The Liberty Pub

The Liberty Pub

Posted on 10/31/2020 5.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 10/25/2020 5:48:22 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

lucius septimius 10/31/2020 5:04:33 PM
I'm very excited about having power again.  It went out at 5:38 Thursday morning.  Came back on at 7:30 tonight.
turn 10/31/2020 5:11:48 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 1:

What an inconvenience! Even the PG&E power safety shut offs in Kalifornia don’t last that long. What happened?

lucius septimius 10/31/2020 5:15:18 PM

Reply to turn in 2:

Hurricane Zeta.

Comment error 475 4
@PBJ3 10/31/2020 5:20:49 PM

Hunt For Red October score

@PBJ3 10/31/2020 5:25:34 PM

In #1 lucius septimius said: I'm very excited about having power again.  It went out at 5:38 Thursday morning.  Came back on at 7:30 tonight.

What a drag that must have been.  I thought we would lose our electricity Monday morning but our house was fine.  We had wind gusts up to around 85 miles an hour until about ten or eleven AM.

turn 10/31/2020 5:27:10 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 3:

Ouch! Did you get flooding as well? 

turn 10/31/2020 5:30:22 PM

In #6 @PBJ3 said: We had wind gusts up to around 85 miles an hour until about ten or eleven AM.

We’re those the dry Santa Ana winds? Those are real dangerous should fires break out.

PaladinPhil 10/31/2020 5:31:26 PM
Evening folks. Halloween has been a partial bust. Only two kids showed up. The Squire went out as Mario and made out like a bandit. Now friends are over and they are watching Nightmare Before Christmas. Dinner was finger foods and other nibbly bits.
@PBJ3 10/31/2020 5:36:43 PM

In #8 turn said: We’re those the dry Santa Ana winds? Those are real dangerous should fires break out.

They were and we were on fire watch as well. I will be weeks cleaning our yard.  I do a little each day.  The winds blew ash and dust in from where the Bobcat fire first burned near the Mt. Wilson Observatory not to mention the small branches, etc., that came in here too. Our yard always gets the most debris...I think there is a vortex here. Thank goodness we didn't have another fire start.

@PBJ3 10/31/2020 5:43:12 PM

In #9 PaladinPhil said: Evening folks. Halloween has been a partial bust. Only two kids showed up. The Squire went out as Mario and made out like a bandit. Now friends are over and they are watching Nightmare Before Christmas. Dinner was finger foods and other nibbly bits. Reply

That's too bad.  They are encouraging us not to do the typical trick or treating and I didn't even decorate this year.  Normally we have a Frankenstein mold that is painted with reflective paint and lit by a black light...he's usually in the front window.  I also usually have tombstones and a casket on the lawn.  We usually get 15 younsters at the most even when we decorate.  I've turned off the porch light and will keep the living and dining room dark.  We used to throw huge Halloween parties the week before.  I believe we did it for about 39 years. Sad.

turn 10/31/2020 5:43:58 PM

In #10 @PBJ3 said: Thank goodness we didn't have another fire start.

Absolutely! That’s all we need, another damn fire. Sounds like a real mess to clean up after, little by little. Stay safe PBJ...

@PBJ3 10/31/2020 5:45:43 PM

Reply to PaladinPhil in 9:

I'm so glad the squire scored!

Kosh's Shadow 10/31/2020 5:46:24 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 1:

I think it was the storm 9 years ago,  also on Halloween, where we lost power for 4 days. People from India I worked with were wondering why it took so long.

Usually, outages here last 4 hours or less.

@PBJ3 10/31/2020 5:48:45 PM

In #12 turn said: Absolutely! That’s all we need, another damn fire. Sounds like a real mess to clean up after, little by little. Stay safe PBJ...

Thanks turn.  The dust is the worse part and most of the local gardeners just blow it into the air or on to other people's vehicles.  We've been warned not to dust off our vehicles but to rinse them off with the hose so the paint doesn't scratch.

Alice in Dairyland 10/31/2020 5:51:01 PM

In #9 PaladinPhil said: Only two kids showed up.

