The Liberty Pub

The Liberty Pub

Posted on 03/24/2021 5.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 3/21/2021 3:04:32 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

PaladinPhil 3/24/2021 6:33:20 PM
So, the wife and I have a plan of action for tomorrow. First we make a list of people that need to be called. Next, I go and do things that need to be done in person (like pick up my mother's personal items from the hospital.) After that possibly a couple more drinks and then the big talk with the Squire. Going to try the direct approach tomorrow after school. Wife suggests that's the best way.
Occasional Reader 3/24/2021 6:35:31 PM
I think Phil and I could each use a stiff drink (for different reasons).  
PaladinPhil 3/24/2021 6:44:36 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 2:

I have had several already... Army buddy that's a neighbor showed up with beer in hand. Only reason he knew was because his wife looks after the Squire regularly. I had texted her that her services weren't required tomorrow. Very good friends and very close neighbors.

@PBJ3 3/24/2021 7:41:14 PM

Here are some ales for you two fellas.

@PBJ3 3/24/2021 7:43:42 PM

In #3 PaladinPhil said: I have had several already... Army buddy that's a neighbor showed up with beer in hand. Only reason he knew was because his wife looks after the Squire regularly. I had texted her that her services weren't required tomorrow. Very good friends and very close neighbors.

It's nice to have neighbors like that.

Kosh's Shadow 3/24/2021 8:44:54 PM

Phil, it is hard, but remember the good times. I went through this over 20 years ago with both parents. (They were married 13 years before I was born, so, while they did live long lives, I was younger than most when parents pass in their 80's)

Occasional Reader 3/24/2021 9:32:24 PM

In #4 @PBJ3 said: Here are some ales for you two fellas.

Thanks!  In Real Life,  those seem very hard to find at the moment.

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