The Daily Broadside


Posted on 05/03/2023 5.00 AM

JCM 4/29/2023 6:15:35 PM

Posted by: JCM

vxbush 5/3/2023 5:45:39 AM
vxbush 5/3/2023 5:48:17 AM
Sure as Shooting: Dem-Run DC Hits 72nd Homicide in 122 Days
vxbush 5/3/2023 5:51:06 AM

White House says Biden will end vaccine rules on federal employees, international air travelers

Until the next time it becomes useful....say, 2024.....

Occasional Reader 5/3/2023 5:51:33 AM

Good morning.

Congressional Dems threaten to defend SCOTUS security:

vxbush 5/3/2023 5:52:59 AM

IBM to replace 8,000 workers with AI

I'll believe it when I actually see it. 

Occasional Reader 5/3/2023 5:53:58 AM

Reply to vxbush in 2:

 the average homicide suspect in DC has been arrested 11 times before. ”

I need to GTFO of here.

vxbush 5/3/2023 5:54:09 AM

1,500 Troops Sent to the Border as White House Denies Border Crisis

Has KJP lied about this yet? 

vxbush 5/3/2023 5:59:43 AM

In #4 Occasional Reader said: Congressional Dems threaten to defend defund SCOTUS security:

I think I fixed it. Given how much Democrats like the deaths from abortions, I have to assume this is just par for the course; Dems will use every trick they can conjure to get what they want. There is no desire for "bipartisanship" if they can get away without. it. 

vxbush 5/3/2023 6:05:03 AM

In #6 Occasional Reader said: I need to GTFO of here.

That would seem a wise idea.

Occasional Reader 5/3/2023 6:06:23 AM

Reply to vxbush in 8:

Thank you.  Voice transcription error.

Occasional Reader 5/3/2023 6:07:25 AM

Reply to vxbush in 8:

They want conservative justices assassinated, so that Pedo Joe can nominate leftist replacements.

vxbush 5/3/2023 6:42:00 AM

In #11 Occasional Reader said: They want conservative justices assassinated, so that Pedo Joe can nominate leftist replacements.

Now, for a normal human, if you were figuring out how to kill someone, you would be arrested for attempted murder, right? But because they have this more than one step removed from the actual process, they aren't arrested--not to mention that these calls are from the people in power. 

Power uber alles.

JCM 5/3/2023 7:10:07 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 11:

I watch a bit of the Thomas hearing. Justice took trips on someone else's dime. Turn out it's common practice for justices.

Pure political hatchet job.

Should justices be taking trips paid for by others? Probably not.

The corruption is with the (D)s going after justices they disagree with.

vxbush 5/3/2023 7:41:20 AM
The bad cat has a different take on the "AI will take over jobs" theory
vxbush 5/3/2023 7:54:15 AM

In #13 JCM said: I watch a bit of the Thomas hearing. Justice took trips on someone else's dime. Turn out it's common practice for justices. Pure political hatchet job. Should justices be taking trips paid for by others? Probably not. The corruption is with the (D)s going after justices they disagree with.

It's not just justices. I believe just about everyone in DC has a donor aka sugar daddy who gives them perks like this. 

JCM 5/3/2023 8:39:10 AM

Iran getting uppity.

Iran seizes second oil tanker in a week in Gulf, US Navy says

buzzsawmonkey 5/3/2023 10:12:51 AM

In #13 JCM said: The corruption is with the (D)s going after justices they disagree with.

In other words, create a generally-accepted practice which is on the margin, and then weaponize it when it can be used to attack someone with whom you disagree.

vxbush 5/3/2023 10:42:18 AM

In #17 buzzsawmonkey said: In other words, create a generally-accepted practice which is on the margin, and then weaponize it when it can be used to attack someone with whom you disagree.


Occasional Reader 5/3/2023 11:04:12 AM

In #15 vxbush said: I believe just about everyone in DC has a donor aka sugar daddy who gives them perks like this. 

Well, then, dammit, I'm missing out.

Occasional Reader 5/3/2023 11:22:55 AM
buzzsawmonkey 5/3/2023 11:41:47 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 20:

There are so many streets named "Peachtree" in Atlanta, it will be astounding if the police find the right one.

Occasional Reader 5/3/2023 12:23:31 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 21:

This is the one with all the pollen on it.

/oh, wait, doesn't help, does it

vxbush 5/3/2023 12:39:29 PM

In #19 Occasional Reader said: Well, then, dammit, I'm missing out.

You aren't hanging out in the correct circles, dontcha know.

vxbush 5/3/2023 12:54:14 PM

In #22 Occasional Reader said: This is the one with all the pollen on it. /oh, wait, doesn't help, does it


doppelganglander 5/3/2023 2:14:40 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 20:

This one's a mess. He escaped the initial scene and was last spotted in the Northwestern suburbs so people are flipping out everywhere. My ex's office is on lockdown (thankfully he was working from home today). We've both had friends and family out of state texting to make sure we're okay.

JCM 5/3/2023 2:46:34 PM

Reply to doppelganglander in 25:

Shooting suspect is a black male.

This will disappear rapidly.

JCM 5/3/2023 5:30:12 PM

Kremlin drone: Zelensky denies Ukraine attacked Putin or Moscow

Smells staged as all heck to give Putin "justification" for an escalation.

Kosh's Shadow 5/3/2023 5:58:21 PM

In #27 JCM said: Smells staged as all heck to give Putin "justification" for an escalation.

There are a lot of Russians who would like to be rid of Ras-Putin, too.

Kosh's Shadow 5/3/2023 5:59:24 PM

Gordon Lightfoot passed away yesterday

Jukebox 1

Kosh's Shadow 5/3/2023 6:10:33 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 29:

Gordon Lightfoot jukebox 2

Kosh's Shadow 5/3/2023 6:29:44 PM
Gordon Lightfoot jukebox 3

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