The Daily Broadside


Posted on 10/23/2022 5.00 AM

JCM 10/22/2022 3:51:52 PM

Posted by: JCM

JCM 10/23/2022 9:51:46 AM

Voter suppression in Georgia is as successful as the Israeli genocide of the Palestinians.

Georgia Sees Record Early Voting Turnout Ahead of 2022 Midterms

Occasional Reader 10/23/2022 10:24:05 AM

Reply to JCM in 1:

History’s least-competent “genocide” ®

(i’ve been using that phrase since the days of the swamp)

JCM 10/23/2022 1:29:10 PM

Well that was fun... filed out a complaint against our insurance company over denying our claim when oldest's car got totaled.

While I was writing up the claim and organizing the documentation. Insurance company sent and email link to a survey asking how the claim went.

Bad timing.... ever time was "completely unsatisfactory" and in final comments I wrote, "I rather have wisdom teeth extract than deal with your company". Company is Safeco division of LIberty Mutual Insurance. Their customer service is non-existent, they only tell you to contact your agent, who never responds to anything.

End of the month I am switching to USAA. Better rates, and better reviews.

The other drivers company State Farm is trying to claim 70 / 30 split. The police report and state law clearly put it 100% on their driver. So far they've not responded to my counterclaim, which included copies of the police report and state laws pertaining to the situation.

We'll see. When my truck was totaled, it took 10 weeks to resolve, they low balled the estimated, left options off that my truck had, and couldn't even average the value of 4 comparable trucks they used correctly.

buzzsawmonkey 10/23/2022 1:36:40 PM

Spoke to a proggie friend-of-a-friend today.  In the course of the conversation I alluded to the influx of illegal aliens to New York.  He jumped on this: "They're not illegals!" he insisted;  "They're asylum seekers!"---and, in his worldview, just as legitimate as Eastern European influx of 100+ years ago.

I attempted, without success of course, to disable him of this delusion. Contrary to his belief, merely uttering "I want asylum" did not get someone into the US in the late-19th or early-20th century; there were quotas by country/ethnicity, and if the quotas were filled, or someone had certain diseases, or was "likely to become a public charge," one was turned away and sent back.

It is clear that the Left is trying to muddy and dilute the concept of "asylum," reducing it to a magical mantra/incantation that, once uttered, opens all doors---and, as usual, distorting/lying about history as usual.

Occasional Reader 10/23/2022 1:37:58 PM

Reply to JCM in 3:

as someone I know who used to work in insurance always put it; the business model for insurance is to take your money, and give you nothing in return, if possible.

JCM 10/23/2022 1:53:07 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 4:

Meanwhile a co-worker, born in the US citizen but of Mexican ancestry, can't get his family into the country. He married a mexican woman, has two kids has spent the last two and a half years trying to get them into the country, when talked to him last week he was up to 195,000 on the list of cases.

He is doing everything legally.

It ticks me off, all we ask is for immigrants to come legally. And when they do... this is the treatment they get.

Kosh's Shadow 10/23/2022 1:54:14 PM

In #5 Occasional Reader said: as someone I know who used to work in insurance always put it; the business model for insurance is to take your money, and give you nothing in return, if possible.

As a Monty Python sketch ended "Why-ho and up your premium!'

My absolute worst job was in a company associated with insurance.

Kosh's Shadow 10/23/2022 2:00:41 PM

Reply to JCM in 3:

1) If your agent doesn't return calls, get another one. Ours will help through the claim process; they are very attentive.

2) There is one nearby CVS which seems to be the only place within 20 miles that stocks a prescription my wife needs. I have had to pick it up there twice. The first time, it took them 10 minutes to find it; the second, over 20 - and the pharmacist had to go online to find a picture of the bag in order to find it. CVS sent me a survey notice shortly after. And even though I gave miserable ratings, it asked if I wanted to review the store on google. So I did. I also noted that another CVS was quite helpful finding the one place with it in stock. I hve already complained to CVS and got a generic "we informed the store management of your concerns" Next time, I am calling the good CVS and asking to have it transferred. If they can't, I will call the store with it, and ask if they can find it before I go there. And if I have to wait more than 5 minutes after reaching the technician to pick it up, I will tell them to deliver it and pay for it themselves. And file a complaint with the state board, the insurance company, and my employer.

JCM 10/23/2022 2:19:39 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 8:

When I called USAA I was talking to a person in less than 3 min. Their rates were substantially lower, veterans are a lower risk pool.

buzzsawmonkey 10/23/2022 3:24:59 PM

Reply to JCM in 6:

I guess it's too late for them to declare themselves asylum-seekers.

It was rather shocking to hear someone claim---falsely---that his grandparents were able to enter the US 100 years ago (or thereabouts) because they were "seeking asylum," and that their entry was the same as the illegals who swarm over the border and then invoke The Mantra.

He also tried to dismiss the New York City administration's discomfiture with their new loads of illegals as a mere quirk of Eric Adams, ignoring that "sanctuary" Democrats have all been complaining about having to deal with the results of their policies. 

I was at a tombstone unveiling, so I did not push any of these points---but it was disconcerting to hear this real-life example of what Orwell refers to in 1984 as "duckspeak" up close.

Kosh's Shadow 10/23/2022 3:34:05 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 10:

I also note that the US is letting in illegals from wherever over the border with Mexico, but sending back Cubans to Cuba.

As for "illegals" did nothing wrong, nope. I will accept children did what they were told, but crossing the border without permission is illegal. Thus, they ALL did something illegal.

And the result is, the American eagle is getting to be a sick bird - an ill eagle.

buzzsawmonkey 10/23/2022 3:36:48 PM
By the way, I posted something about Halloween decorations late last night in the pub thread.  Don't know if anyone saw it.
Kosh's Shadow 10/23/2022 3:40:06 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 12:

I did see it. As for the inflation devices, they are largely electric, but since they are air compressors, they will make a putt-putt noise.

buzzsawmonkey 10/23/2022 3:42:19 PM

In #13 Kosh's Shadow said: As for the inflation devices, they are largely electric, but since they are air compressors, they will make a putt-putt noise.

Even if the compressors are electric, the Halloween greenies are still materially increasing their carbon footprint.

Kosh's Shadow 10/23/2022 3:57:49 PM

In #14 buzzsawmonkey said: Even if the compressors are electric, the Halloween greenies are still materially increasing their carbon footprint.

Yes. I forgot to say that.

Of course, solar powered Halloween decorations won't work at night.

Kosh's Shadow 10/23/2022 5:49:04 PM

This house looks like this all year round:

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