The Daily Broadside


Posted on 01/09/2023 5.00 AM

JCM 1/7/2023 12:19:11 PM

Posted by: JCM

vxbush 1/9/2023 6:04:07 AM

Did my eyes deceive me? Did I see Reaganite post yesterday? Might he come visit today? How exciting the possibilities! 

vxbush 1/9/2023 6:07:25 AM
We know Nancy Pelosi was more at fault for what happened on January 6, but then the House made a move to prevent such problems in the future. 
vxbush 1/9/2023 6:07:50 AM

Reply to vxbush in 2:

Except that doesn't stop politicizing it; it just puts it in the hands of the police, who can be just as political sometimes. 

vxbush 1/9/2023 6:12:11 AM
Why do swimmers think they can avoid reality? Regardless of how she he does, he will be lauded for his strength of character. 
vxbush 1/9/2023 6:32:04 AM
Sometimes giving into the censors can make a point on its own
Occasional Reader 1/9/2023 7:38:52 AM

In #1 vxbush said: Did my eyes deceive me? Did I see Reaganite post yesterday? Might he come visit today? How exciting the possibilities! 

I missed that.  Cool!  I was in touch with him a few weeks back and pointed him to this site.  Yay, me... 

Reaganite, if you're seeing this; welcome "home"! 

doppelganglander 1/9/2023 7:52:13 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 6:

What a nice surprise! I hope he visits again.

vxbush 1/9/2023 7:54:33 AM

In #7 doppelganglander said: What a nice surprise! I hope he visits again.

I do, too! We need more voices and viewpoints, old and new. And no, I'm not calling Reaganite old! 

Occasional Reader 1/9/2023 8:50:18 AM

In #8 vxbush said: We need more voices and viewpoints,

It's also always good to have friends with access to high explosives... (OK, maybe he doesn't, so much, any more).

vxbush 1/9/2023 8:50:50 AM

In #9 Occasional Reader said: It's also always good to have friends with access to high explosives... (OK, maybe he doesn't, so much, any more).

Pshaw. A little sodium and water will do in a pinch. 

Occasional Reader 1/9/2023 10:53:07 AM
I'm hungry.
vxbush 1/9/2023 11:11:40 AM

In #11 Occasional Reader said: I'm hungry.

I would recommend you go and get sustenance, rather than chew your arm to get by. 

Occasional Reader 1/9/2023 11:16:55 AM

Reply to vxbush in 12:

But the 2nd Amendment guarantees my right to chew arms!

Occasional Reader 1/9/2023 11:23:14 AM

It occurs to me: Joe Biden has repeatedly declared he has a son who "died in Iraq". Since that does not describe any of his known sons, he's tacitly acknowledging at least one unknown one.


vxbush 1/9/2023 11:27:20 AM

In #14 Occasional Reader said: It occurs to me: Joe Biden has repeatedly declared he has a son who "died in Iraq". Since that does not describe any of his known sons, he's tacitly acknowledging at least one unknown one. Right?...

That sounds reasonable to me. 

Kosh's Shadow 1/9/2023 6:15:49 PM
Kosh's Shadow 1/9/2023 6:17:36 PM
Another jukebox
Kosh's Shadow 1/9/2023 8:27:01 PM

The US has a Wiemar Republic vibe, but that didn't even have transgender shit.

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