The Liberty Pub

The Liberty Pub

Posted on 03/26/2020 5.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 3/22/2020 12:02:10 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

JCM 3/26/2020 5:04:19 PM
Beer for Social Distancing

lucius septimius 3/26/2020 5:10:55 PM

Reply to JCM in 1:

Looks tasty.

lucius septimius 3/26/2020 5:12:05 PM
Kosh's Shadow 3/26/2020 5:38:41 PM

doppelganglander 3/26/2020 5:58:50 PM
Grocery store report: Not as bad as last week. The produce section looked normal. Very little beef, limited amounts of pork and chicken. Literally one bag of rice on the shelves (basmati) and not much pasta, either. I didn't even look at the toilet paper aisle. The only things I couldn't get were coconut milk and steel-cut oats. I bought more milk, orange juice, and half & half than I normally would. I also bought all the GF beer I could (four six-packs) because it's hard to find. 
Occasional Reader 3/26/2020 6:30:47 PM

In #5 doppelganglander said: coconut milk

Just sit right back, and you’ll hear a tale....

doppelganglander 3/26/2020 6:54:05 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 6:

Actually, I wanted to make chicken adobo, not a telephone.

buzzsawmonkey 3/26/2020 6:56:44 PM

In #7 doppelganglander said: chicken adobo

I never heard about the Little Pig who made a mud house out of chicken...

Kosh's Shadow 3/26/2020 7:02:21 PM

I had to drive somewhere yesterday and had to avoid a turkey who crossed the road twice.

No one knows why the big chicken crossed the road twice.

But in Casablanca, Inspector Renault (named after a car) crossed Major Strasser (Strasse is street in German)

Occasional Reader 3/26/2020 7:35:33 PM

Reply to doppelganglander in 7:

Not to be confused with “Gilgamesh’s Island”.

Just sit right back, and you’ll hear a tale

A tale of a king of Uruk

Who oppressed his folks, but turned out okay

In the world’s oldest book

doppelganglander 3/26/2020 7:50:24 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 10:

Very good!

There was Gilgamesh

Enkidu too...

Utnapishtim and his wife...

/that's all I've got.

Occasional Reader 3/26/2020 8:21:50 PM
Good night.

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