The Liberty Pub

The Liberty Pub

Posted on 10/07/2020 5.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 10/4/2020 4:34:31 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

Kosh's Shadow 10/7/2020 5:26:55 PM
Kosh's Shadow 10/7/2020 5:43:24 PM
Another jukebox
turn 10/7/2020 5:44:07 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 1:

Back at Ya

turn 10/7/2020 6:08:24 PM
The debate begins... with a Covid question. Imagine that.
buzzsawmonkey 10/7/2020 6:22:45 PM

In #4 turn said: The debate begins... with a Covid question. Imagine that.

The Virus
---apologies to Tom Jones and "Delilah"

The stock market was jumping and jobs were riding high
Angry Democrats vowed that, "To wreck this we must try"
This was our nation
So they colluded with China to put us in a bind

My, my, my---the virus
Why, why, why---the virus?
We could see that it was a scam, obviously
But WHO said that we should heed the Chinese
We tried the lockdowns and the masks and the social distance

Experts constantly contradicting themselves with equal insistance
While the Left was laughing
It's past time that the "experts" should all be ignored.

My, my, my---the virus
Why, why, why, the virus?
So before the economy goes through the floor
To hell with the virus, I just don't care any more

The Left stood there laughing
It's past time that the "experts" should all be ignored.

My, my, my---the virus
Why, why, why, the virus?
So before the economy goes through the floor
To hell with the virus, I just don't care any more
To hell with the virus, I just don't care any more

turn 10/7/2020 6:26:44 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 5:


Perfect ..

Kosh's Shadow 10/7/2020 6:32:50 PM
Kamala is talking about spending lots of money and supposedly socking the rich - and yet mentioned companies going offshore - JUST WHAT THEY WOULD DO WITH A TAX HIKE!
Kosh's Shadow 10/7/2020 6:33:36 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 7:

Pence is good - solid comeback

turn 10/7/2020 6:34:44 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 8:

I’m watching ... he’s holding his own

Kosh's Shadow 10/7/2020 6:36:25 PM

Joe Biden has been very clear about that -

Fracking? He was against it and then not against it.

Clear? As clear as a brick

Kosh's Shadow 10/7/2020 6:36:49 PM
The unnafordable care act
turn 10/7/2020 6:38:08 PM
Economic “surrender” to China, good come back Pence!
Kosh's Shadow 10/7/2020 6:42:31 PM
The moderator isn't completely in the Biden camp - pointed out the Biden website does support the green no deal!
Kosh's Shadow 10/7/2020 6:51:29 PM
Hey, Joe Biden isn't cheerleading for China - he wants Hunter Biden to get more money from them.
Kosh's Shadow 10/7/2020 6:56:30 PM

Betrayed our friends and embraced dictators? You mean like sucking up to Russia ("After the election, I can be more flexible") and the Iran nuclear deal where we embraced a dictator and betrayed our "friends" Saudi Arabia, and the other Gulf states?

Kamala Harris, you are either a two faced or an ignorant bitch. GO fuck yourself and go away. Move to some other country

Kosh's Shadow 10/7/2020 6:57:28 PM
disappointed with Pence not to point out the Iran deal WAS sucking up to our enemies and betraying our allies
Kosh's Shadow 10/7/2020 6:58:57 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 16:

He apparently read my mind, but too late

Kosh's Shadow 10/7/2020 7:00:35 PM

I am giving up on this. He DID NOT refer to our troops as losers. That was a made up quote.

McCain? A fucking palooka.

My blood pressure won't take more

Kosh's Shadow 10/7/2020 7:14:52 PM
So, US, do you want that bitch running the country?
Kosh's Shadow 10/7/2020 7:16:40 PM

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