The Daily Broadside


Posted on 05/11/2023 5.00 AM

JCM 5/6/2023 7:05:37 PM

Posted by: JCM

vxbush 5/11/2023 5:43:23 AM

Good morning, campers. Stealing from Stephen Kruiser, as I usually do, he notes "The other big news in corruption yesterday, was the arrest of George Santos, the freshman representative from New York, which Mr. Green covered."

Green covers what Lincoln Brown wrote: "As my colleague Lincoln Brown wrote earlier this year, 'Santos is not the first member of Congress to lie, steal, engage in sexual antics, etc. What makes Santos unique is that he may be one of the only members of Congress to do them all.'”

He certainly is trying to competa for the most number of lies in a sentence against Biden. Who wins in that matchup? 

vxbush 5/11/2023 5:48:53 AM

Something I noticed in Kruiser's article about the southern border now that Title 42 is gone: he quotes Biden saying,

“We’re doing all we can,” Mr. Biden told reporters at the White House on Tuesday when asked if the U.S. was ready for the anticipated surge of migrants at the southern border. “It remains to be seen. It’s gonna be chaotic for a while.” 

So Biden seems to think, he knows....he has no power to make decisions in his presidency. No consideration of extending Title 42; no consideration of sending more than token numbers of military to the border; no rules of engagement that could actually get the border runners to consider not running for the border. 

The perennial question remains: who is running the show? 

vxbush 5/11/2023 5:50:15 AM
Another reason to despite the press: AP Claims Washington Law ‘Protects’ Children ‘From Parents’
vxbush 5/11/2023 5:55:12 AM
Did anyone watch Trump on CNN yesterday? Anyone? Bueller? 
vxbush 5/11/2023 5:57:13 AM
GAAAAAHHHHH. LGBTQInfant: Target Releases LGBTQ+ Clothes for Babies, Kids
vxbush 5/11/2023 6:15:40 AM

Terrorism advocacy? Texas A&M Received Almost $500 Million From Terrorist-Supporting Qatar

What is it getting for all that money?

vxbush 5/11/2023 6:20:33 AM
I so want to spend a day pitting AIs against each other: Google’s answer to ChatGPT is now open to everyone in US, packing new features
vxbush 5/11/2023 6:21:17 AM

vxbush 5/11/2023 6:23:23 AM

In #4 vxbush said: Did anyone watch Trump on CNN yesterday? Anyone? Bueller? 

I learned this from Sundance this morning: "CNN cried mercy and cut the Townhall short by 20 minutes, it was scheduled for 90 – they conceded defeat at 70 minutes and ended the broadcast." Perhaps, but they still got a lot of fodder to use against Trump, once they cut, paste, and splice. 

vxbush 5/11/2023 6:47:34 AM
The FBI has the evidence of Biden's bribery scheme, but they won't release it to Comer's committee. From Sundance. 
vxbush 5/11/2023 6:51:00 AM

FBI Used Congressional Staff as Confidential Informants and Human Assets to Build Case Against Congressman George Santos 

Holy cow. I have to admit I'm uncomfortable with this given what the FBI has done. 

JCM 5/11/2023 7:03:41 AM

Open Borders have consequences...

Snohomish County 1-year-old dies of possible fentanyl exposure

JCM 5/11/2023 8:26:12 AM

Work related....

Our ride is rolling out for static firing test.

Occasional Reader 5/11/2023 8:36:03 AM

In #5 vxbush said: GAAAAAHHHHH. LGBTQInfant: Target Releases LGBTQ+ Clothes for Babies, Kids

Target has been all-in on LG(etc.) grooming kids for years now.

Boycott Target. 

Occasional Reader 5/11/2023 8:40:06 AM

In #6 vxbush said: Terrorism advocacy? Texas A&M Received Almost $500 Million From Terrorist-Supporting Qatar

My own alma mater says, "hold my beer".

vxbush 5/11/2023 9:04:11 AM

In #15 Occasional Reader said: My own alma mater says, "hold my beer".

I wonder how much money has gone to that campus. 

Occasional Reader 5/11/2023 10:14:10 AM

Reply to vxbush in 16:

That’s only part of it. The Qataris have been showering the university with money for years now.

Occasional Reader 5/11/2023 10:22:28 AM

Charles Johnson goes berserk on SF BART train, wielding meat cleaver:

(Hey, that’s his name, what can I say.)

Occasional Reader 5/11/2023 11:10:02 AM

So what have y'all done to observe Nakba Day?

I think we should honor "Nakba Day" by telling Nakba-Nakba jokes.

Nakba, Nakba!

Who's there?


Hamas who?

Hamas a main dish is definitely a faux pas at a funeral dinner for an Islamic Jihad splodeydope!

JCM 5/11/2023 11:29:12 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 18:

Did attempt to escape on a bicycle?

vxbush 5/11/2023 11:55:55 AM

EPA to regulate emissions, pollutions coming from power plants for 1st time

Trying a new news site: Ground, which claims to have news articles from the left, right, and center. Not sure how they are defining these; I'll determine that over the next week. 

Occasional Reader 5/11/2023 12:15:12 PM

Reply to JCM in 20:

Speaking of which; someone at Insty commenting on that same story wrote: "Little green footballs used to be a slang term for green Xanax, which is the highest dosage available."

Anyone know if that's true (and if so, if it's the original of the swamp's name)? Just curious, all these years after the fact. 

JCM 5/11/2023 12:23:55 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 22:

That's the story and I'm sticking to it.

Occasional Reader 5/11/2023 1:21:56 PM

Ah, the Democratic Party, the party of "everyday Americans"*, blue collar honest workin' folks:

Hollywood mogul Jeffrey Katzenberg vows to deliver "all the resources" Joe Biden needs for reelection.


* To quote Hillary Clinton's hilariously tone-deaf 2016 campaign catchphrase

JCM 5/11/2023 4:26:30 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 24:

Gee that sounds like conspiracy to commit election fraud.

Kosh's Shadow 5/11/2023 5:59:07 PM

In #2 vxbush said: The perennial question remains: who is running the show? 


Leaked Emails Show Biden Administration Protected China During Spy Balloon-gate

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