The Liberty Pub

The Liberty Pub

Posted on 02/29/2020 5.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 2/23/2020 12:48:32 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

Kosh's Shadow 2/29/2020 6:12:45 PM

So Biden won the Senile Carolina primary and gave a speech.

I wonder what office he claims to have won?/

BTW, I have a 45 record that has a parody of news coverage of a 1956 campaign.

The winner's speech includes:

I've been accused of pork-barrel politics
But I brought home the bacon
I've had all kinds of tripe slung at me that was called calf livers
But I have nailed my opponents to the steak
You'll never get a bum steer from me
Not as long as I am president...

Of the United Federation of Butchers

Kosh's Shadow 2/29/2020 6:16:08 PM

In #1 Kosh's Shadow said: have a 45 record that has a parody of news coverage of a 1956 campaign.

It was covered by reporters such as Edward R. Tomorrow and Walter Sickness 

And had the results predicted by a Looneyvac computer

Occasional Reader 2/29/2020 6:37:22 PM
So, I trust you have all heard by now of the coronavirus “hoax” hoax?
buzzsawmonkey 2/29/2020 6:41:50 PM

In #2 Kosh's Shadow said: It was covered by reporters such as Edward R. Tomorrow and Walter Sickness 

I had no idea that anyone made that connection that long ago: "Cronkite" is an Anglicization of the German/Yiddish Krankheit, which does indeed mean "sickness."

Meanwhile, I still think "Walter Windchill" would be a great name for a TV weatherman.

Kosh's Shadow 2/29/2020 6:42:52 PM

In #3 Occasional Reader said: So, I trust you have all heard by now of the coronavirus “hoax” hoax?


Myths about coronavirus

Occasional Reader 2/29/2020 6:55:19 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 5:

And damned if I didn’t hear exactly this lie being repeated on NPR just this morning. I knew right away it was bullshit.

Syrah 2/29/2020 7:06:24 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 3:

it will I’ll never stop. 

buzzsawmonkey 2/29/2020 7:09:20 PM

In #6 Occasional Reader said: And damned if I didn’t hear exactly this lie being repeated on NPR just this morning. I knew right away it was bullshit.

As I've said, the reason to listen to NPR is to get tomorrow's Leftist talking points today, and because they brag on NPR about things they deny in general discourse.

Syrah 2/29/2020 7:59:46 PM

Reply to Syrah in 7:

should have been

it will never stop. 

i hate autocorrect. 

Syrah 2/29/2020 8:10:36 PM

Today was Caucus day in WA. 

I would like to say it was more heavily attended in my county than past Caucus, but that would be a wild exaggeration.

on the upside, my precinct was better represented than it had been in the past. 

Too many other precincts were unrepresented.

i have some ideas about how that can be improved. 

Our “vote” primary concludes on March 10. 

I expect Trump to do well. 

I also expect Bernie to do well on the wrong side. Western WA is a Bernie kind of place  he is the only candidate that has house signs in people’s yards  

Syrah 2/29/2020 8:11:18 PM

...and I now have a red Trump hat. 


Syrah 2/29/2020 9:00:46 PM

Between the Corona Virus and the Bernie delegate plurality, I don’t know which disaster will throw the country into more turmoil. 

Buying more chocolate. Lots of chocolate, and brandy, and bullets, and...

Syrah 2/29/2020 9:03:52 PM

Just as aguess at this point, I would say that the Bernie Brigade has California, Oregon and Washington locked up.  The delegate count for California is massive. I think Bernie might have the jump on New York as well. 

When the DNC denies the nomination to Bernie, they could find themselves facing a 1968 Convention repeat. 

fun times?

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