The Daily Broadside

Wodin's Day

Posted on 04/29/2020 4.00 AM

Kosh's Shadow 4/28/2020 8:28:10 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

buzzsawmonkey 4/29/2020 4:14:00 AM

Regarding my late-night query re PJM and its new format:

It doesn't work in Safari 11.1, which is I believe still reasonably current.  It does work in whatever old Firefox I've got lying around on the computer, so it's (inconveniently) accessible, the more so since I don't like Firefox much.

vxbush 4/29/2020 5:44:07 AM

In #1 buzzsawmonkey said: Regarding my late-night query re PJM and its new format: It doesn't work in Safari 11.1,

Could you be so kind as to explain what it is that doesn't work? I have no problems with PJMedia on my MacBook, but then perhaps you are referring to the commenting system, which I never use. 

buzzsawmonkey 4/29/2020 5:53:38 AM

In #2 vxbush said: Could you be so kind as to explain what it is that doesn't work? I have no problems with PJMedia on my MacBook, but then perhaps you are referring to the commenting system, which I never use. 

I go to PJM on my MacBook (High Sierra), and there are no pix above the headlines---only blank spaces.  Try to click on the "Comments," which I do use, and the link doesn't work/they don't open.

I emailed them to inform them of this; maybe it will be fixed.

vxbush 4/29/2020 5:57:23 AM

In #3 buzzsawmonkey said: I go to PJM on my MacBook (High Sierra), and there are no pix above the headlines---only blank spaces.  Try to click on the "Comments," which I do use, and the link doesn't work/they don't open. I emailed them to inform them of this; maybe it will be fixed.

But I see all those pictures and I can see the comments. Are you using some kind of ad blocker? Some of the ad blockers are too aggressive and end up blocking useful things on web pages. I don't think it's them; I think it's your machine. But what exactly would require diagnostics. 

vxbush 4/29/2020 6:23:15 AM

In #4 vxbush said: But I see all those pictures and I can see the comments. Are you using some kind of ad blocker? Some of the ad blockers are too aggressive and end up blocking useful things on web pages. I don't think it's them; I think it's your machine. But what exactly would require diagnostics. 

Excuse my poor writing this morning; I was very unclear above. I don't think it's PJMedia causing the problem; I think it's your machine and probably an ad blocker being too aggressive. My MacBook Pro running High Sierra can see the graphics and can see the comments after clicking the "show comments" button.

Man, I really wish I liked coffee. I could use it today. 

buzzsawmonkey 4/29/2020 6:44:07 AM

Reply to vxbush in 4: Reply to vxbush in 5:

Except that I don't have/use an ad blocker.

vxbush 4/29/2020 7:20:57 AM

In #6 buzzsawmonkey said: Except that I don't have/use an ad blocker.

Then it is almost certainly a problem with the cache, in the sense that the browser thinks it has the stuff to display already saved in a cached file, but then the information is out of sync between the cache and the website. 

If you go to Apple's site, they have a page that explains this. 

vxbush 4/29/2020 7:24:00 AM

In #7 vxbush said: Then it is almost certainly a problem with the cache, in the sense that the browser thinks it has the stuff to display already saved in a cached file, but then the information is out of sync between the cache and the website.  If you go to Apple's site, they have a page that explains this. 

Basically you're going to delete the information that Safari saves as the "history", which includes these cached items. You can decide how far back to go to delete. But this isn't very targeted. There's a better way to target specific data to remove: 

Go to Safari > Preferences, and in the window go to Privacy. Now you have a search box you can use to find PJMedia and remove just the items related to PJMedia. It shouldn't remove your credentials from the site; those are stored elsewhere. 

buzzsawmonkey 4/29/2020 7:54:13 AM

In #8 vxbush said: Go to Safari > Preferences, and in the window go to Privacy. Now you have a search box you can use to find PJMedia and remove just the items related to PJMedia. It shouldn't remove your credentials from the site; those are stored elsewhere. 

Tried that, and it removed the cookies, but there's something there called "Databases" under the PJM entry that won't allow itself to be deleted---unless I hit "remove all" for everything, and I'm a little chary of that.  

Occasional Reader 4/29/2020 8:12:53 AM

Plenty O'Meat.

No, that's not (necessarily) my pr0n star screen name; rather, the situation at my local grocery store earlier this morning.  So, that's good.  I picked up a ribeye, a NY strip, pork chops and chicken breast.  Oh, and some wine.  (Little OR helped me find the wine.)

Occasional Reader 4/29/2020 8:16:33 AM
Baby BoJo is born
buzzsawmonkey 4/29/2020 9:17:57 AM

Reply to vxbush in 8:

WOO-HOO!  I closed out Safari, re-opened it, and this time it WORKED!  Thanks for the help!

Occasional Reader 4/29/2020 9:58:54 AM

vxbush 4/29/2020 10:07:10 AM

In #13 Occasional Reader said:

I don't think these politicians understand that we can see it all now. 

JCM 4/29/2020 10:35:41 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 13: 

DeCommio whats Muslims to get sick and die!


lucius septimius 4/29/2020 10:39:09 AM

Reply to vxbush in 14:

I don't think they care.  DeBlasio knows that the hard-core Democrat faithful have no problem with anti-Semitism and love to signal their virtue about how supportive and tolerant of Mooslimes and other little brown people they are.  And in their condescending way, they also know that vast swaths of the electorate won't pay any attention because they're too busy getting pregnant, cashing welfare checks, and shooting up 7/11s.

buzzsawmonkey 4/29/2020 10:45:19 AM

In honor of Ramadan, and with a hat-tip to DeBlasio, let's do some caroling:

It's the most bloodthirsty time of the year!

