The Daily Broadside

Morning News

Posted on 07/10/2020 4.00 AM

Kosh's Shadow 7/5/2020 11:18:53 AM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

vxbush 7/10/2020 6:48:31 AM
Work is going to be crazy busy today, and I think part of my desire to bury myself in work is so I don't have to deal with the insanity "out there." I'm getting seriously tired of the complete lack of common sense on the part of humanity. 
Occasional Reader 7/10/2020 7:39:58 AM

Good morning, America!

Or as the Democrats of today would put it:

Bad morning to you, AmeriKKKa, you hateful, racist, horrible, worst country in history! 

JCM 7/10/2020 7:42:57 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 2:

Continued from yesterday...

Hamas and Black Lives Matter: A marriage made in hell
Occasional Reader 7/10/2020 7:44:21 AM

In #1 vxbush said: complete lack of common sense on the part of humanity

As has been discussed here before, I semi-seriously wonder at times if Covid-19 is both much more widespread than we think; and causing primarily psychological symptoms.  This, based on current events. 

Occasional Reader 7/10/2020 7:51:16 AM

Reply to JCM in 3:

Thanks, I'm on a work call now but will read it later.  Again, I'm not surprised by the connection... I'd just like to drop this truth-bomb on a selected few acquaintances, with sourcing. 

JCM 7/10/2020 7:51:59 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 4:


The entire "surge" in cases is ENTIRELY due to more widespread testing. Notice the media only says "cases", and doesn't define it. Those "cases" are positive tests results. I've seen two articles now many of the positives are for other corona viruses, not COVID 19.

Europe is down and people are point to them, but they are not doing widespread testing. They are ONLY testing symptomatic people and hospital admissions.

In the US hospital admissions for COVID are down, and the death rate is way down.

The spike in COVID is a false spike.

lucius septimius 7/10/2020 7:55:36 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 4:

Mass psychosis?  I wouldn't be surprised.

JCM 7/10/2020 8:01:56 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 7:

When I see people outside by themselves, or in their cars wearing masks I have to wonder what are they listening to or believing about the virus.

Occasional Reader 7/10/2020 8:04:56 AM

In #6 JCM said: The entire "surge" in cases is ENTIRELY due to more widespread testing.

I'd love to believe that, but I'm not so sure.  Supposedly ICUs are full again in the states seeing spikes.  Sensible people like Gov. Kemp of GA seem to believe the renewed spike is real. 

Occasional Reader 7/10/2020 8:08:34 AM

In #8 JCM said: or in their cars wearing masks

That one's my personal favorite. 

I suppose some of them may be car-share drivers, and it's just too much of a bother for them to keep donning and doffing the masks as passengers come and go.  But I've certainly seen plenty that clearly were not - people driving luxury vehicles, all alone, no Uber/Lyft sticker, wearing masks.  Um, okay.  Do you wear a mask in your home, too?  How about in the shower?... 

lucius septimius 7/10/2020 8:48:06 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 10:

Depending on the person, I'd put it down to neurosis or simple subservience.  There are those who are just looking for any opportunity to bend the knee -- and then they call us "fascists" when we won't.

doppelganglander 7/10/2020 8:50:27 AM

EXCLUSIVE: Chinese virologist accuses Beijing of coronavirus cover-up, flees Hong Kong: 'I know how they treat whistleblowers'

I am increasingly convinced that the release of the virus was deliberate. 

Occasional Reader 7/10/2020 9:08:00 AM

Pelosi:  It's okay for mobs to tear down statues, because "people will do what they do".

Oh, okay, Botox Nance.  And so if I, along with a large group of like-minded people, feel like burning down your house, that's okay, too, right?   After all, "people will do what they do". 

JCM 7/10/2020 9:26:38 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 13:

I guess she'd be okay if we invaded her offices carried her to the curb and dumped her?

lucius septimius 7/10/2020 9:32:01 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 13:

I noticed that all the responses were crowing about the Supreme Court decision on Trump's tax returns.  They've got him now!!!!!!!

vxbush 7/10/2020 9:55:10 AM

In #6 JCM said: The entire "surge" in cases is ENTIRELY due to more widespread testing. Notice the media only says "cases", and doesn't define it. Those "cases" are positive tests results. I've seen two articles now many of the positives are for other corona viruses, not COVID 19.

The other thing I've seen--if desired, I can go find a link to it--is scientist who has been in meetings next to Dr. Fauci representing his nation who wrote an article about Sweden who said that the tests for COVID are also picking up snippets of the virus that are floating around the bloodstream but the immune system has already destroyed its ability to replicate--meaning, you had the virus, your immune system took care of it (and immunity to other coronaviruses can help fight this one)--and the test is picking up the traces of the virus that cannot replicate. This is why people are having positive tests but have no symptoms. 

He also said in the same article that *no one* has a virus without symptoms and yet remains infectious. From that, i infer that if you have no symptoms but the test says you have it, then you've already had it and you are over it. So again, a lot of fear mongering is possibly going on. 

IANAD, just a geek who is seeing a lot of stupid behavior from people who don't understand a lot.

Occasional Reader 7/10/2020 10:45:50 AM

Little OR momentarily interrupted our lunchtime conversation about the solar system to solemnly and quietly declare, “daddy, I think you are the best daddy in the world, and mommy is the best mommy in the world.“

i’ve got a little dust in my eyes at the moment.

doppelganglander 7/10/2020 11:05:49 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 17:

How sweet.

Kosh's Shadow 7/10/2020 3:26:59 PM

In #4 Occasional Reader said: As has been discussed here before, I semi-seriously wonder at times if Covid-19 is both much more widespread than we think; and causing primarily psychological symptoms. 

It does cause neurological problems, at least in some people.

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