The Liberty Pub

The Liberty Pub

Posted on 09/20/2019 5.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 9/15/2019 1:52:50 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

Kosh's Shadow 9/20/2019 5:25:47 PM

Now playing music from our NAS (network attached storage, basically disk drives on the network) device on the living room entertainment system, via Roku. The storage box has a DLNA server on it that Roku can use to play.

DLNA - Digital Living Network Alliance. Some companies were smart. People want to buy music once and play it on all their devices, and this lets you do that.

The alternative would be illegal copying to all the devices.

And getting that started worked up a big


Syrah 9/20/2019 6:04:26 PM

I have a recollection that the D mocrats, via either the Obama admin or the Hillary campaign, asked Ukraine to investigate Trump for dirt.  

Does anyone have a link to any of the stories on this?

Kosh's Shadow 9/20/2019 6:18:58 PM

Reply to Syrah in 2:
I saw that too. At most, there is this:

Joe Biden, now a Democratic presidential candidate, has faced scrutiny for months over his past role pressuring the country to fire its top prosecutor while he was leading a corruption investigation into a natural gas company that had ties to Hunter. Giuliani has suggested that Biden, as VP, worked to protect the company from investigation.

(in this link)

So it was OK for Biden to pressure Ukraine, but not Trump.

If it weren't for double standards, the Dems would have no standards at all.

Syrah 9/20/2019 6:29:29 PM

Here is one.

Kosh's Shadow 9/20/2019 6:31:58 PM

Reply to Syrah in 4:

Please make sure the "open in new window" box is checked in the link dialog to get it to open in a new page.

Syrah 9/20/2019 6:34:21 PM

It wasn't so much the Clinton campaign, per se, but a Democratic operative working with the Democratic National Committee did reach out to the Ukrainian government in an attempt to get damaging information about the Trump campaign.

Syrah 9/20/2019 6:35:24 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 5:


I will look for that.

Kosh's Shadow 9/20/2019 6:38:17 PM

Reply to Syrah in 7:

It is a little different from C2, I know. Bare used one editor; I think this one is better (but it might not have existed when he set up C2)

Syrah 9/20/2019 6:42:48 PM
Does this do more to torpedo the Biden campaign than it would hurt Trump?
Kosh's Shadow 9/20/2019 6:52:30 PM

In #9 Syrah said: Does this do more to torpedo the Biden campaign than it would hurt Trump?

In a sane world, yes.

However, when the media is the PR department of the Democrats....

Trump will still win - and the media will spin their heads, the way a dog we have does when the rabbit he wants to catch runs right by him.

Syrah 9/20/2019 8:10:20 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 10:

the world hasn’t been sane sine the expulsion from the garden.

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