The Daily Broadside

Morning News

Posted on 04/07/2020 4.00 AM

Kosh's Shadow 4/4/2020 4:42:26 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

vxbush 4/7/2020 6:18:55 AM

Morning, campers. 

One note about COVID before I ignore it the rest of the day: 

Looking at the numbers, the number of "recovered" people doesn't make sense. The numbers have always been on the order of 5% of the number of active cases and seem to lag the number of active cases by about a month or more. I recognize COVID lasts longer than two weeks for people who get sick with it; I've seen ranges of 3-6 weeks. But the recovered number doesn't make any sense. Has anyone else noted this or had any comments on it? 

Occasional Reader 4/7/2020 6:55:09 AM

In #1 vxbush said: One note about COVID before I ignore it the rest of the day: 

Perhaps if we all just ignore 2019-nCoV, it will go away...

Occasional Reader 4/7/2020 6:58:25 AM

In #1 vxbush said: Has anyone else noted this or had any comments on it? 

I have not really thought about those numbers, nor have I seen a consolidated and trustworthy source for them.


Prime Minister Boris Johnson is "in good spirits" after spending the night in intensive care being treated for coronavirus, No 10 has said.

A spokesman said Mr Johnson, 55, was stable overnight, is being given oxygen and is not on a ventilator.

Occasional Reader 4/7/2020 7:02:32 AM

More word salad from Slow Joe Biden.

Um.  Wow

revobob 4/7/2020 7:15:53 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 4:  In Trump's presser last night he said that he had a 15 minute phone conversation with Biden. Trump made it a point to say that it was a good conversation, and that he has always thought Joe is a good/ nice man.

Can you imagine trying to make nice with Biden's current state of mind for 15 minutes? I figure Trump should get a medal just for the sheer patience he is showing to the obvious nutcases! 

revobob 4/7/2020 7:21:50 AM

In #1 vxbush said: But the recovered number doesn't make any sense. Has anyone else noted this or had any comments on it? 

At this point I wouldn't worry about it. The numbers would be essentially meaningless because the vast majority of cases are probably still not seeing a doctor, being tested, or diagnosed. And I don't think there is any reason to change that. The only cases being formally diagnosed are the ones who are tested and at somewhere around 2 million that is too small a sample to be worth much. (Although one of the admirals did throw out a bit of a surprise last night- the numbers tested and reported by the Task Force do NOT include those tested in hospitals and labs that have not reported their numbers. Why there should be such I don't know, but the implication was that it is a big number.)

Occasional Reader 4/7/2020 7:37:27 AM

Financial markets are pushing back toward defined "bull market" territory.  

Again, let's hope this optimism is warranted; but the financial news on its own is sure a damn sight better than it was two weeks ago. 

JCM 4/7/2020 7:43:42 AM

Reply to vxbush in 1:

None of the numbers are making any sense.

Until we have a control group tested, and a better true timeline of the virus.

On the west coast it appears it's ramping down, far below the modeled peak.

We're shown in NYC crowded ERs and given the impression they are all Covid, but never told how many are Covid, how many for "normal" reasons, how many are sent home, how many positive, how many admitted and for want reason.

JCM 4/7/2020 7:45:17 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 4:

Cuomo / Obama as in Michelle...

Yeah that's the ticket!

buzzsawmonkey 4/7/2020 8:05:26 AM

Reply to vxbush in 1: Reply to JCM in 8:

As I said last night when I posted it, I don't know the reliability of the site, or, necessarily, the clips in the video to which I linked---but the clips claimed to be of the very hospitals that were allegedly being swamped by coronavirus infectees, with wildly overworked hospital staff and ambulance teams, and each of the videos practically showed tumbleweeds blowing through the hospitals.  No panic, no overwork/heavy workload, no lines of people waiting to get in or get tested or whatever.  And, of course, with everyone hunkering down, it's easy for a news crew to stage that very panic/overwork for their news clips, without most people in any way checking on them.

JCM 4/7/2020 8:12:21 AM

Oh yeah sexual harassment training!

JCM 4/7/2020 8:14:35 AM

Reply to JCM in 11:

All this training and I still get slapped!

One of these days I'll get it right!

Occasional Reader 4/7/2020 8:18:00 AM

In #9 JCM said: Cuomo / Obama as in Michelle... Yeah that's the ticket!

I still say Mooch won't be on the ticket, but I'd say the odds of Cuomo riding in on a white horse are growing by the day. 

JCM 4/7/2020 8:21:18 AM
oh gawd I'm dyin' here....
Schumer’s Sad Attempt to Wear a Face Mask Goes Viral: ‘Please Tell Me This Is Photoshopped’
JCM 4/7/2020 8:31:12 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 13:

Cuomo and Lizzie are more likely, bring the Bernie Bros on board the ticket.