We had a whopping sixteen kids and two dogs.  I normally make about 100 little trick or treat bags up with a variety of candy in them and dog treats for the pets that come along, but this year I didn't know what to expect.  I bought six 10 packs of Hersey full sized candy bars and 40 little bags of Welch's fruit chews in case that wasn't enough.  I didn't want to have candy we didn't like for leftovers!  Hardly anybody in town even turned their porch lights on for the little trick or treaters, so I was really glad we went with the bigger bars.  Poor kids. This has to have been the most depressing Halloween ever.  Can't wait for Thanksgiving.

Alice in Dairyland 10/31/2020 5:53:00 PM
I guess it could have been worse.  At least we had electricity and no debris to clean up in the yard.
lucius septimius 10/31/2020 5:55:42 PM

Reply to turn in 7:

A fair amount of rain and some flash flooding in the mountains.

buzzsawmonkey 10/31/2020 5:58:19 PM

In #1 lucius septimius said: I'm very excited about having power again.  It went out at 5:38 Thursday morning.  Came back on at 7:30 tonight.

Power to the people!  Right on!

@PBJ3 10/31/2020 6:00:28 PM

In #16 Alice in Dairyland said: Can't wait for Thanksgiving.

I hear you.  You were sure sweet to get those big candy bars.

turn 10/31/2020 6:01:58 PM

In #9 PaladinPhil said: The Squire went out as Mario and made out like a bandit.

Good for the Squire! There will be no trick-or-treaters here because ... Newsom

@PBJ3 10/31/2020 6:03:16 PM
I about to heat up some dinner.  One of our Chinese places serves lunch until 3:30 so I went around three and put it in the refridgerator when I got home.  It will heat up nicely and will be enough for two meals. I'll be back in a bit.
@PBJ3 10/31/2020 6:30:18 PM

My dinner is great, it came with sweet and sour soup and an eggroll.  I saved the eggroll for tomorrow.

buzzsawmonkey 10/31/2020 6:44:38 PM

In #23 @PBJ3 said: I saved the eggroll for tomorrow.

Shouldn't you freeze it until Easter?

buzzsawmonkey 10/31/2020 6:45:54 PM
Erich Kastner, were he still alive, could write the story of Hunter Biden's laptop: "Email and the Detectives."
@PBJ3 10/31/2020 6:46:15 PM

In #24 buzzsawmonkey said: Shouldn't you freeze it until Easter?


Kosh's Shadow 10/31/2020 6:59:04 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 25:

All I remember about that story was that Emil could show the banknote was his due to a pinhole in the middle where the envelope was pinned to his jacket.

The flash drive Tucker Carlson got (after being lost) could have been pinned with malware.

I hope he had it checked and will compare it with an original copy.

I'm sure the FBI will be interested (in making sure whatever is on it doesn't get out)

@PBJ3 10/31/2020 8:04:04 PM
Someone south of us is having a big party complete with a live heavy metal band.  I thought I heard them say the party was for someone turning 16.
PaladinPhil 10/31/2020 8:04:34 PM
Can I offer anyone some finger food?
@PBJ3 10/31/2020 8:14:49 PM

In #29 PaladinPhil said: Can I offer anyone some finger food?

It looks delicious but I'll have salami, LOL.  What a quick and easy snack those fingers turned out to be.

One of my sister in laws used to bring a jello brain (she had a mold she purchased online).  She also brought kitty litter and everything, including the fake turds was edible.

@PBJ3 10/31/2020 8:18:06 PM

In #29 PaladinPhil said: Can I offer anyone some finger food?

Pardon me, do you have any Grey Poupon with that?

PaladinPhil 10/31/2020 8:18:46 PM

In #30 @PBJ3 said: It looks delicious but I'll have salami, LOL.

Got you covered!

@PBJ3 10/31/2020 8:22:55 PM

In #32 PaladinPhil said: Got you covered!

Yum!  I love that kind of cheese as well.  Thanks!

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