The Liberty Pub

The Liberty Pub

Posted on 09/01/2020 5.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 8/30/2020 3:49:24 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

Occasional Reader 9/1/2020 6:56:28 PM
I need a break from current events.
Kosh's Shadow 9/1/2020 7:19:15 PM

In #1 Occasional Reader said: I need a break from current events.

So do a lot of people. Hint - don't try sports; major sports are sticking political messages around now. And they'll wonder why people stop watching. Clue to the clueless - people turn to sports to get AWAY from current events.

Actually the owners probably know but are appeasing the players, until they find that the money isn't there because ratings tank, and advertisers aren't going to pay premiums for low ratings.

Kosh's Shadow 9/1/2020 7:21:32 PM
So let's look at sports in a simpler time
Occasional Reader 9/1/2020 7:47:05 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 2:

Being a sports spectator was never my thing anyway, so I’m not suffering personally from the current outbreak of woke virus in professional sports.

Kosh's Shadow 9/1/2020 7:49:24 PM

Joe Kennedy concedes to Ed Markey.  I was not able to vote for "none of the above", but will be able to vote for the Republican in the main election

The end of Camelot.(jukebox1)

Well, it is a silly place (jukebox2)

Kosh's Shadow 9/1/2020 7:50:32 PM

In #4 Occasional Reader said: Being a sports spectator was never my thing anyway, so I’m not suffering personally from the current outbreak of woke virus in professional sports.

Same here, except I found myself reading sports articles to get away from the news articles. Kind of pitied the sports writers writing about Korean baseball.

Kosh's Shadow 9/1/2020 8:16:57 PM

In #6 Kosh's Shadow said: Kind of pitied the sports writers writing about Korean baseball.

Kimchi is just not a replacement for hot dogs and peanuts

Kosh's Shadow 9/1/2020 8:29:09 PM

On the Republican side, Dr. Shiva lost. His campaign was destroyed by Shiva, the Hindu god of destruction.

And now, he'll have to mourn the end of his campaign by sitting shiva.

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