The Daily Broadside

Saturday Morning

Posted on 12/14/2019 4.00 AM

Kosh's Shadow 12/7/2019 12:00:05 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

lucius septimius 12/14/2019 7:40:12 AM
I see everyone slept in this morning.  I would have but for the unrelenting construction noise -- two houses being built right across the street from one another two doors down.
Kosh's Shadow 12/14/2019 8:34:30 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 1:

I actually got up early for me on a Saturday. Typical weekday is 5:30-5:40; weekends, 10 is early. Wife went to talk to a client locked up a good distance away, and given the weather, took a hotel rather than come back late. Didn't sleep as well.

Strange dreams - started differently, but involved heavy rain (as we were getting at the time), and some kind of mass tour (100's of people) of sites related to a serial killer. Mostly involved waiting in lines, sometimes in the rain.

Oh, and there was in the background that the killer himself had run tours of the sites (before he was caught), and some people never returned from those tours....

So when the dogs decided it was time to go out, I decided that it was a good time to stay up.

PaladinPhil 12/14/2019 9:07:03 AM
More snow. Definitely going to be a white Christmas this year. Really not looking forward to going to work. Tomorrow we have to go shopping for a new range. Our's died yesterday before dinner apparently. Stove top works, but the oven isn't turning on.
Occasional Reader 12/14/2019 9:22:50 AM

In #3 PaladinPhil said: Definitely going to be a white Christmas


Occasional Reader 12/14/2019 9:25:46 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 2:

as for me, I had a dream very early this morning that there was a giant striding down the Avenue, a man about 20 feet tall, who was looking in the windows of all the houses and buildings on the way as he approached where I live. I’m starting to wonder, could this be a problem, and starting to load high velocity rifled slugs into my shotgun, when suddenly my dad turns up and says, it’s OK, I know that guy.  The two of them start to chat and all is well.

JCM 12/14/2019 9:33:32 AM
Survived week 1

Made it through week 1 at Amazon.

Tons of onboarding training. Getting my computer setup, which I'll have to do again. The "issued" laptop is not up to what I will be doing so my manager even before I started ordered a high end machine. Additionally learning all new software tool sets for what I do. Meanwhile developing the entire CAD library processes and work flows.

I'm having fun with it all, just no spare time.

Good morning all!

lucius septimius 12/14/2019 9:56:59 AM

Reply to PaladinPhil in 3:

Is it the heating element?  Those can usually be fixed pretty easily.

doppelganglander 12/14/2019 10:07:56 AM
Waiting for the Army-Navy game (Go Navy!) so I put on USA vs South Africa rugby. I can't understand a word the announcer is saying and I don't know the rules. I think I'll switch to Pandora. 
PaladinPhil 12/14/2019 4:53:33 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 7:

No, probably one of the control boards from the panel. The clock isn't even on and the LED panel is dead. Would probably cost as much to fix it than replace it so we are going shopping tomorrow afternoon.

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