The Liberty Pub

The Liberty Pub

Posted on 10/21/2019 5.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 10/20/2019 8:34:14 AM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

PaladinPhil 10/21/2019 5:11:00 PM
Thirsty... Looks like the mari-times are sucking up to the government teat again. :/
PaladinPhil 10/21/2019 5:23:41 PM
Almost an hour till the polls close in Ontario and Quebec. That will be a tale of bloodshed.
Kosh's Shadow 10/21/2019 5:24:37 PM

In #1 PaladinPhil said: hirsty... Looks like the mari-times are sucking up to the government teat again. :/

There has to be a Newfie ]oke in there somewhere

On Newfies of another sort, there is a Newfoundland dog breed. Huge. Link

Years ago, we had a now long gone dog at obedience training. There were a pair of Newfies there called Yogi and Boo-boo

At the graduation, they had paper ties like Yogi and Boo-boo  - a long tie for Yogi, and a bow tie for Boo-boo

Newfies were bred to pull carts. Very hard to control on a leash. Pulling does not work.

doppelganglander 10/21/2019 5:58:36 PM

Reply to PaladinPhil in 2:

I hope it won't be like Seattle and other cities, where uncounted ballots mysteriously appear out of the trunk of someone's car.

PaladinPhil 10/21/2019 6:01:43 PM

Reply to doppelganglander in 4: While there is some rumoured fraud here, it's not as bad as Seattle or Chicago. Lot more checks and balances in verifying stuff. Mind you Election Canada said that there were over 100k election cards mailed out to people ineligible to vote (as in not citizens.). So who knows?

doppelganglander 10/21/2019 6:03:41 PM

Reply to PaladinPhil in 5:

Most Americans have an image of Canadians as incredibly nice and decent. I think that's largely true, but I wouldn't put anything past the far left.

Kosh's Shadow 10/21/2019 6:18:48 PM

In #6 doppelganglander said: Most Americans have an image of Canadians as incredibly nice and decent.

And we can talk Canadian, eh? Except for Montrealench., which isn't French either.
B~ Ille necessary, Cu Je me stay here

S~ Ahh! A Canadian 

doppelganglander 10/21/2019 6:27:55 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 7:

Are you high?

PaladinPhil 10/21/2019 6:30:06 PM
Okay, so a bright side. The Libranos have lost eight seats compared with the 2015 election. So much for "Sunny Ways".
Kosh's Shadow 10/21/2019 6:33:28 PM

In #8 doppelganglander said: Are you high?

I'm high on the real thing. Powerful gasoline, a clean windshield, and a shoeshine

(Where's OR? He'd get the Firesign Theatre references)

Kosh's Shadow 10/21/2019 6:38:02 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 10:
The Tale of the Giant Rat of Sumatra, FIresign Theatre, audio


S~ Humm I deduce that we are about to be entertained by an American ingenue from upstate New York

W~ How the deuce did you deduce that?

S~ The taps on her shoes Footman, they resound at a frequency produced by a unique alloy of aluminum magnesium manufactured in Chicago but shuffled off to Buffalo

W~ Uncanny inspiration Stones

S~ Yes and here is the last inspiration from this can (sniff sniff) Ho!!!!!

VD~ Oh! Mr. Hemlock Stones, I presume

S~ aren’t you the presumptuous one

VD~ Am I?

S~ Come in, but I would advise that you leave your man outside

VD~ But without Monsieur Benway, I should be lost

B~ Ille necessary, Cu Je me stay here

S~ Ahh! A Canadian

VD~ Mr. Stones, I’m in a desperate fix, I need your help

S~ I'm in desperate need of a fix myself, I’ll help you, Fatman take her purse

W~ Ah here

VD~ And my cloak doctor

S~ And her dress! (rip)

VD~ thank you, and my knickers!

S~ Oh and your muff!

VD~ Oh no! that’s my muff!

B~ Soccer blue

S~ Why without your clothes, your naked Miss Dudley, Miss Violet Dudley isn’t it?

VD~ How did you know my moniker?

S~ from the rather provocative initials on you knickers and this scandalous article in tomorrows Times! 

lucius septimius 10/21/2019 6:50:46 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 11:

"I'm not flat!"

Kosh's Shadow 10/21/2019 6:55:00 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 12:
I love the name of the smokeasy they go to-

It is a low dive with continuous entertainment.

The Moebius Dick! They wail all night!

Kosh's Shadow 10/21/2019 7:13:30 PM

"In Boston, protesters and police face off over proposed ban on masks

Unintentional pun of the day

revobob 10/21/2019 7:20:13 PM
(revo looks around at unfamiliar scenery, realizes that without hip boots he dare not attempt crossing the stream of consciousness apparently raging at full flood. Perhaps if I had my unhip boots...)
Kosh's Shadow 10/21/2019 7:22:50 PM

Reply to revobob in 15:
Just listen to the Firesign Theatre album I linked to. It is their punniest.

Kosh's Shadow 10/21/2019 7:37:27 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 16:
Listen, it ticks!

No, the dog has ticks!

Then we must flee!

Kosh's Shadow 10/21/2019 7:53:29 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 17:
That dynamo of detective energy has switched a new light on current events, sparking the positive hope that he's going to run the negative force to ground.

revobob 10/21/2019 8:16:59 PM

In #16 Kosh's Shadow said: Just listen to the Firesign Theatre album I linked to. It is their punniest.

I guess that I'll have to break down and listen to some of their stuff- so far I never have.

revobob 10/21/2019 8:17:52 PM
and I really need my beauty sleep. Y'all play nice!

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