The Daily Broadside

Morning News

Posted on 07/15/2020 4.00 AM

Kosh's Shadow 7/11/2020 9:22:42 AM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

vxbush 7/15/2020 6:17:27 AM
Morning, campers. Saw that New York folks are rethinking the defunding of police. Has Bill DeBlasio put cotton in his ears yet? 
lucius septimius 7/15/2020 6:45:11 AM
John McWhorter's belated but absolutely spot-on evisceration of "white fragility."  Condescending towards blacks and for whites a pernicious cult.
buzzsawmonkey 7/15/2020 7:15:15 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 2:

The sad thing is that only he, or another black person, can get away with saying any of that; the entire premise of the book is clearly that if a white person said the same things, word for word, that person would be dismissed as "racist" out of hand.

doppelganglander 7/15/2020 7:41:42 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 2:

Excellent article. I've been a McWhorter fan for many years. I would love to see more black writers come out against DiAngelo.

lucius septimius 7/15/2020 7:44:42 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 3:

True, but I think his characterization of this as a cult is an excellent defense.  It takes their own logic and turns it against them -- of course you'd say that: you're part of the cult.

JCM 7/15/2020 7:45:21 AM

Reply to vxbush in 1:

Dear liberals follow the bouncing ball....

Blacks are disproportionately victims of crime.

Defunding the police will increase that disproportionality.

We know disproportionality is a sign of systemic racism.

Therefore defunding the police is.... RACIST!

vxbush 7/15/2020 9:35:56 AM

In #4 doppelganglander said: Excellent article. I've been a McWhorter fan for many years. I would love to see more black writers come out against DiAngelo.

I concur. Top notch. And more such analyses of this work and others in this genre are needed. 

vxbush 7/15/2020 9:38:29 AM

In #6 JCM said: Dear liberals follow the bouncing ball.... Blacks are disproportionately victims of crime. Defunding the police will increase that disproportionality. We know disproportionality is a sign of systemic racism. Therefore defunding the police is.... RACIST!

I can't say this with any sort of authority, but I really get the sense that DeBlasio thinks he's clearly not a racist because he's doing all this for black lives. I mean, I'm thinking that he thinks he can't be racist because he's the mayor. He's on their side, after all. And his intent trumps all the problems that may happen as a result. 

JCM 7/15/2020 10:18:54 AM

Reply to vxbush in 8:

I'm holding the left to their logic.

Disproportionality PROVES racism.

Therefore au priori increasing it is racist.

Marxist by definition are racist, all you have to do is read Marx.

lucius septimius 7/15/2020 10:30:29 AM

In #8 vxbush said: And his intent trumps all the problems that may happen as a result. 

Which is why Adam Smith says that judging things on intentions is the worst sort of moral failing,

DeBlasio probably thinks painting a "mural" outside Trump Tower is sufficiently "good" that it doesn't matter if any bad things happen.  Because if blacks are being shot it's somehow the fault of white racists, not good little Commies like him.

doppelganglander 7/15/2020 10:36:52 AM

Reply to vxbush in 8:

If an ordinary white person defends himself against charges of racism by saying he has black friends and family members, it's proof he's racist. If a woke white leftist like DiBlasio has a black wife, it's proof he's woke.

Occasional Reader 7/15/2020 10:39:33 AM

In #4 doppelganglander said: I've been a McWhorter fan for many years.

He's a clear thinker, and also a very cunning linguist.

/sorry, I just had to

Occasional Reader 7/15/2020 10:42:31 AM

In #9 JCM said: I'm holding the left to their logic.

No offense, but we kid ourselves if we think that cognitive dissonance bothers them in the slightest.

These are the same people, after all, who think that the moment a baby in born in this country, he or she has a "right" to free "health care", free housing, etc. etc. and a guaranteed minimum income for life; and that one hour prior to that moment, it's perfectly acceptable to chop up that same child, and sell him or her for parts.   

lucius septimius 7/15/2020 10:49:07 AM

I was reading a piece in the Atlantic about how "white bashing" is a kind of performance of status for upper-middle class whites.  By bashing whites, they proclaim their virtue and membership in the moral "woke" elite.  At the same time, these "upper whites" close the door of opportunity on "lower whites"  who don't have the leisure to learn the lingo.

