The Liberty Pub

The Liberty Pub

Posted on 09/09/2021 5.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 9/9/2021 3:48:36 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

Kosh's Shadow 9/9/2021 5:30:13 PM
Where is everyone? Getting vaccinated as per Commissar Biden's orders?
Kosh's Shadow 9/9/2021 5:41:09 PM

I have a Dell laptop that started acting up a few weeks ago - copying large amounts of data to a NAS device would kill the wifi adapter. Had to disable and re-enable it. 

I pay for pro support. After checking diagnostics, no problems, but it could not install the software to re-install all the drivers. And the OS was messed up; dism would not work (that is a tool that restores errors in Windows files)

OK, so reinstall OS.

Problem still there.

They are sending me a new SSD with the OS preinstalled. I have replaced disks before; not a big deal to replace this one.

I am not sure it will fix the problem, though. Most likely it is a problem with the drive that is not detected in the diagnostics, but it could be something else, including a wifi adapter that is old. Funny, an older computer seems to have a newer adapter based on the model number.

At least I have several backups (two external hard drives, two external NAS devices, and data copied to other computers.

But I will say the pro support at Dell is actually competent, not like the consumer support - I had one that was failing diagnostics before booting (I'd run them manually). The first request was to reinstall Windows. Um, it never got to boot Windows. Turned out the heat sink had come loose from the CPU. Of course, my other computer (a Macbook) had to die while the Dell was being repaired. Off to Staples; got a good deal on an HP that lasted 3 years, for 1/3 the price of the Macbook, which also only lasted 3 years, but with multiple repair trips. The HP needed no repairs except during the third year the keys started falling off. Which is not too bad if you don't move the machine and can use an external keyboard.

JCM 9/9/2021 5:44:19 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 1:

    The Hill@thehillĀ·3h.

    @VP Kamala Harris:

    "The right of women to make decisions about their own bodies is not negotiable. The right of women to make decisions about their own     bodies is their decision, it is their body."

Okay let's talk about the mRNA

buzzsawmonkey 9/9/2021 5:57:36 PM

Reply to JCM in 3:

I'd make a joke about some things being "non-Negro-tiable," but it might be in poor taste.

Kosh's Shadow 9/9/2021 6:12:03 PM

Reply to JCM in 3:

Don't want to be vaccinated? Become a Christian Scientist, and use a religious exemption!

I find it interesting that the Mother Church of Christian Science is in Boston, also home to some great hospitals and medical research.

And I have met Christian Scientists who have some amazing stories of cures, but I am not of that faith.

JCM 9/9/2021 6:14:28 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 5:

That is going the way of the dodo, just like liberty.

All religious accommodations for Washington state troopers rejected, per Inslee
Kosh's Shadow 9/9/2021 6:19:31 PM

An interesting note on computer typesetting and Christian Science.

I read an article about the early days of computer typesetting, which used the "bible" of Christian Science, Science and Health, as an example.

There is a body of commentary that refers to page and line numbers in the original, so when it was to be reprinted, the line and page numbers had to match exactly, even as corrections were made to the text. Computer typesetting allowed very small changes to the font sizes so that the page and line numbers could remain unchanged. That would not have been possible with fixed size text.

Kosh's Shadow 9/9/2021 6:20:03 PM

In #6 JCM said: All religious accommodations for Washington state troopers rejected, per Inslee

I believe SCOTUS will have something to say about that.

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