russia Haagen-Daz services, or whatever!

At least you didn't to Ben and Jerry's, where the services end with "Next year in al-Quds"

(OK, the Yom Kippur services and Passover seders end with "Next Year in Jerusalem", not the Rosh Hashanah services, but....)

Occasional Reader 9/26/2022 3:05:49 PM
Ice cream puns?!  Don't throw me in that Breyers patch!  
Kosh's Shadow 9/26/2022 3:39:53 PM

Watch a spacecraft crash into an asteroid. Actual impact is expected at 7:14 EDT

(I believe the spacecraft computer is wearing a red shirt. Now, if it were HAL 9000 - "Sorry, NASA, I can't do that"

Kosh's Shadow 9/26/2022 4:17:36 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 8:

Boy, that alien waving its "arms" just before impact looked pissed//////////////////////

lucius septimius 9/26/2022 4:32:47 PM
Busy and largely unproductive day.  I hate those.
Occasional Reader 9/26/2022 4:41:26 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 9:

good thing you added those sarcasm tags, otherwise I would not have been able to tell!


Kosh's Shadow 9/26/2022 5:42:18 PM

Rosh Hashanah Jukebox

A still, small voice.....

JCM 9/26/2022 5:47:39 PM

Oldest crashed on his bicycle yesterday.

Spent yesterday afternoon and evening in the ER, and a good chunk of today seeing specialists.

Wrist, two fractures in the radius, one fracture i the ulna, right at the very ends of the bones, scaphoid and lunate bones also fractured. Also broken collar bone.

Surgery in a week.

Kosh's Shadow 9/26/2022 5:53:53 PM

Reply to JCM in 13:

Prayers for him

Nasty crash. The worst I got was a broken nose (never diagnosed as broken, but probably was)

Occasional Reader 9/26/2022 6:36:41 PM

Reply to JCM in 13:

Oh, geez.  I'm so sorry to hear it.  Wishing him a speedy and full recovery, and strength to all of you.  This will pass. 

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