The author didn't explore the matter as far is it could go.  I would say that the entire edifice of "white privilege," "white guilt," and "white fragility" is a mechanism that white elites have constructed to bar their racial inferiors the opportunity to move upwards.  It's about erecting a moral wall separating the elite from the hoi polloi. And more and more I'm beginning to think that it is done cynically. 

Occasional Reader 7/15/2020 11:11:25 AM

In #14 lucius septimius said: And more and more I'm beginning to think that it is done cynically. 


Get outta town!

doppelganglander 7/15/2020 11:30:11 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 14:

Middle-class and lower-middle-class people of all races have more common social and economic interests than any of them do with elite white people. As always, the true divide is class, not race.

Occasional Reader 7/15/2020 11:31:17 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 2:

The article is good, but I wish he would stop ascribing pure motives to Diangelo.

Occasional Reader 7/15/2020 11:31:55 AM

In #16 doppelganglander said: As always, the true divide is class, not race.

You’re not allowed to say that! Didn’t you read the book?!!

Occasional Reader 7/15/2020 11:33:54 AM

And on more or less the same subject: wow. Just, wow:

JCM 7/15/2020 11:37:50 AM
Biting my tongue.

Big discussion online in tech world about replacing Master and Slave systems.

It pisses me off, but I don't say anything.

I want to scream, YOU PRIVILEGED ASSHOLES! You are worried about somebody's FEELINGS regarding words regarding in inanimate systems.

When there are REAL SLAVES in AMERICA TODAY! Don't worry about what we call a set of computer chips until those 13 year old girls being bought and sold for sex are freed.

buzzsawmonkey 7/15/2020 11:43:44 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 19:

If it is "black" to reject all the "values" supposedly expressed there, why are blacks whining because their rejection results in their not gaining the benefit of adhering to those values?

JCM 7/15/2020 11:44:17 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 19:

So "Western" Culture is now "White" culture.

And whatever happened to all cultures are equal?

What is "wrong" with those attributes? Unless you are an entitled lazy brat who finds them offensive.

JCM 7/15/2020 11:56:45 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 21:

So Blacks in Africa before "white" men came into contact with them didn't work? Strive to be better etc....

doppelganglander 7/15/2020 11:59:55 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 19:

In a handy dandy infographic for people who can't or won't read complex material, because written text is white people stuff.

This has been around for decades. Jeremiah Wright said blacks need to disavow middle-classness - i.e. all the behaviors that lead to the comfort, independence, and security that being middle class once provided. The alternative,  frankly, is being treated like a child or a pet. But that's what elites want for all of us.

doppelganglander 7/15/2020 12:03:27 PM

Reply to JCM in 23:

There seems to be a lot of romanticization of the African world before contact with Europeans. As if different groups hadn't been warring and selling each other into slavery for millennia. 

JCM 7/15/2020 12:07:36 PM

Reply to doppelganglander in 25:

Same with Native Americans... in harmony with nature and each other... Rousseau's Noble Savage.

Never mind the war, slavery, cannibalism, tribal racism.....

doppelganglander 7/15/2020 12:14:00 PM

Reply to JCM in 26:

Always remember that Rousseau fathered 5 children with his mistress, whom he refused to marry for class reasons, and left them all in a Catholic orphanage where they are presumed to have died.

lucius septimius 7/15/2020 12:20:09 PM

In #16 doppelganglander said: , the true divide is class, not race.

It's telling that the so-called "Marxists" of the BLM  movement claim that arguing that class is more important than race makes you a white supremacist.

Occasional Reader 7/15/2020 12:29:13 PM

In #28 lucius septimius said: It's telling that the so-called "Marxists" of the BLM  movement claim that arguing that class is more important than race makes you a white supremacist.

Hell, saying that everyone's life matters makes you a 'white supremacist", right? 

vxbush 7/15/2020 12:54:56 PM

In #19 Occasional Reader said:

Oh, yeah. I've heard that one.

In #22 JCM said: So "Western" Culture is now "White" culture.

