The Liberty Pub

The Liberty Pub

Posted on 06/17/2021 5.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 6/13/2021 5:49:31 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

Kosh's Shadow 6/17/2021 5:12:53 PM

Probably more appropriate for the Pub than the daytime thread.

From the Babylon Bee

You thought the Twilight Zone was frightening?

The Woke Zone

Kosh's Shadow 6/17/2021 5:56:00 PM

Another Babylon Bee - school tells black students "you can't do this"

No wonder the NY Fake News Times is so bothered by them - the Bee is more accurate

JCM 6/17/2021 7:20:02 PM

HT a Bill Whittle video.

Idiocy. First, they say no fossil fuel cars after 2035. In the US we drive 3.2 trillion miles per year. Electric cars use ~0.3 kwh/mile. We'll need to build a 1 GW nuclear plant every three weeks starting tomorrow JUST for the extra electricity to charge the cards.

But it's much worse than that. That's just US sparky cars. To completely get the globe off of fossil fuels by 2050, we'd have to build two 2.1 GW nuclear plants EVERY SINGLE DAY FROM NOW TO 2050. The IEA is a sick joke. WE CAN'T GET THERE!!!

@PBJ3 6/17/2021 8:03:05 PM

Reply to JCM in 3:

A sick joke indeed.

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