The Liberty Pub

The Liberty Pub

Posted on 09/11/2019 5.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 9/7/2019 5:55:36 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

doppelganglander 9/11/2019 5:13:11 PM
Good evening! The second phone interview I had on Monday has led to an in-person interview tomorrow! All prayers, positive thoughts, and sacrifices to pagan idols are much appreciated.
Kosh's Shadow 9/11/2019 7:52:26 PM

Students don't listen (or read)

FOUR times I warned a student that copying and pasting without giving a reference is plagiarism. Most students get it first time, and gladly post the reference to get back some of the penalty.

This idiot did not, and after 4 offenses, receives a 0 for discussion for the week and an academic violaton report

Kosh's Shadow 9/11/2019 7:56:06 PM

In #2 Kosh's Shadow said: This idiot did not

My daughter had one of those 

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