The Liberty Pub

Friday Liberty Pub

Posted on 05/13/2022 5.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 5/13/2022 4:24:32 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

Alice in Dairyland 5/13/2022 5:30:56 PM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 37:

Correct, should have been "isn't".  Below is the first paragraph I was talking about.

"This is just another 'abstinence only' model that won't work. If babies are hungry, parents are going to feed them, guidelines be damned. The appropriate response then is for pediatric nutrition experts to publish safe recipes for emergency nutrition supplementation with explicit warnings to not deviate from the recipe with clear descriptions of the consequences that can result from doing so. If this is an emergency, treat it like one, with emergency stop-gap measures." 
Kosh's Shadow 5/13/2022 5:37:35 PM


Set up an order with Petco to pick up dog and bird food. Got there, and they had only one of the two bird food packages, but all the emails said it was supposed to be two. No, they said they only had one, and refused to give me anything that showed I only got one. Called Petco, got the refund, and left AFTER I got the email confirming it.

Will not do that again; I'll just get enough for free delivery. Won't go back to that store, either.


The bird food was in a petco bag so I only noticed there was one bag of food in it because I was familiar with the product and checked. Even the email saying I had picked it up said 2 bags. Complained online

Occasional Reader 5/13/2022 5:44:46 PM

It is refreshing to be here. At Instapundit, the Ukraine war seemingly is turning previously reasonable posters into gibbering lunatics.  It really is quite astonishing.

Alice in Dairyland 5/13/2022 5:47:55 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 2:

Has the cost of bird food gone really high by you?  A bag that used to cost $12 on sale is now $24 on sale.  I quit feeding for a while but the grossbeaks are here today looking for food, so I broke down and bought some.  The regular price is close to $30 for a 40# bag of black sunflower seeds here.

Kosh's Shadow 5/13/2022 5:58:16 PM

Then there are the recruiters who either are jerks or are being jerked around. All day one was supposed to be setting up a Teams interview. Finally said I could not wait beyond 6 PM. I doubt I'll have one scheduled Monday, either.

Never mind the incompetent recruiters who see a couple of key words on my resume and send me jobs that are too far from ones I have done. The ones I do meet, I never hear back. Some of those have to get citizens, but they probably already have a candidate.

There is a good fit at the Lab, but their time horizon might cause problems for me. I would have to know before the end of this month or things can get messed up.

Kosh's Shadow 5/13/2022 6:24:40 PM

Reply to Alice in Dairyland in 4:

The parakeet food I got was not that much more expensive than before. (We have a cockatiel but he prefers parakeet food). But human food - burgers cost what steaks used to cost.  

And gas was $4.49 when I went by tonight. Not that we use as much gas as we used to. I need to get some BIden "I Did That" stickers/

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