The Liberty Pub

Superbowl Liberty Pub

Posted on 02/02/2020 3.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 2/2/2020 2:38:24 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

Kosh's Shadow 2/2/2020 3:29:57 PM
I don't even care who wins the Puppy Bowl this year
Kosh's Shadow 2/2/2020 3:30:55 PM
Obviously all the woke people are rooting for the 49-ers, as the Chiefs name is an insult to Native Americans.

buzzsawmonkey 2/2/2020 3:43:18 PM

"Was it the Cotton Bowl in which Brick made his famous run? Or was it the Orange Bowl?"

"It was the Punch Bowl, honey---the cut-glass Punch Bowl!"

---"Cat on a Hot Tin Roof"

buzzsawmonkey 2/2/2020 3:45:58 PM

In #2 Kosh's Shadow said: the Chiefs name is an insult to Native Americans

Re-name them "the Curries," to recall the old rhyme about ", lawyer, Indian chef."

lucius septimius 2/2/2020 3:52:53 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 3:

Love that.

doppelganglander 2/2/2020 3:55:23 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 1:

I can't watch the Puppy Bowl - I don't get Animal Planet on Hulu streaming. I has a sad.

Kosh's Shadow 2/2/2020 4:19:36 PM

Reply to doppelganglander in 6:

We only have Amazon Prime as a streaming service.

Fine for Deadliest Catch (which we have to buy, too, but is a lot cheaper than cable)

Who'll make his mark
The captain cried
To the crab gods give a toast
We'll flood the holds with crabs of gold
We'll catch the all in pots
I see your hunger for a fortune
Could be better served 'neath my flag
If you've the stomach for a herring head
Come aboard, my pretty boy!

Apologies to Emerson Lake and Palmer (original here)

buzzsawmonkey 2/2/2020 4:25:44 PM
Combining the football and the groundhog, we have "Doin' the Raccoon"
buzzsawmonkey 2/2/2020 4:31:01 PM
Another football song: "She Loves Me Just the Same"
PaladinPhil 2/2/2020 4:53:04 PM
God what a day/week/month/year. Had to pick up the Squire in Toronto. On the way back it started acting up and wouldn't accelerate to or above the speed limit. Have to work a night shift tonight and tomorrow night. Couldn't nap at all today and I am crankier than a bear with a sore tooth. Need to get the car to the mechanic and that means either before I pick the Squire up from school or before I go to bed. Either way, even less sleep for me. FML.
buzzsawmonkey 2/2/2020 5:21:56 PM

Mr. Touchdown

lucius septimius 2/2/2020 5:30:01 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 11:

A more genteel football song.

buzzsawmonkey 2/2/2020 5:36:30 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 12:

Football comes to the University of Chicago.

An early Second City routine about the attempt to restore football to the U of C in the '50s, after Robert Hutchins banned it in the late '30s.

Kosh's Shadow 2/2/2020 5:38:54 PM

In #13 buzzsawmonkey said: An early Second City routine about the attempt to restore football to the U of C in the '50s, after Robert Hutchins banned it in the late '30s.

My father was a carpenter at BU and took me to football games there. They no longer have a football program.

However, near the end of his life, we went to Nickerson Field to watch my daughter play lacrosse in a summer program.

Glad we got those times together near the end.

Kosh's Shadow 2/2/2020 5:40:49 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 12:

I guessed what that was before playing it

Kosh's Shadow 2/2/2020 5:41:30 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 15:

I still remember my high school football fight song even though I never went to a game.

buzzsawmonkey 2/2/2020 5:51:39 PM

Had Hutchins not banned football at the University of Chicago, where would Fermi have built the first atomic pile?

BTW, the Chicago team---when Chicago had a football team, pre-Hutchins---was nicknamed "the Monsters of the Midway," the Midway being a boulevard on the south side of the University, left over from the Columbian Exposition of 1893, and the source of the term "midway" for the sleazy attractions at carnivals, since it was where the sleazy carnie attractions of the Exposition were located. 

When the U of C abolished its football team, the professional football team of the Chicago Bears appropriated the nickname, even though they were never located anywhere near the Midway.

Occasional Reader 2/2/2020 5:52:37 PM
Kosh, turn (posting at Insty) asked me to ask you to e-mail him about this blog, saying “I lost my phone”.
buzzsawmonkey 2/2/2020 5:58:48 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 12:

Apparently, "Rinehart!" was a Harvard "battle-cry" in the early part of the 20th century.  It figures in interesting, but minor, John Barrymore film "The Great Man Votes."  The cry supposedly originated through students calling out to another student whose last name was Rinehart.

The term figures in the Count Basie/Jimmy Rushing song "Harvard Blues," and appears in Ralph Ellison's classic novel "Invisible Man," when the unnamed narrator dons a hat and a pair of sunglasses and is serially mistaken for a person named "Rinehart" who assumes many different roles---preacher, numbers runner, etc.  The title of "Harvard Blues" is itself ironic, since Harvard's color is crimson, and the color of Yale, Harvard's traditional rival, is blue.  Ellison was a friend of Rushing's, and took the name "Rinehart" for his novel from Rushing's vocal.

Kosh's Shadow 2/2/2020 6:02:59 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 18: .

Sent reset password instructions and code

Occasional Reader 2/2/2020 6:07:00 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 17:

Someone, somewhere really needs to pay you very good money to teach and early 20th century American history class.

turn 2/2/2020 6:11:18 PM
Help, I’m stuck in Wuhan province in a clandestine DNA fortune cookie factory!
buzzsawmonkey 2/2/2020 6:12:16 PM

Reply to turn in 22:

Turn!  Great to see you!