Exactly this. 

doppelganglander 7/15/2020 12:55:07 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 29:

A young white mom was shot dead for saying that. Although TBH, I think there's more to the story than the media has revealed. 

doppelganglander 7/15/2020 12:56:03 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 28:

Those "trained Marxists" don't know Marx very well, do they?

vxbush 7/15/2020 12:56:30 PM

In #20 JCM said: Don't worry about what we call a set of computer chips until those 13 year old girls being bought and sold for sex are freed.

Call me a cynic, but I'm thinking part of this is all posturing put in place now so that when Epsteins and Maxwell's compatriots are brought up on charges, they can get rid of the "sex slave" terminology because of racism. 

doppelganglander 7/15/2020 1:21:29 PM

Reply to vxbush in 33:

I don't think so. The "sex trafficking " terminology has been used for years. I prefer it because it emphasizes how girls (and sometimes boys) are shuttled around through a network of pedos and perverts. 

doppelganglander 7/15/2020 1:25:04 PM

Reply to doppelganglander in 34:

Incidentally, sex trafficking used to be called white slavery. It's more inclusive now, I guess.

vxbush 7/15/2020 2:05:44 PM

In #34 doppelganglander said: I don't think so. The "sex trafficking " terminology has been used for years. I prefer it because it emphasizes how girls (and sometimes boys) are shuttled around through a network of pedos and perverts. 

Considering how folks tried to bash all Republicans with every story of a woman being victimized (Believe all Women!), that was all great and good until Harvey Weinstein's past sins came up for discussion. So I would not be surprised if the Dem movers and shakers in the media do something similar. 

Occasional Reader 7/15/2020 2:28:45 PM

Meme of the day

buzzsawmonkey 7/15/2020 2:41:08 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 37:

My Grandfather's Glock

------apologies to Henry Clay Work and Erich Doll, and "My Grandfather's Clock" 

My grandfather's Glock was too large for the safe

So it sat ninety years on the shelf

He'd brandish it whenever some misguided waif

Would try to relieve him of his wealth

Since grandfather lived in an open-carry state

He'd leave home with it strapped to his side

But the pin jammed, never to fire again

When the old man died...

lucius septimius 7/15/2020 3:02:59 PM

Reply to doppelganglander in 35:

There is a seedy apartment complex on North Shallowford road that I drive by on the way to the Buford Farmer's Market that has been a locale for trafficking among what is euphemistically called the "Asian" community in Britain.

buzzsawmonkey 7/15/2020 3:05:09 PM

BLM and Antifa protest in a city
First come riots, then comes looting,
Then defunding police and the unchecked shooting

---recently-traditional schoolyard rhyme

buzzsawmonkey 7/15/2020 3:48:31 PM

My mask's not surgical
And I think wearing it is ridickle
Don't want to get sick-le
But wearing a face mask is ridickle
No, I don't want to die, 
I don't wanna fuss
I'm just not scared by the coronavi...

---Arlo Guthrie's "Motorcycle Song," rewritten

Occasional Reader 7/15/2020 4:04:53 PM

Hooray!  My new gas mask is here!

/things we get excited about it 2020

doppelganglander 7/15/2020 4:11:31 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 39:

I'm not surprised. Most of those girls are here illegally, which deters them from seeking help. Very sad.

doppelganglander 7/15/2020 4:25:35 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 42:

On a whim, I ordered a gluten-free beer brewing kit that arrived today. I still have to buy the equipment and accumulate 48 empty bottles. I've never really been a person who has hobbies, and I've wanted to get into something for a while, so the lockdown has encouraged me in that direction. 

lucius septimius 7/15/2020 4:33:18 PM

In #42 Occasional Reader said: My new gas mask is here!

Um ... why do you need a gas mask?

JCM 7/15/2020 4:51:57 PM

Reply to doppelganglander in 43:

Or runaways who get in over their and believe they can't go back... in some cases they can't.

The drug cartels have discovered if they get the girls hooked on drugs, then they are more controlable.

It is sick all around. And I'm sicker of people who focus on wrongs 160 years ago and ignore the murders and slavery going on today.

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