The Daily Broadside

Morning News

Posted on 10/21/2019 4.00 AM

Kosh's Shadow 10/19/2019 8:24:21 AM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

vxbush 10/21/2019 6:00:04 AM

Morning, campers. 

I got a new phone last week and I was very frustrated because it wasn't pairing with the car. I was stepping through the car's instructions, trying to get the phone and the car to see each other, and nothing was working. Google research, video watching, resetting the bluetooth module, and more were all tried and failed. 

So of course as a last resort I read the documentation. *ahem*

And did I think to try to flip it and pair the car to the phone and initiate all this from the phone? No, of course not. (because having the car initiate the contact worked last time). Well, starting the process on the phone first worked, and beautifully. For some reason, that little detail means that all is right in the world today. It's silly, but I find it so incredibly convenient to have my phone and my car in harmony. 

Occasional Reader 10/21/2019 7:14:02 AM
Howdy.   Crazy morning but calmer now,  including my sons mom sending me a message at 7:30 AM saying he had a fever and was throwing up. The good news, she sent a follow up at nine saying his temperature was normal and he was "singing and dancing". (Of course, he's staying home from school today. )
Occasional Reader 10/21/2019 7:24:41 AM
And in utterly unimportant tee-vee news, I caught the first ep of HBO's Watchmen series last night, and so far I'm a bit worried that they opted for "super WOKE".  
Occasional Reader 10/21/2019 7:33:58 AM

In #3 Occasional Reader said: And in utterly unimportant tee-vee news, I caught the first ep of HBO's Watchmen series last night, and so far I'm a bit worried that they opted for "super WOKE".  

Exhibit A: Vox thinks it's super-woke and super-important!

Occasional Reader 10/21/2019 7:38:04 AM

11 dead so far in "cost of living protests" in normally-stable Chile

President Piñera justifiably calls those who have engaged in lethal arson and looting "criminals", and plausibly suggests larger forces behind them (gosh, I wonder who).  But he's a conservative, so naturally the BBC is aghast at his "controversial remarks". 

Occasional Reader 10/21/2019 7:56:18 AM

And in case you missed it; last week, the Sinaloa drug cartel took on the Mexican military in pitched battle in the city of Culiacán... and won.

But hey, Mexico is basically groovy and only racists want a border wall. 

Kenneth 10/21/2019 9:04:46 AM

It's Election Day up here in Canada. The polls show the Liberals & Conservatives running neck & neck in popular vote, but in the seat projection the Liberals have a small lead. I hope to G-d the Liberal voters stay home and the Conservatives can get out & vote. The populist People Party of Canada is polling at 2.7% and is unlikely to elect a single MP. All they have done is suck votes away from the Conservatives. For this I cannot forgive them. 

In my riding, the NDP candidate has a good lead over the incumbent Liberal. The Conservative candidate hasn't a hope. 

I really don't want another 4 years of Justin the Idiot as the Prime Minister of Canada.

Kenneth 10/21/2019 9:10:44 AM

Prince Andrew joined in an orgy with paedophile Jeffrey Epstein and nine young women.

doppelganglander 10/21/2019 10:03:34 AM

In #7 Kenneth said: I really don't want another 4 years of Justin the Idiot as the Prime Minister of Canada.

. Neither does the rest of the world. Good luck.

PaladinPhil 10/21/2019 12:33:05 PM

Reply to Kenneth in 7:

I know how all this is important and stuff, unfortunately there too much of a Hudak stink to Scheer for my liking. I mean, he's probably going to be snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. This election should of been a slam dunk for the Conservative party, yet they haven't even managed to budge the needle with all of Trudeau's blunders.

Of course I am in a supposedly safe riding, and I am pretty upset with the whole group of parties. Cast my vote for the PPC, as an informal protest. Fiancee asked me how to vote, and I suggested declining her ballot if she couldn't figure out who to vote for.

doppelganglander 10/21/2019 1:12:23 PM

Reply to PaladinPhil in 10:

Don't you know it's your duty as a conservative man to force your wife to vote as you tell her to? That's what left-wing Democrats tell me conservative men do!

Occasional Reader 10/21/2019 1:22:27 PM

If any of you guys want a starting point for a WWII Japanese warship pun thread... Hiryu go. 

