The Daily Broadside


Posted on 09/05/2024 5.00 AM

JCM 9/1/2024 5:53:27 PM

Posted by: JCM

vxbush 9/5/2024 6:37:17 AM

House Subpoenas Walz to Chat About That $250 Million Fraud on His Watch

So stealing $250 million is just what the doctor ordered during COVID, am I right? 

vxbush 9/5/2024 6:41:53 AM

Federal Court Rules Against Illinois Ban on Carrying Guns on Public Transportation

One small bit of good news in the midwestern crazy state. 

vxbush 9/5/2024 6:43:52 AM

California Considers Releasing Serial Rapist

The title of the article SHOULD be, “California demonstrates that it cannot learn from history, decides to release rapist who has gone back to raping every time he’s been released.”

vxbush 9/5/2024 6:47:05 AM

DOJ Indictment Alleges a Conservative Media Company Took Millions From Russian State Media

As I recall, they made this same complaint about Russia influencing the 2016 election, so I expect this will be trotted out any day now as a huge news story about how Trump is using Russia to help him win the election. 

Sigh. And the NPCs will lap it up. 

JCM 9/5/2024 7:45:48 AM

So the latest school shooter was already on the radar.

Georgia school shooting suspect on FBI radar since 2023 as possible threat after online remarks

vxbush 9/5/2024 8:26:55 AM

In #5 JCM said: So the latest school shooter was already on the radar.

Yes, and like so many other known shooters, the FBI did nothing beforehand. The DOJ does nothing but protect itself, never those outside of the federal government.

JCM 9/5/2024 8:50:24 AM

Reply to vxbush in 6:

This crap just feeds the conspiracys.

FBI knew about shooter.

FBI allowed shooter to act.

In order to limit 1st Amend and 2nd Amend rights.

It's harder and harder to discount some of it.

buzzsawmonkey 9/5/2024 10:11:04 AM

Reply to vxbush in 6:

Reply to JCM in 7:

While I find "red flag" laws problematic, insofar as they would seem to encourage pre-emptive rounding up of "the usual suspects," which sounds awfully Stasi/KGB-like to me, I find it curious that such laws, where they do exist, seem never to have been followed/utilized by law enforcement even when they've got a "live one"---a person "known to the police"---to implement them on.

buzzsawmonkey 9/5/2024 10:59:26 AM

Your climate's changin', I can feel it change
Your climate's changin', yes I can see
Sometimes it's hot, sometimes it runs cold
And this is bad, or so I've been told
I've stood these changes long as I can
And I've been told to blame it all on Man
The scientists all claim that our lifestyle's to blame
And since I myself know nothing I assume it's true

---apologies to The Temptations and "I'm Losing You"

buzzsawmonkey 9/5/2024 2:26:39 PM

Kamala tongued schlong to get her
Career advance the broad way
Acquire competence? She'd prefer
To gain advance the broad way
Her manifest incompetence
Along the way raised hackles
She can't complete a sentence, but
She covers that with cackles
When she's asked a question she'll reply
With circular word salad
She makes a lot of claims 'bout what she'll do
But none of them is valid
Good grief, Harris
Good grief---you should go away
Good grief, Harris
Good grief---you should go away
You shouldn't become president the Old Broad way...

---apologies to "The Lullaby of Broadway"

Occasional Reader 9/5/2024 2:31:46 PM

Hunter Biden "surprised" Federal prosecutors by offering guilty plea 

Gosh, I wonder what incentive he might have for getting a verdict in during, ohhh, say, these next 4 months or so?  Hmm.. 

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