lucius septimius
6/20/2020 7:28:12 AM
Everyone is sleeping in this morning?
lucius septimius
6/20/2020 8:14:59 AM
Been up, had breakfast, showered, read the paper, did a load of laundry, started a second, cleaned the kitchen. Now to begin some fun things.
Occasional Reader
6/20/2020 8:15:44 AM
Reply to lucius septimius in 1:
I just got back from a play date with a little guy and one of his school friends. That was fun. It was cut a little short by an approaching thunderstorm but they still got an a good hour of playing together.
Kosh's Shadow
6/20/2020 9:22:54 AM
Cwazy and wucky wabbit Was out with the dogs this morning, and a rabbit went running through the yard - with two dogs.Dogs chased it. Rabbit did some good zigzags and got away. Good. Didn't want to deal with a dead rabbit and have to take the dogs to the vet to see if they got any disease from it. I guess the rabbit was lucky- must have a lucky rabbit's foot or something.
Occasional Reader
6/20/2020 11:21:31 AM
Reply to JCM in 4:
To be perfectly honest, I find that whole genre kind of offensive. The whole misandrist idea that fathers are incompetent dopes who can’t do anything right while mothers are doing all the real childcare. (Not directing this at you... and I’m not surprised the BDC would be fostering this genre.)
Occasional Reader
6/20/2020 11:22:30 AM
If I read that Rachel Miller is murdered in the street by a gang of thugs, with no police on hand to respond to her cries for help; I will have to strive mightily not to laugh.
Kosh's Shadow
6/20/2020 11:37:39 AM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 8: Comrade, you are showing your white privilege. You must support looting and rioting so black people will become completely dependent on the government for food, clothing, but not safety and security. If the mob finds out, you will have to hide - the modern equivalent of the gulag /How too many people "think"
lucius septimius
6/20/2020 11:39:48 AM
In #7 Occasional Reader said: To be perfectly honest, I find that whole genre kind of offensive. Agreed. There was an article in the review section of today's WSJ on the fact that although people talk at length about the "invisible labor" of mothers, no one even stops to consider how much work dad's do at home. If anything, dad's contributions are even more invisible. Fathers can be humiliated without any fear of consequence. How many TV shows and commercials are built around the idea of the dopey dad? Nearly every one. One surprising piece in the article was that there is a natural division of labor between fathers and mothers. In "same-sex" households with children this means that certain things just don't ever get done. Men do certain things, women others. Wow! It's almost as if there is something to that whole "biological sex" thing after all! She described a phenomenon I know well. Single dad's are invisible to the "helping" professions. At church it was as if I didn't exist as a parent -- when I would take the kids to things like choir I'd be the only dad. The mom's, meanwhile, wouldn't talk to me. I would hear all about "mother's morning out" but never once was the same service offered to me. The school likewise pretends I don't exist. Every year I have to fight to get on the email/text lists, and even then, I miss probably half the messages sent out. This despite the fact that i have legal custody and am primarily responsible for their education. But try to tell that to the Monstrous Regiment of Women that rules the schools.
6/20/2020 1:08:19 PM
Reply to lucius septimius in 10: You should write about your experiences. There are a lot of people out there who need to hear it.
Occasional Reader
6/20/2020 1:09:38 PM
Reply to lucius septimius in 10:
I recall hearing about one small victory from a few years back. One of the big diaper manufacturers had made a TV ad that was all about “dopey dads don’t know how to change a diaper“. They got serious pushback, and pulled the ad.
lucius septimius
6/20/2020 4:22:02 PM
Reply to JCM in 14: The people who prevented the first responders from helping the injured parties should be charged.
Kosh's Shadow
6/20/2020 4:57:42 PM
In #14 JCM said: 1 dead, 1 critical after overnight shooting in Seattle's CHOP zone When you're in a police free zone, who ya gonna call?
Wait until Mini-a-police turns into one.
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