Occasional Reader 4/7/2020 8:37:22 AM

In #14 JCM said: Schumer’s Sad Attempt to Wear a Face Mask Goes Viral: ‘Please Tell Me This Is Photoshopped’

And here is Sheila Jackson-Lee doing the same. 

Oh, by the way, she's co-chair of the House Coronavirus Task Force.


The country's in the very best of hands. 

Occasional Reader 4/7/2020 8:38:24 AM

In #15 JCM said: Cuomo and Lizzie are more likely, bring the Bernie Bros on board the ticket.

I thought the Bernie Bros hate Liz with a murderous (literally, per some of their tweets, etc.) passion? 

JCM 4/7/2020 8:39:16 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 17:

Their policies are indistinguishable... I'm forgetting the left runs on feelings.

JCM 4/7/2020 8:40:00 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 16:

Can't wear a mask correctly.

Think they can run the country during a health crisis.

oy vey

buzzsawmonkey 4/7/2020 9:05:37 AM

In #19 JCM said: Can't wear a mask correctly. Think they can run the country during a health crisis. oy vey

As I've observed previously, the Left cannot maintain or repair relatively-recent, closed, man-made systems---see, e.g., the water systems of Flint, MI, and Newark, NJ; the New York subway system; the water-and-reservoir systems of California; municipal roads and bridges.  They are modern small-scale structures and systems with known parameters and weaknesses, and the Left cannot competently manage or repair them.

And these people think that they can, and should, attempt to "manage" and "control" the climate of the entire planet?

Syrah 4/7/2020 9:12:38 AM
Would Fauci exaggerate the deadliness of a disease in order to persuade a reluctant populace to properly “social distance”?
JCM 4/7/2020 9:36:33 AM

Reply to Syrah in 21:

Given the use of models vs. data.


vxbush 4/7/2020 9:43:00 AM

In #22 JCM said: Given the use of models vs. data. Yes.

There's video of him at the end of (I believe) yesterday's daily briefing where he is the last one leaving the press room and he turns and flashes a thumbs-up sign at someone in the media audience. I have to wonder what that was about. 

vxbush 4/7/2020 9:43:56 AM

Hey, Kosh--this isn't important, but I wanted to say thanks for the images on the daily thread. It's a little thing but today's image is nice and clean. The various mugs with various coffees (and hot chocolate, I did notice) have been lovely as well. 

Occasional Reader 4/7/2020 9:57:51 AM


It's lunchtime.  I'm taking a break.  They Live is on.  And it's the "put on the glasses!" fight scene.

JCM 4/7/2020 10:56:16 AM
Modeling coronavirus, be it UW's or others: 'Uncertainty is the only certainty'
JCM 4/7/2020 11:39:26 AM

Occasional Reader 4/7/2020 12:13:08 PM

In #25 Occasional Reader said: They Live is on.

A great cult movie, even if Carpenter was a flaming lefty (e.g. depicting Reagan as one of the aliens).

buzzsawmonkey 4/7/2020 2:31:34 PM
Fifty Years from Now...
JCM 4/7/2020 3:03:30 PM

Gotta watch that tail swing!

MILANO BRIDGE Container ship Accident at Busan South Korea.
JCM 4/7/2020 3:03:32 PM

Gotta watch that tail swing!

MILANO BRIDGE Container ship Accident at Busan South Korea.
buzzsawmonkey 4/7/2020 3:11:20 PM

Reply to JCM in 31:

Reminds me of that short video that was making the rounds some months ago where a forklift hit the metal shelving in some kind of big-box warehouse, and some four banks of shelves collapsed.

JCM 4/7/2020 3:19:06 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 32:

I'm surprised it didn't take out the next couple of cranes on the dock.

Occasional Reader 4/7/2020 3:28:20 PM

Reply to JCM in 30:

How do you say "oopsie" in Korean? 

Hard to tell if it was the fault of the ship crew or the tug/harbor pilots, or both. 

Kosh's Shadow 4/7/2020 3:30:50 PM

Reply to JCM in 31:

Those cranes usually have operators in them. I hope no one was in that one.

I think that ship isn't going to be unloaded quickly. "Sorry, no crane available."

Kosh's Shadow 4/7/2020 3:38:48 PM

For those of us who are introverts

For extroverts, outdoor types and "people persons", this new era of mandatory social distancing has been disorienting and difficult. But some of us have been social distancing our entire lives. It comes naturally, like looking on the dark side, sighing in irritation, or just sitting there shaking our heads in silent annoyance several times a day. For those of you who were born this way, Despair introduces our "Social Distancing" t-shirt. One that can be easily read and understood, even as you demonstrate your longstanding talent of keeping your distance because hey, that's how you roll. (Away from people.)

Link for anyone who wants to buy - and browse the site (home of Demotivators)

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