While devout Muslims fast they'll send bombers to blast any infidels near

It's the most bloodthirsty time of the year!

Each year at a different time it befalls

With a calendar that's lunar which they know the kuffar won't follow at all

Each year at a different time it befalls

They'll all fast through the daytime

But at nightfall the gay time 

Starts with feasting that lasts through the night

And if they should choose to fix

Up some jihadi tricks

The Koran tells them that it's all right

It's the most bloodthirsty time of the year

Flying limbs and beheadings infidels are dreading 

And the jihadis savor that fear

It's the most bloodthirsty time of the year

They'll all fast through the daytime

But at nightfall the gay time 

Starts with feasting that lasts through the night

And if they should choose to fix

Up some jihadi tricks

The Koran tells them that it's all right

It's the most bloodthirsty time of the year

Flying limbs and beheadings infidels are dreading 

And the jihadis savor that fear

It's the most bloodthirsty time 

Yes, the most bloodthirsty time

Oh, the most bloodthirsty time

Of the year!

lucius septimius 4/29/2020 11:03:03 AM
Well it's about time:  Homicide detectives in Arizona have opened an investigation into the death of the 68-year-old Mesa City man who drank chloroquine phosphate to stave off the coronavirus, according to a report.
buzzsawmonkey 4/29/2020 12:40:23 PM
Everyone observes social distance
They all wear masks while politicians play
Tellin' us all what we cannot do
Tellin' us all that at home we stay
Old Man Vaccine, that Old Man Vaccine
Researchers hummin', they say he's comin'
Yeah, Old Man Vaccine just keeps rollin' along
He may not give you full immunity
But stay away from your community
While Old Man Vaccine just keeps rollin' along
You and me, we sweat and strain
Tryin' to occupy our brains
Use that Zoom, and buy TP
And stay at home with the family
I am sick of the constant lyin'
I'm tired of social distancing, scared of dyin'
But Old Man Vaccine just keeps rollin' along...
Occasional Reader 4/29/2020 1:44:10 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 18:

So DRUMPF is now an accessory to MURDER!

lucius septimius 4/29/2020 3:29:24 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 20:

Ackchually, Drumpf IS the murderer.  The wife was just sort of there mixing the sodas.

Kosh's Shadow 4/29/2020 3:44:02 PM

As for DeBlasio....

With 160,499 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and more than 12,000 confirmed deaths, New York City is now the epicenter of the global pandemic. Who’s to blame? Let’s ask our mayor:

“My message to the Jewish community, and all communities, is this simple,” Bill de Blasio tweeted late last night. “The time for warnings has passed. I have instructed the NYPD to proceed immediately to summons or even arrest those who gather in large groups. This is about stopping this disease and saving lives. Period.”

Ah, so that’s the cause of the trouble. It’s the nasty Jews! The sweaty hordes threatening their innocent neighbors with their diseased bodies and souls, as they did yesterday for a funeral for which the community coordinated with the NYPD. It’s true that throngs crowd Central Park daily, that in Riverside Park it’s nearly impossible to avoid maskless joggers panting their spit well within 6 feet of you. It’s also true that just yesterday hundreds of New Yorkers stood very closely together to watch the Blue Angels and the Thunderbirds perform a flyover tribute to health care workers.

Don’t, for example, think for a second of blaming the mayor himself, who on March 2—long after Iran and Italy were both ravaged by the plague, and after New Yorkers already began dropping dead of the virus—tweeted that he was “encouraging New Yorkers to go on with your lives + get out on the town despite Coronavirus,” adding a flippant movie recommendation to boot.

buzzsawmonkey 4/29/2020 3:47:24 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 22:

Don't forget that he's also offering tasty halal meals to our local Muslim Ramadan celebrants.

lucius septimius 4/29/2020 3:50:24 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 22:

Have they been poisoning wells again?  Sheeesh.

Kosh's Shadow 4/29/2020 3:51:01 PM

In #23 buzzsawmonkey said: Don't forget that he's also offering tasty halal meals to our local Muslim Ramadan celebrants.

Are bats halal? 

And it was the earlier posts that made me decide to post that link.

Occasional Reader 4/29/2020 3:53:21 PM
Occasional Reader 4/29/2020 3:54:26 PM
Thank goodness that beer and wine were invented well in advance of my becoming a father.
lucius septimius 4/29/2020 3:58:15 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 27: +

As I always say, hair loss is hereditary -- you get it from your kids.

buzzsawmonkey 4/29/2020 4:21:11 PM

In #28 lucius septimius said: As I always say, hair loss is hereditary -- you get it from your kids.

Only one thing will stop hair from falling: the floor.

Occasional Reader 4/29/2020 4:40:48 PM
On the other hand, little OR completely approves of my baked chicken with honey mustard soy glaze, with couscous and spinach; and I do have to say, I think it’s pretty delicious, too.
buzzsawmonkey 4/29/2020 4:44:47 PM

In #30 Occasional Reader said: honey mustard soy glaze

Yo soy glaze tambien...

Occasional Reader 4/29/2020 4:56:21 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 31:

at the coffee bar in the cafeteria where I work, I once a young woman who if I recall correctly was Spanish, but who has been living here for a while, approach the barista, who is Salvadoran, and order cheerfully, “soy latte!”

The barista looked her in the eye and replied, calmly, “eres latte.”

buzzsawmonkey 4/29/2020 5:15:44 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 32:


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