The Daily Broadside


Posted on 02/16/2024 5.00 AM

JCM 2/10/2024 5:34:37 PM

Posted by: JCM

vxbush 2/16/2024 5:37:48 AM

Using AI to censor the internet? Yes, and the plans are already drawn up. But the question is, how much is hype and how much actually works? The issue may be that it isn't so much what works as the intentionality, the goal. AI isn't as capable as some believe, and you can work around issues and limitations. But once AI learns something, it doesn't unlearn and it can't seem to correct itself even when programmers try to teach it to. 

No, the issue here is that the job is being managed by the NSF, which is an arm of the US government, and they are proud of what they are doing here. 

Occasional Reader 2/16/2024 5:45:23 AM

Report: Biden et al plan to reward Palis for 10/7 atrocity with a state, East Jerusalem as capital:

vxbush 2/16/2024 5:49:04 AM

George Soros is buying controlling interest in a bunch of radio stations, no doubt to skew coverage of the elections and make sure Biden gets re-elected. 

Wouldn't that qualify as a monopoly? Ah, well, even if it does, the Biden Administration won't go after him.

vxbush 2/16/2024 5:51:32 AM

Manchin/Romney '24? That's the Ticket!


vxbush 2/16/2024 6:12:04 AM

House Republicans Learn of Bank Account Used to Funnel Money to Joe Biden

Interesting paragraphs: 

According to Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.), the Chairman of the House Oversight Committee, this newfound information is part of a growing body of evidence that could potentially prompt Congress to issue subpoenas for Joe Biden's personal bank and credit card records.

“In one of the interviews — that we haven't, I don't believe, disclosed the transcript yet — the witness made reference to an account we didn't know about. We're researching that account,” Comer said in an interview on "Just the News, No Noise." “They also said that that account could have possibly been paid with some infusion from the grandchildren.”

Comer pointed out that, if true, it would be highly usual.

Grandchildren paying their grandfather? What?

vxbush 2/16/2024 6:12:58 AM

Reply to vxbush in 5:

My guess right now is that the Dems are going to continue to support Biden until all the state primaries are over, and then the knives come out. 

vxbush 2/16/2024 6:14:59 AM
And a nice list of the top reasons why Biden should not be elected president this year. How many of these things do people outside the conservative blogosphere know about? 
vxbush 2/16/2024 6:18:41 AM

If my article in #1 comes to pass, warrants won't be much of an issue anymore: What Constitution? See What National Security Advisor Sullivan Says About Warrants for FISA Searches

The goal is to have everything go through systems that are filtered and thus warrants are never needed.

Occasional Reader 2/16/2024 7:21:38 AM

Antarctica is the sixteenth holiest place in Islam, or simething:

JCM 2/16/2024 8:29:33 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 2:

Terrorism pays.

Occasional Reader 2/16/2024 8:40:13 AM

In #10 JCM said: Terrorism pays.

My spokesman will deliver my remarks on that. 

vxbush 2/16/2024 8:49:36 AM

In #9 Occasional Reader said: Antarctica is the sixteenth holiest place in Islam, or simething:

I would be perfectly happy to let them all move to Antartica. Go forth and be blessed. 

Occasional Reader 2/16/2024 9:21:32 AM

In #12 vxbush said: I would be perfectly happy to let them all move to Antartica. Go forth and be blessed. 

I'd like to see them try to impose sharia law on the Shoggoths. 

JCM 2/16/2024 1:17:41 PM

Shocking verdict in NYC.

Judge bars Trump from operating NY business, orders him to pay over $350 million in civil fraud case

If over valuing property is crime everyone who sold something less than asking price is a criminal.

Lefturds will no yell "see he's guilty he can't appear on ballots!"

No you twits it's CIVIL not CRIMINAL.

JCM 2/16/2024 2:08:50 PM

Harvard professor says ‘all hell broke loose’ when his study found no racial bias in police shootings

Professor Roland Fryer..... is black.

Occasional Reader 2/16/2024 2:11:05 PM

Reply to JCM in 15:

The black face of white supremacy!!!!

Occasional Reader 2/16/2024 2:13:43 PM

Reply to JCM in 15:

"The study found that police were more than twice as likely to manhandle, beat or use some other kind of nonfatal force against blacks and Hispanics than against people of other races. 

And that's ceteris paribus, or...? 

JCM 2/16/2024 2:18:08 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 17:

Exactly.... less likely to shoot but to control a situation use other means.

JCM 2/16/2024 3:15:55 PM

Not surprised.... in the least....

Disgraced ex-NAACP chapter head loses teacher job over 'intimate' OnlyFans page

Kosh's Shadow 2/16/2024 5:13:17 PM

In #19 JCM said: Not surprised.... in the least.... Disgraced ex-NAACP chapter head loses teacher job over 'intimate' OnlyFans page

I am surprised - that she could get any customers at an OnlyFans page. I'd pay NOT to see her.

Kosh's Shadow 2/16/2024 5:14:05 PM

Biden speaks at East Palestine, OH a year after the train derailment.

Did he ask for a two-state solution?

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