The Liberty Pub

The Liberty Pub

Posted on 07/09/2020 5.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 7/5/2020 1:56:46 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

lucius septimius 7/9/2020 5:01:21 PM
lucius septimius 7/9/2020 5:02:20 PM
Soon to be cancelled jukebox I'm sure.
doppelganglander 7/9/2020 5:03:33 PM
Tucker has been must-see TV lately. Tonight he introduced clips from Biden's most recent venture outside the basement with lyrics from "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds."
Kosh's Shadow 7/9/2020 5:07:42 PM

Reply to doppelganglander in 3:

I wonder who's building the audio-animatronic Biden for the debates?

doppelganglander 7/9/2020 5:07:55 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 2:

White fragile toxic masculinity fetishizing and objectifying Asian female-identifying bodies!

/what do I win?

doppelganglander 7/9/2020 5:10:19 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 4:

They're doing everything they can to prevent debates - the talking points have already started appearing in the left-wing media a/k/a MSM. If that fails, they'll have to rely on feeding him lines through an earpiece. It will be completely obvious to any viewer what's happening.

Kosh's Shadow 7/9/2020 5:16:28 PM

In #6 doppelganglander said: they'll have to rely on feeding him lines through an earpiece. It will be completely obvious to any viewer what's happening.

Especially when he taps his ear and says "Eh?"

I am waiting for him to say how he used to wear an onion on his belt because it was the style at the time.

Kosh's Shadow 7/9/2020 5:20:38 PM

Lots of stuff blowing up in Iran

Explosions were reported west of Tehran on Thursday night, with some initial reports claiming that the explosions occurred at a missile depot belonging to the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC).

According to the Iranian Mehr News Agency, the explosions were reported by social media users west of Tehran and in the cities of Garmdareh and Quds.

Power outages were reported in the area after the explosions were heard, according to initial reports.

This has been going on for over a week. 5th or 6th explosion since June 26

3/4 of the centrifuge assembly building at Nantaz blew up and burned. The entire building and equipment will have to be replaced, and the equipment is rather specialized. That will set back their centrifuge production, and thus their nuclear program, years.

buzzsawmonkey 7/9/2020 5:24:03 PM
It's Too Darn Hot.
buzzsawmonkey 7/9/2020 5:26:08 PM

Did I mention that we had a BLM march through my neighborhood last week, with the crowd chanting "Kill the Jews?"

BLM and every single one of its virtue-signaling supporters should die in a fire.  Slowly.

Kosh's Shadow 7/9/2020 5:30:19 PM

In #10 buzzsawmonkey said: Did I mention that we had a BLM march through my neighborhood last week, with the crowd chanting "Kill the Jews?"

I had wondered if they were in your neighborhood.

If that happened to me, I'd call the police. But you have Mayor DeBatshit who obviously does not like Jews. 

Of course, where I live, there wouldn't be a march because the town is too small. And where I work, I doubt they'd try. 

Boston has been saved from the worst of this, too.

But I seriously wonder if the US will be safe for Jews in 5-10 years - even leftist Jews. 

Kosh's Shadow 7/9/2020 5:31:07 PM

In #10 buzzsawmonkey said: BLM and every single one of its virtue-signaling supporters should die in a fire.  Slowly.

I self-deleted a different "solution"

buzzsawmonkey 7/9/2020 5:32:04 PM

In #11 Kosh's Shadow said: If that happened to me, I'd call the police. But you have Mayor DeBatshit who obviously does not like Jews. 

They had a police escort fore and aft, according to my neighbor who saw it.  The march itself was about two blocks long, went from Bay Ridge (lots of Muslims there now) to the Barclay Center on Flatbush Avenue.

Kosh's Shadow 7/9/2020 5:33:05 PM

In #11 Kosh's Shadow said: But you have Mayor DeBatshit who obviously does not like Jews. 

City Tweet Features Palestinian Flag, Omits Israeli One

A tweet on Wednesday by the New York City government encouraging participation in the 2020 US Census prompted a fierce backlash over the fact it included an emoji of a Palestinian flag while omitting an Israeli one.

