The Liberty Pub

The Liberty Pub

Posted on 02/04/2020 5.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 2/2/2020 3:26:30 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

buzzsawmonkey 2/4/2020 5:14:47 PM
The leaky Democratic boat says, "Iowa, caulk us!"
@PBJ3 2/4/2020 5:16:57 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 1:   Hah!!!

lucius septimius 2/4/2020 5:25:19 PM
A candidate we can all identify with.
buzzsawmonkey 2/4/2020 5:44:52 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 3:

I loved Paulsen's original campaign slogan: "We Cannot Stand Pat."

midwestkag 2/4/2020 5:49:20 PM

Keep America Great.  Hence, the new midwestkag!

Hi all.

Thanks for this new site, kosh.  And Buzz, for reminding me.

buzzsawmonkey 2/4/2020 5:51:31 PM

Reply to midwestkag in 5:
Great to see you back!

It's still a little slow sometimes, but turn came in a couple of days ago.

midwestkag 2/4/2020 5:53:40 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 6:

Turn!  It would be soooo good to see him again.

midwestkag 2/4/2020 6:01:57 PM

Reply to midwestkag in 5:

But you can call me gak.

Kosh's Shadow 2/4/2020 6:12:56 PM

Reply to midwestkag in 5:

I do have reset password working, but the password token expires after 24 hours

Occasional Reader 2/4/2020 6:15:30 PM
Hey gak!
@PBJ3 2/4/2020 6:15:38 PM

Reply to midwestkag in 5:  Hi Gak!!!!!!  It's so great to have you here.

@PBJ3 2/4/2020 6:24:41 PM
Someone on Twitter just remarked about the female democrats in their white suits by calling them "a sad sack lot of buffoonskis"! LOL
buzzsawmonkey 2/4/2020 6:38:34 PM
I know that better things are on their way...
buzzsawmonkey 2/4/2020 6:47:43 PM
What's with the white get-ups on the Dem-dames?
doppelganglander 2/4/2020 6:54:36 PM

Reply to midwestkag in 5:

I'm glad you're back!

Occasional Reader 2/4/2020 7:01:03 PM

In #14 buzzsawmonkey said: 14 What's with the white get-ups on the Dem-dames?

They did that last year, too. Something something suffragettes, I believe. Because as you know, under Trump women have been stripped of the vote, or something.

@PBJ3 2/4/2020 7:04:04 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 14:   
OR has got it right.  They look ridiculous.

doppelganglander 2/4/2020 7:04:20 PM

Tweet thread on the various characters behind the Iowa app debacle. Shadow is looking very shady.

Kosh's Shadow 2/4/2020 7:17:27 PM

In #18 doppelganglander said: 18 Tweet thread on the various characters behind the Iowa app debacle. Shadow is looking very shady.

Let's see - run by former Clinton staffers. Dems REFUSED DHS security checks of the software. I guess they wanted to be able to control the results; that is Putin the results they wanted.

i wouldn't be surprised if there is Russian collusion.

Or perhaps I'm Russian to judgement.

buzzsawmonkey 2/4/2020 7:19:20 PM
The Blanco Babes are sure keeping their seats, aren't they?
Syrah 2/4/2020 7:20:02 PM

I can’t believe it has come to this,but....

Better than Reagan.

Syrah 2/4/2020 7:20:58 PM
Syrah 2/4/2020 7:30:42 PM

Keep in mind that I didn’t want to vote for him, and only voted for him as a protest against that awful creature that the Democrats nominated,.....

Best President Ever!

doppelganglander 2/4/2020 7:38:05 PM

Reply to Syrah in 23:

I didn't vote for him. I can't wait to do it in November. 

Syrah 2/4/2020 7:42:34 PM

Reply to doppelganglander in 24:

i wonder how many people are like us, originally not all that keen on the guy, but would crawl over broken glass to vote for him in 2020.

Kosh's Shadow 2/4/2020 7:43:02 PM

In #23 Syrah said: only voted for him as a protest against that awful creature that the Democrats nominated,.....

All this about women not liking Trump or going against their gender - my wife told me to vote for Trump (not that she had to) because she said Hillary is evil.

Syrah 2/4/2020 7:43:25 PM

Grammar question.

should I have used a period or a question mark in #25?

Syrah 2/4/2020 7:47:06 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 26:

Something is clearly not right with HRC  I am surprised that so many on the left were able to vote FOR her. I understand those that voted for her as a protest and even just because she had a D after her name, but the ones that voted FOR her are concerning  

Syrah 2/4/2020 7:49:43 PM

It appears that Nancy Pelosi ripped Trump’s speech in half behind him as he wrapped up.

Syrah 2/4/2020 7:54:56 PM

Pelosi ripping The speech:

JCM 2/4/2020 8:06:06 PM
Trumps closing.
Trump's closing, had me saying, "He GETS America" the core of the American experiment and experience.
Kosh's Shadow 2/4/2020 8:17:03 PM

In #31 JCM said: Trump's closing, had me saying, "He GETS America" the core of the American experiment and experience.

And the Dems think we can make Venezuela work. Can we send them there?

midwestkag 2/4/2020 8:31:05 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 9:

Please send it to, not the one used here  to register. When you can, and thanks.

midwestkag 2/4/2020 8:37:40 PM

In #31 JCM said: Trump's closing, had me saying, "He GETS America" 

And many of us now, if not before, know his ability to lead America, 'the land that we love . . .'

doppelganglander 2/4/2020 8:42:11 PM

Reply to Syrah in 25:

Lots of people, I'm sure. I see similar statements on Twitter every day. Think of all the people who aren't on Twitter and aren't obsessed with politics.

Also, the period at the end of the sentence is correct.

midwestkag 2/4/2020 8:47:57 PM

Reply to doppelganglander in 35:
Hiya {dopps}!

midwestkag 2/4/2020 8:55:26 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 10: There's OR!  Good to see you here too.

Kosh's Shadow 2/4/2020 8:56:57 PM

Reply to midwestkag in 33:

Tomorrow, probably

midwestkag 2/4/2020 8:57:12 PM

Reply to @PBJ3 in 11: PBJ, my friend!!!!!

midwestkag 2/4/2020 8:58:14 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 38: That will be perfect timing.

midwestkag 2/4/2020 8:59:40 PM

Until tomorrow . . .

Nite all.


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