The Daily Broadside


Posted on 10/14/2023 5.00 AM

JCM 10/7/2023 6:16:06 PM

Posted by: JCM

Occasional Reader 10/14/2023 6:57:48 AM

Good morning.  Reposting something I put up on Insty last night:

 I really don’t care about the Palestinians. There are all sorts of people in the world with problems; the Palestinians rank, very, very low on my “I give a sh!t” list. They sided with the Nazis in World War II, the Soviet Union during the Cold War, Saddam Hussein during both Gulf Wars, and with Osama bin Laden before, and much much more so after, 9/11. So my apologies that I’m not crying myself to sleep every night over the plight of the Palestinians.


To the extent that I do care, I note the following.

What the Palestinians need, in the immediate sense, is not economic opportunity, self-determination, or any of that.

What they need is crushing, complete, humiliating defeat.

Defeat of the kind suffered by the Germans and Japanese in 1945.

That is the only thing that will save them.

Occasional Reader 10/14/2023 7:59:22 AM

Buzz, an Insty commenter said: “ I see that the new instapundit setting disabling browsers using adblock is still in place.”

I wonder if that might have something to do with your issue.

JCM 10/14/2023 9:02:20 AM

In #1 Occasional Reader said: What they need is crushing, complete, humiliating defeat. Defeat of the kind suffered by the Germans and Japanese in 1945.

Followed by a lengthy occupation where the first show to behave, act civilized, learn to self govern, the slow gradual return to self governance. Prove every step of the way they are progressing.

Kosh's Shadow 10/14/2023 9:18:32 AM

In #3 JCM said: Followed by a lengthy occupation where the first show to behave, act civilized, learn to self govern, the slow gradual return to self governance. Prove every step of the way they are progressing.

After this, the Arabs need to be removed from Jewish land. No question. This cannot be allowed to happen again. The Germans and Japanese always had countires and identities of their own and could just keep what they had and decide to live in peace instead of losing more. THe "Palestinians" have shown their entire identity is based on elimination of Israel and justified by what is in the Quran about Jews. They have to be removed. Allowing them to stay in any way would be insanity.

The "two-state solution" as the West views it (Israel and "Palestine" living in peace) was never really alive; Hamas didn't kill it but mutilated its corpse. That should be taken off the table permanently.

And Israel needs to re-occupy southern Lebanon. Let the Christian Lebanese live there. No Muslims. If anyone asks Israel to let the UN be peacekeepers, they should be quite diplomatically told to go fuck themselves; they were at best useless the last two times. And by "diplomatically" I mean use the same words I just used.

Finally, any country, entity, or individual who supports Hamas should be considered giving aid and comfort to the enemy (even in the US - many Americans are among the dead) and individuals locked up or deported, groups (CAIR, SJP) disbanded with their assets going to those killed (not the terrorists), and countries being declared enemies with their assets also subject to seizure (other than embassies and consulates).

And the Iranians in the Pentagon should be turned over to Israel, with any evidence they modified intelligence to make Iran look better and mislead what Hamas was going to do.. 

JCM 10/14/2023 9:34:49 AM
75% partial solar eclipse... pretty cool!
JCM 10/14/2023 9:37:10 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 4:

Well said.

The reality the status quo will return to much the same as it has been for a long time.

Kosh's Shadow 10/14/2023 10:26:13 AM

Exclusive: Climate Expert Calls ‘Three Strikes’ Against Climate Alarmism

Junk Science’s Milloy explained the three biggest truths undermining the mainstream narrative in exclusive comments to PJ Media. “We are 35 years into climate alarmism, and we’ve had no global warming since 2015 despite 450 billion tons of emissions; no type of natural disaster correlates with emissions or warming; and no apocalyptic climate prediction has ever come true,” Milloy stated.

It’s time to admit the fraud. “That’s three strikes and climate alarmism should be out. But it’s still at bat and swinging because the fake news media shares its leftist agenda and will not call it out,” Milloy added. After all, governments can use climate change as a convenient excuse for increasing their power and control.

(emphasis mine)


Kosh's Shadow 10/14/2023 10:27:54 AM

In #6 JCM said: The reality the status quo will return to much the same as it has been for a long time.

The world will try to force Israel back to the status quo, but I doubt they will accept it after these horrors.

Any leftist cheering that Netanyahu might be on his way out should realize his replacement will be further to the right.

JCM 10/14/2023 11:33:51 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 8:

Your mouth to God's ear.

Kosh's Shadow 10/14/2023 12:01:41 PM

Today, Palestine; tomorrow Dar Al-Harb!

Hamas Chief Emphasizes That Israel is Only the First Target

Occasional Reader 10/14/2023 12:16:00 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 10:

Gosh, I wonder what he means by that?


Kosh's Shadow 10/14/2023 1:08:26 PM
Note to "Queers for Palestine" - when they say you should get stoned, they are not referring to smoking pot.
Kosh's Shadow 10/14/2023 5:04:27 PM
Completely unrelated to anything, but this song was playing while I was driving earlier
Occasional Reader 10/14/2023 5:11:40 PM



Kosh's Shadow 10/14/2023 5:44:04 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 14:

The IDF is the most attentive to not hurting civilians.

At this point, carpet  bombing is appropriate

buzzsawmonkey 10/14/2023 8:00:08 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 2:

I'm using Google Chrome, and I've never turned on an adblock function that I know of---but of course that doesn't mean that the browser didn't put something like that on all by itself.  

The problem didn't start until about 2 days ago, when I first noticed that when I hit the "flag & report" function the on Insty the flagging disappeared if I changed the page---and then I saw that while the posts seemed to be up in Chrome, and also appeared in my posting profile, if I used my old Safari browser (which I'm not logged into Disqus on), the posts do NOT appear.

That looks like a shadowban to me.

Kosh's Shadow 10/14/2023 8:03:37 PM

In #16 buzzsawmonkey said: That looks like a shadowban to me.

Who knows what evil lurks in the heart of the internet

The Shadow Knows!

buzzsawmonkey 10/14/2023 8:03:45 PM

In #15 Kosh's Shadow said: At this point, carpet  bombing is appropriate

Given who's backing Hamas and Hezbollah, make that Persian carpet bombing.

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