The Liberty Pub

The Liberty Pub

Posted on 10/23/2020 5.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 10/18/2020 3:21:18 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

doppelganglander 10/23/2020 5:04:03 PM
Georgia's Own Dar'shun "Coyote" Kendrick made Tucker Carlson's monologue. 
lucius septimius 10/23/2020 5:11:28 PM

Reply to doppelganglander in 1:

She's really a special kind of awful.

doppelganglander 10/23/2020 5:23:03 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 2:

Ensuring she'll have a long and successful career in Democrat politics.

Alice in Dairyland 10/23/2020 5:33:53 PM

OC, sorry to hear about your fall.  Hope all is well.  When you are at your next doctor's appointment, remember to answer no when they ask if you've fallen lately.  They're probably going to ask you if you know who the president is too.  That's going to be a harder one to answer correctly, as no one will probably know the answer to that one for quite a while.

Buzz, somehow I missed your mishap.  Glad you weren't hurt more seriously.

What a drag it is getting old...

Kosh's Shadow 10/23/2020 5:45:55 PM

In #4 Alice in Dairyland said: if you know who the president is too. That's going to be a harder one to answer correctly, as no one will probably know the answer to that one for quite a while.

From 2000: (may not show up in Chrome, but could in Firefox)

Kosh's Shadow 10/23/2020 5:49:05 PM

In #5 Kosh's Shadow said: (may not show up in Chrome, but could in Firefox)

Yes, the image is not available over https, (secure), and the site that has it is not configured properly for https

So, with a little work, here it is:

@PBJ3 10/23/2020 5:53:43 PM

It showed up in my chrome.

Robomonkey is having trouble registering.  Last night this site apparently told him that his e-mail was already in use. He doesn't believe he has ever tried to register here before.

@PBJ3 10/23/2020 5:56:09 PM

Reply to @PBJ3 in 7: That message was for you, Kosh.  I completely forgot to say who I was replying to.

lucius septimius 10/23/2020 6:03:20 PM

Yesterday I was sending an email on my phone and (as it often does) it suggested a name.  Carl in Jerusalem.  I haven't talked to him in years -- I wonder if the email contact is still even valid.

Another person from the past I've been wondering about lately is ... and now I'm blanking .... German guy who married an Israeli ...

Alice in Dairyland 10/23/2020 6:06:26 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 5: History repeating itself?

lucius septimius 10/23/2020 6:07:55 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 9:


lucius septimius 10/23/2020 6:08:28 PM

Reply to Alice in Dairyland in 10:

Glitch in the Matrix

Kosh's Shadow 10/23/2020 6:09:17 PM

Reply to @PBJ3 in 7:

He's here as CyberSimian

I'll reset his password and send him the link and password reset token


Kosh's Shadow 10/23/2020 6:15:08 PM

In #10 Alice in Dairyland said: Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 5: History repeating itself?

This time, with more violence. The Democrats and the people behind them aren't going to take a loss. 

PaladinPhil 10/23/2020 6:15:45 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 11:

Friends with him on Facebook. Still kicking and doing the best he can. Still married and I believe a couple of kids.

@PBJ3 10/23/2020 6:15:58 PM

In #9 lucius septimius said:

The  guy from Germany was called Callahan something. I invited him to the blog a few nights ago but he didn't see my message.  Carl is around, I think he stays in touch with Little Old Lady.

@PBJ3 10/23/2020 6:18:10 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 13: 

Thanks so much.  I saw that name on the users list but didn't know who it was.  I did look at the e-mail but it didn't give me a clue.

turn 10/23/2020 6:19:27 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 6:

It shows up on the iPhone but blows the margins making each post difficult to read without turning the phone sideways and then scrolling back and forth. I have this problem with most photos that are posted as well. I just deal with it 😕

turn 10/23/2020 6:26:26 PM
Kosh, the pub photo always blows the margins on an iPhone, would it be possible to correct that problem by posting a photo that is resized somehow? I realize nobody else is experiencing this issue (I assume) so I’m not asking for special treatment, just curious what it would take to remedy that for iPhones if possible. Thanks in advance.
turn 10/23/2020 6:29:26 PM

In #11 lucius septimius said: Callahan.

That’s him! (I was racking my brain trying to remember his nic)

Occasional Reader 10/23/2020 6:30:00 PM

In #1 doppelganglander said: Dar'shun

... that "coyote"'s after you


If he catches you, you're through

That "coyote"'s sure really out of order

Grabbin' all those folks and draggin' 'em across the border

Poor little Dar'shun never bothered anyone (ha)

At her ignorant expense, we sure are havin' fun!

Fish 10/23/2020 6:30:24 PM
Evening everyone. Hope everyone is having a great Friday
Occasional Reader 10/23/2020 6:30:50 PM

In #4 Alice in Dairyland said: OC, sorry to hear about your fall.  Hope all is well. 

Thanks. My leg does seem to be steadily improving, so I am cautiously optimistic. I have a follow up appointment with an orthopedic guy on Tuesday.

Occasional Reader 10/23/2020 6:32:19 PM

In #16 @PBJ3 said: The  guy from Germany

IIRC, he is actually a German guy from Uruguay.

Kosh's Shadow 10/23/2020 6:33:24 PM

Reply to turn in 18:

Yes, that is a problem with posting images and viewing them on phones. If I made that smaller, it wouldn't be legible.

Alice in Dairyland 10/23/2020 6:36:20 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 23: I seem to think you are on the younger side of 50, so you'll heal fast.  I'm on the older side of 50; it's not the falling that hurts so much, it's the landing.

turn 10/23/2020 6:36:23 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 21:


She’s a real life cartoon character, the parody fits!

@PBJ3 10/23/2020 6:37:00 PM

Reply to Fish in 22:

Good evening Fish!  I had a pretty good day but I'm gimping around.  I had some thin soled shoes on and stepped on an acorn. It hurt but I didn't dream it would continue to hurt for a few days.  Crazy.

Alice in Dairyland 10/23/2020 6:38:00 PM

Reply to Alice in Dairyland in 26: Or as my husband says, "you don't bounce as good an more".

turn 10/23/2020 6:38:30 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 25:

Understood, thanks.

Kosh's Shadow 10/23/2020 6:39:11 PM

In #19 turn said: Kosh, the pub photo always blows the margins on an iPhone,

Shouldn't be different from morning threads. I set the size to about 480 horizontally when I set up threads

Alice in Dairyland 10/23/2020 6:39:15 PM

Reply to @PBJ3 in 28: Good G*d! What's happening around here?

@PBJ3 10/23/2020 6:40:33 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 24:

That's good to know.  I don't think he ever told me that.

Kosh's Shadow 10/23/2020 6:40:56 PM

In #28 @PBJ3 said: had some thin soled shoes on and stepped on an acorn. It hurt but I didn't dream it would continue to hurt for a few days.

Somewhere, a squirrel is laughing/

Occasional Reader 10/23/2020 6:44:47 PM

Good night, fellow kids.

@PBJ3 10/23/2020 6:53:12 PM

Reply to Alice in Dairyland in 32:

It's a little scary but my injury was nothing compared to Buzz and Or's.

@PBJ3 10/23/2020 6:54:15 PM

In #34 Kosh's Shadow said: Somewhere, a squirrel is laughing/

I'm sure, LOL.

@PBJ3 10/23/2020 6:55:01 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 35:

Good night and feel better soon.

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