Kenneth 10/21/2019 1:44:23 PM

Reply to PaladinPhil in 10:

I can't disagree with you on any of that, Phil. I would far prefer a stronger candidate than Scheer. Trudeau was very beatable, and as it is, he might squeak through. I was never convinced Bernier's campaign was anything other than a personal vendetta against Scheer for beating him in the CPC leadership race. That said, there's an argument to be made for a true conservative protest vote, and the PPC does have some good people running.

I'll be watching the election returns roll in tonight, and I still don't know if I'll be popping a champaign cork or slamming bourbon shots.

Occasional Reader 10/21/2019 1:50:05 PM

In #13 Kenneth said: popping a champaign cork

No, that would be for elections in Illinois.

Occasional Reader 10/21/2019 1:52:31 PM

In #7 Kenneth said: The polls show the Liberals & Conservatives running neck & neck

So do youse guys have the same phenomenon that we have here, of the "liberal" vote almost always being over-stated in polls?

" I hope to G-d..."

When did you convert?  Mazel tov!


Kenneth 10/21/2019 2:21:41 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 15:

The CBC has been overtly promoting Trudeau & the Liberals, more than ever. Turn-out will determine the outcome of the election. The NDP has been doing well taking votes from disaffected leftish Liberals. I just hope a large number of Liberals have lost their enthusiasm to vote for Trudeau this time.

The battleground will be Toronto & its suburbs. If the NDP can take a few ridings in the city, and the Conservatives can take a several ridings in the burbs, then Trudeau is toast. 

Occasional Reader 10/21/2019 2:29:37 PM

In #16 Kenneth said: The CBC has been overtly promoting Trudeau & the Liberals

What?! A putatively "public" broadcasting corporation being a left-wing party mouthpiece?!  Man, I'm sure glad that could never happen here!

PaladinPhil 10/21/2019 2:35:31 PM

In #13 Kenneth said: I'll be watching the election returns roll in tonight, and I still don't know if I'll be popping a champaign cork or slamming bourbon shots.

How I felt after I made my mark. Unfortunately, I couldn't since I had to pick up the Squire from school. There will be drinking later though over dinner and after. Have a late start tomorrow, so I need a few anyway. If Scheer wins a minority, I see a stronger replay of the 2008 mess of screams for a coalition government. *spit*

Kenneth 10/21/2019 2:36:25 PM

The Seattle school district is planning to infuse all K-12 math classes with ethnic-studies questions that encourage students to explore how math has been “appropriated” by Western culture and used in systems of power and oppression.

Kenneth 10/21/2019 2:40:33 PM

Reply to PaladinPhil in 18:

I don't see anybody Scheer can form an alliance with. The Liberals, NDP & Greens are out of the question. The Bloc? What is the common point of interest there? I expect the Conservatives will win a minority. The Liberals & their media wing the CBC/Star will mount a propaganda campaign for the next 6 months. When the Conservatives table their first budget in the spring, the Libs & NDP can vote it down and trigger another election. Maybe then we can get a proper majority?

Occasional Reader 10/21/2019 2:48:15 PM

Reply to Kenneth in 19:

"“Seattle is definitely on the forefront with this,” said Robert Q. Berry III, the president of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.

Well, that's one way of putting it. 

Kenneth 10/21/2019 2:48:36 PM

German policeman wearing chain mail as protection from knife attacks

Europe has gone Medieval again.

Occasional Reader 10/21/2019 2:55:16 PM

In #22 Kenneth said: German policeman wearing chain mail as protection from knife attacks

Me, I'm looking for a good cuirass..


Let me rephrase. 

Kenneth 10/21/2019 2:55:24 PM
And now there are reports of confusion and chaos at polling stations in several locations across the country. Voters show up, but the voting station is closed, people are told their name is not on the voter's list, ballots not delivered. It looks like a serious clusterfuck is unfolding. 
Kenneth 10/21/2019 2:59:58 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 23:

LOL. How long have you been waiting to use that pun?

revobob 10/21/2019 3:13:08 PM

In #25 Kenneth said: How long have you been waiting to use that pun?

Unlikely that many chances pile up. Even OR is seldom so cheeky.

Occasional Reader 10/21/2019 3:44:11 PM

Reply to Kenneth in 25:

actually, I used it quite some time ago, either at correspondence committee or even as far back as that other blog.

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