The Daily Broadside

Sunday Morning

Posted on 10/27/2019 4.00 AM

Kosh's Shadow 10/26/2019 3:48:44 PM

This picture was taken Friday morning, but is worthy of a Sunday morning

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

Occasional Reader 10/27/2019 6:08:24 AM
Rest in pieces, al-Bagdahdi.
lucius septimius 10/27/2019 6:35:39 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 1:

Meanwhile the leftist media has been twisting itself in knots trying to make this into yet another ORANGE MAN BAD story.

Syrah 10/27/2019 7:19:58 AM

Trump did not inform Democrat Leaders prior to the raid due to concerns about leaks.

lucius septimius 10/27/2019 9:13:48 AM

Reply to Syrah in 3:  

WaPo obituary headline:  "Austere Religious Scholar at helm of Islamic State, Dies at 48"  

Kosh's Shadow 10/27/2019 9:47:55 AM

In #4 lucius septimius said: WaPo obituary headline:  "Austere Religious Scholar at helm of Islamic State, Dies at 48"  

It didn't say he was martyred and is enjoying his 72 virgins?

lucius septimius 10/27/2019 10:34:04 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 5:

Now the story is that Trump didn't ask Princess Nancy for permission beforehand AND he notified the Russians that US forces would be flying through airspace they controlled.  So IMPEACHABLE OFFENSE TELLS PUTIIN BUT NOT CONGRESS TREASON COLLUSION ORANGE MAN BAD!!!!!!!1111eleventy!!!!!!!

lucius septimius 10/27/2019 10:45:08 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 6:

By the way, I looked it up -- Carter didn't inform Congress about "Operation Eagle Claw," the failed Iran rescue mission.  But since leftards have the memory of goldfish, none of them could possibly remember that.

Occasional Reader 10/27/2019 10:50:05 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 4:

Holy sh*t.  

The Progs have infinite respect for the enemies of Western civilization.

Kosh's Shadow 10/27/2019 11:11:00 AM

In #4 lucius septimius said: WaPo obituary headline:  "Austere Religious Scholar at helm of Islamic State, Dies at 48"  

BTW, PBMB tried to find this headline on the WaPoo site, and could not. I didn't try, but I don't have much faith in Twitter either.

From PBMB:

Twitter (as an easily-usable platform) is a metaphorical Pied Piper. In the Fifties, my mother did in fact believe things were true if she saw them on TV.  My father, not so easily.  But Mom fit the famous stereotype.  In that sense, Twitter is today's "TV".

BTW, Baghdadi was NEVER a "leader" in ISIS.  He was a religious figurehead (in reality, a street preacher), recruited by Haji Bakr and Izzat al-Douri to give the group a sheen of religious credibility.  Haji Bakr is said to have met him while they were both imprisoned in Camp Bucca.  In 2010, Baghdadi was made "emir" of what would eventually become ISIS.

Bakr had been a Lt. Col. in Saddam's air force intelligence directorate.  The vast majority of operational commanders in 2014 ISIS were former intel officers, religiously radicalized by Saddam's 1990's "Faith Campaign" -- a political attempt to climb on the rising tide of Islamism, after Ba'ath socialism and Nasser's Pan-Arabism had flopped.

Al-Douri was the leader of the Faith Campaign, and became Saddam's heir apparent.  He is apparently still alive and out there somewhere.  Northern-Liberal-redneck Trump probably doesn't have a clue as to who he is.

Kosh's Shadow 10/27/2019 11:11:07 AM

In #4 lucius septimius said: WaPo obituary headline:  "Austere Religious Scholar at helm of Islamic State, Dies at 48"  

BTW, PBMB tried to find this headline on the WaPoo site, and could not. I didn't try, but I don't have much faith in Twitter either.

From PBMB:

Twitter (as an easily-usable platform) is a metaphorical Pied Piper. In the Fifties, my mother did in fact believe things were true if she saw them on TV.  My father, not so easily.  But Mom fit the famous stereotype.  In that sense, Twitter is today's "TV".

BTW, Baghdadi was NEVER a "leader" in ISIS.  He was a religious figurehead (in reality, a street preacher), recruited by Haji Bakr and Izzat al-Douri to give the group a sheen of religious credibility.  Haji Bakr is said to have met him while they were both imprisoned in Camp Bucca.  In 2010, Baghdadi was made "emir" of what would eventually become ISIS.

Bakr had been a Lt. Col. in Saddam's air force intelligence directorate.  The vast majority of operational commanders in 2014 ISIS were former intel officers, religiously radicalized by Saddam's 1990's "Faith Campaign" -- a political attempt to climb on the rising tide of Islamism, after Ba'ath socialism and Nasser's Pan-Arabism had flopped.

Al-Douri was the leader of the Faith Campaign, and became Saddam's heir apparent.  He is apparently still alive and out there somewhere.  Northern-Liberal-redneck Trump probably doesn't have a clue as to who he is.

Occasional Reader 10/27/2019 11:13:09 AM

 Austere Religious Scholar

he was a lot like Gandhi, when you think about it.


doppelganglander 10/27/2019 11:34:25 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 10:

The headline is real. There are plenty of screencaps. It was changed in response to (entirely justified) Twitter outrage. 

lucius septimius 10/27/2019 11:39:44 AM

Reply to doppelganglander in 12:

Good to know -- I thought I just made it up.

doppelganglander 10/27/2019 12:22:31 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 13:


Kosh's Shadow 10/27/2019 12:34:15 PM

Lesson from last night - don't give an estimated time for blog update until it actually works.

Now, in around 30-60 minutes, I will push an update.

It will have:

1) Prevent blank posts

2) Allow user to complete profile so they won't show up as unknown user

3) Add strikethrough, subscript, superscript to editor toolbar

Kosh's Shadow 10/27/2019 12:44:01 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 15:

Need to do regression tests to make sure nothing got broken, then generate a release build (no debugging info).

Then I will back up databases and push the update

doppelganglander 10/27/2019 12:55:50 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 15:

That will definitely improve the user experience. Thank you.

Kosh's Shadow 10/27/2019 1:20:59 PM

Backing up databases now. 

A couple of minutes to update

Kosh's Shadow 10/27/2019 1:23:54 PM

ToDo list:

publish updates


Refresh pages to get the changes.

buzzsawmonkey 10/27/2019 1:30:04 PM
Strikethrough while the iron is hot!
Kosh's Shadow 10/27/2019 1:43:53 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 20:

Turns out, that was easy, The editor (Summernote) is quite customizable and the web page gave an example of what to do. Worked first time.

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