Kosh's Shadow 7/9/2020 5:34:15 PM

In #13 buzzsawmonkey said: They had a police escort fore and aft, according to my neighbor who saw it.  The march itself was about two blocks long, went from Bay Ridge (lots of Muslims there now) to the Barclay Center on Flatbush Avenue.

And NY has done nothing about the rash of assaults on Jews a few months ago.

Get out before it turns into a bad 1970's movie

Occasional Reader 7/9/2020 6:16:54 PM

In #10 buzzsawmonkey said: Did I mention that we had a BLM march through my neighborhood last week, with the crowd chanting "Kill the Jews?"

Was this recorded?  Send it to Tucker.  Seriously.

Kosh's Shadow 7/9/2020 6:29:13 PM

Is the ‘Black Lives Matter’ Platform Antisemitic?

Short answer, yes. By a well-known liberal. OK, Dershowitz, who may be the last liberal actually capable of thinking.

Criticizing Israel for its imperfections is not only fair, it is desirable. But only when it is based on a single standard of comparison with other nations of the world. Condemning the nation state of the Jewish people alone, in a world with far greater offenders, cannot be justified by any moral principle. It is antisemitic, pure and simple. And the Black Lives Matter platform is guilty of the serious sin and crime of antisemitism.

Unless Black Lives Matter explicitly rescinds its antisemitic platform, the organization should not receive the support of decent people. That would be a tragedy because Black Lives Matter does so much good. But throughout history organizations that did good also promoted racism, antisemitism, homophobia and other forms of bigotry. Their good deeds do not excuse or justify their bad ones.

buzzsawmonkey 7/9/2020 6:31:48 PM

In #16 Occasional Reader said: Was this recorded?  Send it to Tucker.  Seriously.

I'll have to look for it; I heard about it from my one-block-away neighbor, who got caught up in it.  

You had one in DC last week, too---there was a BLM march chanting "Hey, Israel, we know you---Jews kill children too!" in Washington around the same time.

Occasional Reader 7/9/2020 6:37:04 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 18:

If they were literally chanting “Kill the Jews”, video/audio needs to be found and publicized, stat.

They can’t pass that off as being “we’re only anti-Zionist”.

buzzsawmonkey 7/9/2020 6:41:45 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 19:

I'll have to look.  Might find it by tomorrow.

lucius septimius 7/9/2020 6:46:30 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 17:

Given that they're the opposing political direction of the Forward, shouldn't they be called Tzurik?

lucius septimius 7/9/2020 6:47:21 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 19:

"Anti-Zionist" just means that there are 6 million Jews they wouldn't mind seeing killed right now.

Occasional Reader 7/9/2020 7:13:41 PM

Titania McGrath provides a lengthy, if not necessarily complete list of everything that is now considered racist:

JCM 7/9/2020 7:21:34 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 17:

First thing BLM leadership did after forming was meet with Hamas.

Kosh's Shadow 7/9/2020 7:28:53 PM

In #13 buzzsawmonkey said: They had a police escort fore and aft, according to my neighbor who saw it.  The march itself was about two blocks long, went from Bay Ridge (lots of Muslims there now) to the Barclay Center on Flatbush Avenue.

A police escort for "Kill the Jews"? I suggest a Federal civil rights investigation. 

Kosh's Shadow 7/9/2020 7:32:36 PM

In #24 JCM said: First thing BLM leadership did after forming was meet with Hamas.

I posted something a few days ago about how the Muslims still enslave blacks and consider them inferior. Self-hating blacks.

JCM 7/9/2020 7:33:59 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 23:

My favorite... The white supremacist roots of biological sex.

mmmm okay.....

Kosh's Shadow 7/9/2020 7:48:06 PM

$1000 a night for singing?

I can get a phonograph record of Minnie the Moocher for 75 cents.

For a buck and a quarter you can get Minnie

---Marx Brothers, A Night at the Opera


Occasional Reader 7/9/2020 7:48:33 PM

In #24 JCM said: First thing BLM leadership did after forming was meet with Hamas.

Good grief.  I hadn't heard that (not that I doubt it).  Source?

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