The Daily Broadside


Posted on 04/04/2024 5.00 AM

JCM 3/30/2024 5:17:03 PM

Posted by: JCM

vxbush 4/4/2024 5:43:09 AM
As if we need more evidence that "good Catholic" Biden isn't: Trump Allowed Worship Services at White House for Staffers, 'Good Catholic' Biden Doesn't
vxbush 4/4/2024 5:44:37 AM

3K Maui Fire Survivors Still Lack Housing

This is appalling, to be honest. 

vxbush 4/4/2024 5:49:39 AM

Conservatives, Stop Debating on the Left's Terms!

I think I agree with every point the author has made in this. We need to stop arguing from a position of weakness. 

vxbush 4/4/2024 5:54:54 AM

Parents Under Investigation for Raising an Independent Seven-Year-Old

I got in trouble when I was in junior high for being too independent. Today's culture sees any child alone as a bad thing. 

vxbush 4/4/2024 6:00:22 AM

The Orwellian Nature of 'Sex Assigned at Birth'

And in the New York Times at that. A small piece of sanity in an insane world. 

JCM 4/4/2024 7:50:31 AM

Tuberculosis breaks out at Chicago migrant shelters following measles cases

The confirmed tuberculosis cases come as more than 55 measles cases have now been confirmed in Chicago, with the majority of those cases being reported in the Pilsen migrant shelter on Halsted Street.

MIGRANT Shelter..... translation ILLEGAL ALIENS.

Occasional Reader 4/4/2024 8:29:41 AM

In #6 JCM said: in the Pilsen migrant shelter

Presumably they serve beer there. 

vxbush 4/4/2024 8:36:54 AM

In #7 Occasional Reader said: Presumably they serve beer there. 

What is the probability that they got that beer for free? 


JCM 4/4/2024 8:38:06 AM

Reply to vxbush in 8:

What's this line on my 1040 form..... beer deduction for migrants?

Occasional Reader 4/4/2024 8:43:24 AM

In #4 vxbush said: Parents Under Investigation for Raising an Independent Seven-Year-Old

I guess this is as good a time as any to reprise my musical response to a post by Robomonkey at C2 around holiday time some years ago, when he mentioned a similar incident involving relatively "free-ranging" kids n uber-blue Montgomery County, MD, which he referred to as a "fascist wonderland':

In the meadow, our kids build a snowman

But it happens when we're not around

Is it legal? Local law says "no", man!

Because our city councilmen are clowns

So, we're charged; we conspired

That the kids, who we sired

Would learn to be free

And that they would be

Walking 'round this fascist wonderland

vxbush 4/4/2024 9:01:29 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 10:

+++++++ Well done. 

I see some of the college age students today who simply don't know how to do stuff that I knew as a seventh grader, and I shake my head. 

Occasional Reader 4/4/2024 9:25:00 AM

Reply to vxbush in 11:

And yet, no, I do not let Little OR "free range" here in DC, even in our "nice" neighborhood, because there are just too many crazy people on the streets (both walking and driving).   When he's with his mom, OTOH, he's in suburbia/exurbia, a much nicer atmosphere for that. 

Occasional Reader 4/4/2024 11:51:33 AM

Israel calls up air defense reservists, blocks GPS over parts of Israel, over threat of Iran attack

My favorite part about the Biden era is all the World Peace. 
Kosh's Shadow 4/4/2024 4:57:22 PM

In #3 vxbush said: Conservatives, Stop Debating on the Left's Terms! I think I agree with every point the author has made in this. We need to stop arguing from a position of weakness. 

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Kosh's Shadow 4/4/2024 4:59:39 PM

In #4 vxbush said: Parents Under Investigation for Raising an Independent Seven-Year-Old I got in trouble when I was in junior high for being too independent. Today's culture sees any child alone as a bad thing. 


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