The Liberty Pub

The Liberty Pub

Posted on 08/02/2020 5.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 7/26/2020 5:15:59 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

buzzsawmonkey 8/2/2020 5:29:16 PM
It's Too Darn Hot.
Kosh's Shadow 8/2/2020 5:37:25 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 1:

This weekend was cooler than last weekend here.

buzzsawmonkey 8/2/2020 5:42:26 PM

In #2 Kosh's Shadow said: This weekend was cooler than last weekend here.

We're into our second week in the 90s, and it's getting a little old.

Kosh's Shadow 8/2/2020 5:54:50 PM

In #3 buzzsawmonkey said: We're into our second week in the 90s, and it's getting a little old.

We've had a few of those so far. Last weekend it was way too hot for me to trim the area of lawn that needed it, but I managed that today. Only low 80's at 6 PM, not 90

Tomorrow, back to the heat.

This is what I listen to when we take the dogs out in the mid-day hot summer weekends

buzzsawmonkey 8/2/2020 6:01:34 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 4:

Loved that song since I was a kid.

I am ever grateful for the old "Midnight Special" program on Chicago's WFMT radio for introducing me to it, and to so many other things.

Kosh's Shadow 8/2/2020 6:23:52 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 5:

There used to be a show on WCRB (Boston classical) WCRB Saturday Night, when the program director, Richard L. Kay, would play novelty songs and other stuff, including Monty Python (he claimed to be the first to play them in the US)

I do wish I ordered some of the giveaways, like a door hanging that said "Bach in a Fugue Minuets" and a sticker "Handel with Care"

Years later, I was doing some n-scale model railroading (still have some but haven't done anything for 20 years), and needed the kind of parts that accumulate after you have been doing it for a while. I commented on a Yahoo email group, and someone there sent me some. Then I noticed that was Richard L. Kay. I think that was what he was doing in retirement.

buzzsawmonkey 8/2/2020 6:38:15 PM

In #6 Kosh's Shadow said: Years later, I was doing some n-scale model railroading (still have some but haven't done anything for 20 years), and needed the kind of parts that accumulate after you have been doing it for a while. I commented on a Yahoo email group, and someone there sent me some. Then I noticed that was Richard L. Kay. I think that was what he was doing in retirement.

All those years, and he was still in training?

The old WFMT Midnight Special was an accumulation of, as they put it, of "folk music, farce, show tunes, satire, and sort of odds and ends." Started with Leadbelly singing "The Midnight Special," then continued on to stuff by Peter Cook & Dudley Moore, Nichols & May, Second City, tunes from various Broadway shows ("Cabaret," "She Loves Me," "Candide," etc.), Off-Broadway stuff like "The Fantasticks" and "The MAD Show," Phil Ochs, Seeger and the Weavers, some Bob Dylan, Tom Paxton, Buffy St. Marie, comedy by Bob Newhart and a whole lot of others (I wish I could find the "Great Square Inches in Art" routine they played), etc., etc. 

The show then signed off with Richard Dyer-Bennett singing "Lonesome Valley."

It was an education.

lucius septimius 8/2/2020 7:59:36 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 5:

I remember that show!

Occasional Reader 8/2/2020 8:10:29 PM
So I ordered a Covid home testing kit today, in preparation for visiting my parents next week. I guess it’s good as an added level of security before I see them.
lucius septimius 8/2/2020 8:22:35 PM
In the neighboring county people are freaking out because 3 employees -- it never said teachers -- tested positive.  They all worked in one school and the remaining 260 or so employees are quarantined because of exposure.  This in a system with over 23,000 teachers and God knows how many other employees -- I'd wager at least another 4,000.  So an infection rate of less than .01%.  But this is all Trump's fault apparently, and the governor, even though the decision to open schools Monday was made by the district superintendent and the county school board.  Other counties have delayed openings -- I guess they didn't get the orders from Drumpfhitler.

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