Occasional Reader 2/2/2020 6:14:23 PM

In #2 Kosh's Shadow said: Obviously all the woke people are rooting for the 49-ers, as the Chiefs name is an insult to Native Americans.

But the other team’s name derives from greedy white people who stole natural resources they properly belong to the indigenous Americans, etc. etc.

turn 2/2/2020 6:14:51 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 23: thanks buzz, needless to say I missed everyone. Doing great, not enough hours in the day.

Occasional Reader 2/2/2020 6:15:08 PM

Reply to turn in 22:

just pour yourself an ice cold Corona and relax.

Kosh's Shadow 2/2/2020 6:17:21 PM
Has the coronavirus been blamed on the joooos yet?
turn 2/2/2020 6:17:55 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 26:

Would that be with one ice cold pandemic, or two? lol

Kosh's Shadow 2/2/2020 6:19:45 PM

Reply to turn in 22:

So the reset password page actually works on the real server? It worked on my system but not there the first time.

turn 2/2/2020 6:20:06 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 27:

obama’s got his deep state moles working on that problem, as we speak

turn 2/2/2020 6:21:19 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 29: yes it did second try I forgot you locked down hard on Paw and it reject first try with no heads up why

turn 2/2/2020 6:21:37 PM
buzzsawmonkey 2/2/2020 6:23:41 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 21:

I blushingly accept the compliment, but frankly have no idea how I'd even begin to organize such a course.  My mind's a grab-bag of interconnections which I've picked up over the years, and things just come up in the course of conversation.

I mentioned some time last week that I'd just realized that, while it's well known that the title of Lorraine Hansberry's play "A Raisin in the Sun" comes from Langston Hughes' poetic lines "What happens to a dream deferred?/Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun?", Hughes was actually riffing/punning on a classic black folksong/spiritual "Racing with the Sun."  Making that earlier connection/finding that origin made my week; I get a kick out of stuff like that.  

When you don't have a TV, you make your own fun. 

Occasional Reader 2/2/2020 6:26:53 PM
So while I’m not a full on prepper, I think I’m reasonably well prepared if things got bad and we all have to simply shelter in place for a couple of weeks. But it occurs to me that my ex, my son’s mom, scuffs and all this stuff. Whatever water there might be under the bridge between us, I would not just be able to leave her to her fate (and of course that’s even if my son is with me when the zombie outbreak, etc. occurs). So I guess I have to buy two of everything. Sigh.
turn 2/2/2020 6:29:10 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 33:

move come to learn what you mean, I’ve basically been “unplugged” so to speak since I last posted. I must say, I needed it to help get my head together in life. So so much going on, and practically none of it done to make a buck. If this the way retirement feel if I can hang on until SS and Medicare kicks in now.

turn 2/2/2020 6:29:48 PM

Reply to turn in 35: I’ve come ... shit, I’m back folks!

Occasional Reader 2/2/2020 6:31:31 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 2:

In any event, we are still of course waiting for the most LGBTQ-friendly Super Bowl imaginable: the Oilers and the Packers.

/variation on a very old joke

turn 2/2/2020 6:31:58 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 34: Just make sure you don’t forget the loaded weapon and the rest is easy ... steal. Armed robbery works!

Occasional Reader 2/2/2020 6:32:29 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 34:


Occasional Reader 2/2/2020 6:33:18 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 39:

*scoffs AT. (sigh, Voice to text)

Occasional Reader 2/2/2020 6:35:55 PM

Say, has anybody heard from turn lately?

/nobody reads turn’s posts...

turn 2/2/2020 6:37:13 PM
Kosh's Shadow 2/2/2020 6:38:39 PM

In #31 turn said: locked down hard on Paw and it reject first try with no heads up why


turn 2/2/2020 6:39:05 PM
#%* , As:;5$&

Fore s35<>and 7👌sgo our fthrs 

oh f-it!

turn 2/2/2020 6:43:42 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 43: I meant, in my excitement, to tell you the password security was tight, and I forgot and used a password that didn’t comply yet there was no obvious “heads up” as to why it was unsuccessful with a non-compliant PW 

Kosh's Shadow 2/2/2020 6:47:01 PM

In #45 turn said: Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 43: I meant, in my excitement, to tell you the password security was tight, and I forgot and used a password that didn’t comply yet there was no obvious “heads up” as to why it was unsuccessful with a non-compliant PW 

As with most websites today, there probably was some small red text that said what the error was.

I use ASP.NET identity, as trying to make a secure logon system is a specialty, so I left it to the experts, meaning Bill Gates has all your information now.

turn 2/2/2020 6:48:53 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 46: lol Oh I obviously missed that, on iphone7 now all data.

lucius septimius 2/2/2020 6:51:33 PM

Reply to turn in 47:

Hey there stranger.

turn 2/2/2020 6:53:26 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 48: Hey man, how are you? I’m so glad most everybody appears to be still be here, well those of “us” distilled from the interwebs that is.

turn 2/2/2020 6:55:55 PM

Reply to turn in 49: hey LS, our historian, why isn’t it that this distillation hasn’t evaporated, wins ago. What’s the “glue” that binds is?

turn 2/2/2020 6:57:02 PM
Man typo city here, read between hopefully
turn 2/2/2020 7:13:16 PM
Looks like it’s in the bag for the Chiefs 
buzzsawmonkey 2/2/2020 7:19:12 PM

In #52 turn said: Looks like it’s in the bag for the Chiefs

The Zulu warrior/the Zulu Chief

doppelganglander 2/2/2020 7:20:40 PM

Reply to turn in 22:

Hey turn! Welcome home!

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