The Liberty Pub

The Liberty Pub

Posted on 04/04/2020 5.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 3/29/2020 1:22:45 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

Syrah 4/4/2020 5:07:27 PM
Time to go back to work. 
Syrah 4/4/2020 5:07:54 PM

Reply to Syrah in 1:

after this beer.

lucius septimius 4/4/2020 5:43:53 PM

What makes the world go around?

Kosh's Shadow 4/4/2020 5:56:24 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 3:

That makes the rocking world go round.

But as Monty Python says, this is what makes the world go round

Kosh's Shadow 4/4/2020 6:00:07 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 4:

A different take on the same topic but it agrees with what makes the world go round

buzzsawmonkey 4/4/2020 8:48:23 PM
Back before "social distancing."
Occasional Reader 4/4/2020 8:51:49 PM
Personally I’d be delighted if we could engage in socialist distancing; moving the American polity far away from the likes of comrade Bernie.

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